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发文标题: 专业会计师条例
发文文号: 1972年第267号法律公告
发文部门: 香港
发文时间: 1973-1-1
实施时间: 1973-1-1
法规类型: 行业管理
所属行业: 社会服务业--会计师事务所等中介机构
所属区域: 香港
阅读人次: 3996
评论人次: 0
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  第50章 详题
  [1973年1月1日] 1972年第267号法律公告
  第50章 第1条 简称
  第50章 第2条 释义
  “已废除的第24(2)条”(repealed section 24(2)) 指由《2004年专业会计师(修订)条例》(2004年第23号)废除的本条例第24(2)条; (由2004年第23号第3条增补)
  “公会”(Institute) 指由第3条成立为法团的香港会计师公会(Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants); (由2004年第23号第3条增补)
  “有关日期”(relevant day) 指《2004年专业会计师(修订)条例》(2004年第23号)根据该条例第1(2)条开始实施*的日期; (由2004年第23号第3条增补)
  “委任理事”(appointed member) 指行政长官根据第10(2)(e)条委任的理事会理事; (由2004年第23号第3条增补)
  “事务所名称”(firm name),就独自执业的执业会计师而言,如其用以执业的名称或称号并非其根据第22(2)条注册而没作任何增补的本身姓名,则指其用以执业的名称或称号;而就以合伙方式执业的执业会计师而言,则指该合伙用以执业的名称或称号; (由1994年第96号第2条增补。由2004年第23号第3条修订)
  **“指定日期”(appointed day) 指财经事务及库务局局长根据《2004年专业会计师(修订)条例》(2004年第23号)第1(3)条指定的日期; (由2004年第23号第3条增补)
  “纪律小组”(Disciplinary Panels) 指根据第33(1)条设立的纪律小组A及纪律小组B,而“纪律小组A”及“纪律小组B”须据此解释; (由2004年第23号第3条代替)
  “纪律委员会”(Disciplinary Committee) 指根据第33(3)条成立的纪律委员会; (由1994年第96号第2条代替)
  “纪律委员会召集人”(Disciplinary Committee Convenor) 指根据第33(1)(a)条委任的纪律委员会召集人; (由2004年第23号第3条增补)
  “理事会”(Council) 指根据第10条设立的公会理事会;
  “副会长”(Vice-President) 指根据第4条当选的公会副会长以及任何署理副会长职位的人;
  “执业法团”(corporate practice) 指当其时根据第28E条注册的公司; (由1995年第85号第2条增补)
  “执业单位”(practice unit) 指─
  (a) 依据本条例从事会计执业的执业会计师事务所; (由2004年第23号第3条代替)
  (b) 依据本条例独自从事会计执业的执业会计师;或 (由1992年第14号第2条增补。由1995年第85号第2条修订;由2004年第23号第3条修订)
  (c) 执业法团; (由1995年第85号第2条增补)“执业会计师”(certified public accountant (practising)) 指持有执业证书的会计师; (由2004年第23号第3条增补)
  “执业审核”(practice review),就执业单位而言,指第32B(1)(b)条敍明的审查或审核; (由1992年第14号第2条增补)
  “执业审核委员会”(Practice Review Committee) 指根据第32A条设立的委员会; (由1992年第14号第2条增补)
  “执业证书”(practising certificate) 指根据第30条发出的有效执业证书;
  “专业会计师”(professional accountant) 指在有关日期前注册为专业会计师的人; (由2004年第23号第3条代替)
  “专业标准”(professional standards) 指根据第18A条发出或指明,或当作根据第18A条发出或指明的任何─
  (a) 专业道德守则;或
  (b) 会计、核数及核证执业准则; (由1992年第14号第2条增补。由2004年第23号第3条修订)“专业弥偿保险”(professional indemnity insurance) 包括弥偿会计师、执业会计师事务所或执业法团就补偿某第三者须负的法律责任的保险,该第三者因该会计师、事务所或执业法团违反专业责任,或因该会计师、事务所或执业法团的专业疏忽(包括该执业法团任何董事的专业疏忽)或欺诈行为或不诚实而曾蒙受经济损失或任何其他损害或伤害; (由1995年第85号第2条增补。由2004年第23号第3条修订)
  “注册主任”(Registrar) 指根据第21条委任的注册主任;
  “注册地址”(registered address) 指会计师任何根据第22(2)条载入注册纪录册内的地址; (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  “注册纪录册”(register) 指根据第22条备存的会计师注册纪录册; (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  “注册核数师”(public accountant) 指在有关日期前凭借已废除的第24(2)条注册为专业会计师的人; (由2004年第23号第3条代替)
  “注册办事处”(registered office) 指第31条所提述的注册办事处;
  “业外人士” (lay person) 指下列人士以外的人─
  (a) 会计师;或
  (b) 属于国际会计师联会成员的会计团体的会员; (由2004年第23号第3条增补)“会长”(President) 指根据第4条当选的公会会长以及任何署理会长职位的人;
  “会计师”(certified public accountant) 指凭借第22条注册为会计师的人; (由2004年第23号第3条增补)
  “当选理事”(elected member) 指根据第10(2)(c)条当选的理事会理事;
  “调查小组”(Investigation Panels) 指根据第42B(1)条设立的调查小组A及调查小组B,而“调查小组A”及“调查小组B”须据此解释; (由2004年第23号第3条代替)
  “调查委员会”(Investigation Committee) 指根据第42C条委出的委员会; (由1994年第96号第2条增补)
  “调查委员会召集人”(Investigation Committee Convenor) 指根据第42B(1)(a)条委任的调查委员会召集人; (由2004年第23号第3条增补)
  “审核人员”(reviewer) 指由理事会根据第32B(1)(d)条委任或聘用的任何人; (由1992年第14号第2条增补)
  “增选理事”(co-opted member) 指根据第10(4)条增选的理事会理事。 (由1994年第96号第2条增补)
  ** 指定日期:2004年11月26日。
  * 实施日期:2004年9月8日。
  第50章 第3条 公会成立为法团
  根据第22条注册为会计师的人─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 是一个永久延续的法人团体;
  (b) 在有关日期前名为香港会计师公会(Hong Kong Society of Accountants)及自有关日期起名为香港会计师公会(Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants);及 (由2004年第23号第5条代替)
  (c) 能以该名称起诉和被起诉,并在符合本条例的规定下,能以该名称作出和容受一个法人团体可合法作出和容受的一切其他作为。
  第50章 第4条 会长及副会长的委任
  (1) 公会须有一名会长及2名副会长,由理事会从当选理事中选出。
  (2) 会长及副会长的任期由获选当日起直至下一届周年大会结束时止,除非他们─
  (a) 向注册主任递交书面通知而辞职;或
  (b) 凭借第15(1)条当作已停任其理事会理事的职位。 (由1977年第22号第2条代替;由2004年第23号第6条修订)(3) 如会长的职位出现临时空缺,则理事会须从副会长中选出一人署理会长的职位。
  (4) 如任何一名副会长的职位出现临时空缺,则理事会可选出一名当选理事填补该空缺。
  (5) 就本条及第11条而言,一名人士暂时不在香港或暂时未能处理理事会的事务,即当作出现临时空缺。
  (6) 尽管第(1)款另有规定,如只有一名当选理事获提名竞选填补会长职位的空缺,则在填补该空缺的理事会会议结束时,该名当选理事须当作已经当选而无须就提名表决。
  (7) 尽管第(1)款另有规定,如有不多于2名当选理事获提名填补副会长职位的空缺,则在填补该等空缺的理事会会议结束时,该名或该2名当选理事须当作已经当选而无须就提名表决。 (由1994年第96号第3条增补)
  第50章 第5条 公会的办事处
  第50章 第6条 正式印章和印章的认证及以印章签立的文书
  (1) 公会须备有并可使用法团印章,而使用该法团印章盖印须得注册主任签署认证。
  (2) 任何看来是以公会印章签立的文书即须收取为证据,并须当作为如此签立的文书,除非相反证明成立。
  第50章 第7条 公会的宗旨
  (a) 备存会计师、执业会计师事务所及执业法团的注册纪录册; (由1995年第85号第3条修订;由2004年第23号第7及54条修订)
  (b) 规管会计师专业的执业;
  (c) 举办考试,并以所需的其他方式行事,以确定某些人士是否合资格获列入注册纪录册内;
  (d) 鼓励会计师及学生研究会计学,并按不时指明的条款及条件,发给证明书、助学金、奖学金及奖赏;
  (e) 维持图书馆及阅读室,供会计师及学生使用;
  (f) 设立和协助设立与协助支持拟使会计师或其受养人受惠的组织、基金、信托及计划,并向任何会计师或其受养人发出退休金及津贴;
  (g) 反映同业的意见,保持和维持同业行事持正并保持和维持同业的声誉和地位; (由2004年第23号第7条修订)
  (h) 遏止会计师作不名誉的行为及手法,并为此目的而就(a)段所提述的会计师、事务所及执业法团的行为进行研讯; (由1995年第85号第3条修订;由2004年第23号第7及54条修订)
  (i) 安排为会计师专业内的争议作出调解; (由1995年第85号第3条修订)
  (j) 在影响会计师专业的专业利益的任何事宜上,采取公会认为需要的行动; (由1995年第85号第3条修订)
  (k) 进行附带于或有助于达致上述宗旨的一切其他事情。
  第50章 第8条 公会订立附例的权力
  (1) 公会可就以下事项订立附例,但须经行政长官会同行政会议批准─ (由1999年第31号第3条修订)
  (a) 规管专业会计师在香港的会计执业;
  (b) (由1977年第22号第3条废除)
  (c) 规管公会及理事会的会议;
  (d) 管限学生的注册、训练及教育; (由1977年第22号第3条修订)
  (e) 管限学生的纪律;
  (f) 赋权予理事会订立规则,以订明公会的考试、参加考试应付的费用和举办考试所附带的一切事宜,包括就考试而可批准的豁免及特许; (由1977年第22号第3条修订)
  (g) 规管主考人的聘用条件;
  (h) 规管核数师的委任;
  (i) 就公会法团印章的使用及保管订定条文;
  (j) 就公会资金的保管、投资及开支,以及公会财产的管理订定条文;
  (k) (由1985年第14号第2条废除)
  (l) 指明会计师的称衔以及会计师称衔的英文缩写; (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (la) 就接纳公会联系会员订定条文,并指明联系会员的称衔及可采用的联系会员称衔的英文缩写; (由2004年第23号第8条增补)
  (m) (由1977年第22号第3条废除)
  (n) 规管理事会当选理事的提名及选举;
  (o) 赋予理事会理事及公会的雇员和核数师就其在执行本条例而所作的事情被提起诉讼时,向公会取得弥偿的权利;
  (oa) 就根据或依据本条例以电子形式提供及保存资料、发出任何通知及通讯、推选任何人、表决任何事宜以及任何人作出签署而订定条文及作出规管; (由2004年第23号第8条增补)
  (p) 就本条例须予或可予订明的事情作出订明;
  (q) 概括而言,为更有效施行本条例的目的和贯彻公会的宗旨。(2) 公会所订立的任何附例的一份文本须在该等附例订立后,在切实可行的范围内尽快由会长妥为核证,并由其送交行政长官会同行政会议批准。 (由1981年第137号法律公告修订;由1999年第31号第3条修订)
  (3) 根据第(1)款订立的附例,只可在为订立该等附例而召开的公会大会上,由亲自或委派代表出席并表决的会计师的三分之二大多数订立。大会通知书及拟在大会上提出的该等附例须在大会订定举行的日期起计不少于21日前,送交每名会计师。但任何会计师没有收到该通知书,并不使该大会的议事程序失效。 (由1977年第22号第3条修订;由2004年第23号第8及54条修订)
  (4) (由2000年第32号第48条废除)
  第50章 第9条 大会
  (1) 公会的第一届周年大会须在本条例的生效日期后9个月内举行。
  (2) 公会的周年大会须于每一公历年最少举行一次,并须在上一届周年大会举行后不超过15个月内举行。
  (3) 并非周年大会的公会大会,须按附例的规定举行。
  (4) 任何会计师均可在公会的任何会议上,动议与本条例的目的及条文没有抵触的任何决议,但不可就依据第18B、26、27、28A、30、32B、32C、32D、32E、32F、34、35、36、39、42C、42D、42E或42F条所赋予的权力而作的任何作为动议任何决议。 (由2004年第23号第9及54条修订)
  第50章 第10条 理事会的设立及组成
  (1) 现设立香港会计师公会理事会。
  (2) 除第(4)款另有规定外,理事会须由以下理事组成─ (由2004年第23号第10条修订)
  (a) 财政司司长或获其委任为其代表的人; (由1997年第362号法律公告修订)
  (b) 库务署署长或获其委任为其代表的人; (由1977年第16号法律公告修订)
  (c) 14名在公会的周年大会上当选的会计师(须不属在紧接有关日期前凭借已废除的第24(2)条而有权注册为专业会计师的人),而各名人士在大会当日均须通常居于香港,并且在选举时,该等会计师当中─ (由1995年第85号第4条修订;由2004年第23号第10条修订)
  (i) 须有不少于6名是全职执业为执业会计师的会计师; (由2004年第23号第10条代替)
  (ii) 须有不少于6名并非全职执业为执业会计师的会计师; (由2004年第23号第10条代替)(d) 上一任的公会会长,而除非他亦是当选理事,否则须由他停任会长之时起直至来届周年大会结束为止的期间,担任理事会的理事;及 (由2004年第23号第10条增补)
  (e) 4名由行政长官委任的业外人士。 (由2004年第23号第10条增补)(2A) 就第(2)(c)款而言,会计师─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 在以下情况下,须视作全职执业为执业会计师─
  (i) 持有执业证书;
  (ii) 在正常办公时间内,自由地可将实质上全部的时间专用于提供执业会计师的服务;及
  (iii) 该会计师没有与雇主(该雇主并不是一名执业会计师或一家执业会计师事务所或一个执业法团)订立雇用合约,亦没有与上述雇主之间存续雇用合约,而根据该合约,其本人受约束在正常办公时间内,将其全部或实质上全部的时间专用于其受雇的工作上;及 (由2004年第23号第54条修订)(b) 如持有执业证书,则不得仅以其受雇于一名执业会计师,或受雇于一家执业会计师事务所或一个执业法团而不视作全职执业为执业会计师。而正常办公时间指香港银行一般开放营业的时间。 (由1994年第96号第4条增补)
  (3) 委任理事的任期不得超过2年,但有资格获再度委任,而每一任期不得超过2年。 (由2004年第23号第10条代替)
  (4) 除第(2)款指明的理事外,理事会尚可于周年大会后举行的首次理事会会议上,或于其后在切实可行的范围内,尽快增选不多于2名会计师为理事会理事,而该2人在当时须通常居于香港。 (由1994年第96号第4条增补。由1995年第85号第4条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (5) 除就第29A条而言属适用外,该条第(5)(b)款就本条而言亦属适用。 (由1995年第85号第4条增补)
  第50章 第11条 填补理事会的空缺
  (1) 如根据第4(3)或(4)条出现临时空缺,或有空缺根据第15(1)条当作产生,如属增选理事的空缺,则理事会可委任会计师填补,又如属当选理事的空缺,则理事会可委任属第10(2)(c)条第(i)或(ii)节所提述的类别(视空缺所需而定)的会计师填补。 (由1994年第96号第5条修订)
  (2) 根据第(1)款委任以填补─
  (a) 第4(3)或(4)条所指的临时空缺的会计师,其任期为其获委任替代的理事本可出任的任期,或直至该理事恢复出任在理事会的职位为止,两者以较早者为准;或
  (b) 第15(1)条所指的空缺的会计师,其任期为其获委任替代的理事本可出任的任期。
  第50章 第12条 当选理事的强制卸任
  (1) 除第(1A)款及第13(2)条另有规定外,紧接每届公会周年大会结束前,7名自最近一次当选后任职最长的当选理事须卸任。 (由1994年第96号第6条修订;由2004年第23号第12条修订)
  (1A) 除第13(2)条另有规定外,在紧接指定日期后的首两届公会周年大会结束前─
  (a) 在上述的首届周年大会上,6名自最近一次当选后在任时间最长的当选理事须卸任;及
  (b) 在上述的第二届周年大会上,6名自最近一次当选后在任时间最长的当选理事和一名以抽签方式从余下8名当选理事中选出的理事须卸任。 (由2004年第23号第12条增补)(2) (由1994年第96号第6条废除)
  (3) 每名按照本条卸任的当选理事有资格再度获选。
  (4) 增选理事的任期至紧接下届周年大会结束前为止,并有资格再获增选或(属在紧接有关日期前凭借已废除的第24(2)条而有权注册为专业会计师的人除外)获选为理事会理事。 (由1994年第96号第6条增补。由2004年第23号第12条修订)
  第50章 第13条 选举会计师为当选理事的程序
  (1) 如在公会周年大会上,获提名为理事会选举候选人的会计师人数─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 不超过当选理事的空缺数目,则候选人自紧接须填补空缺的周年大会结束前起,即须当作已当选加入理事会;
  (b) 超过当选理事的空缺数目,则选举须以投票决定,而如此当选的候选人自紧接该周年大会结束前起,即任职为当选理事;或
  (c) 少于当选理事的空缺数目,则行政长官可委任会计师,以填补在该周年大会结束时仍未填补的理事会当选理事空缺。(2) 行政长官根据第(1)(c)款委任的会计师的任期至下届周年大会为止。
  第50章 第14条 如理事会没有填补空缺,则行政长官可委任会计师加入理事会
  第50章 第15条 理事会理事停任职位
  (1) 任何当选理事或增选理事如有以下情况,即须当作已停任其理事会理事职位─ (由1994年第96号第7条修订;由2004年第23号第13条修订)
  (a) 向注册主任递交书面通知而辞职;
  (b) 虽已获通知出席理事会会议,但仍在未经会长准许下连续3次缺席,并由理事会议决将其职位悬空;
  (c) 破产或与其债权人作出债务偿还安排或达成债务重整协议;
  (d) 不再通常居于香港;
  (e) 其姓名已根据第27(1)(a)条或第35(1)(a)条从注册纪录册中删除;或 (由1997年第80号第102条修订;由2004年第23号第13条修订)
  (f) 如属当选理事,则该理事不再属于其先前根据第10(2)(c)条第(i)或(ii)节成为理事的类别,又如属增选理事,则该理事不再是会计师; (由1994年第96号第7条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  但如属该类别的当选理事余下人数不少于6名,则本段不适用。 (由2004年第23号第13条修订)(2) 第(1)(a)、(b)、(c)、(d)及(e)款适用于依据第10(2)(d)条成为理事会理事的上一任公会会长,但前提是在他于该等情况下停任职位后不会出现任何空缺。 (由2004年第23号第13条增补)
  (3) 任何委任理事如有以下情况,即当作已停任其理事会理事职位─
  (a) 破产或与其债权人作出债务偿还安排或达成债务重整协议;或
  (b) 不再通常居于香港。 (由2004年第23号第13条增补)
  第50章 第16条 帐目
  (1) 理事会须备存公会一切交易的妥善帐目,并须就每一财政年度拟备公会的帐目报表,报表中须有由会长签署的收支帐及资产负债表。
  (2) 公会须在大会上委任核数师,该核数师有权随时取用公会的所有帐簿、凭单及其他财政纪录,并有权就该等帐簿、凭单及财政纪录要求取得其认为适当的资料及解释。
  (3) 核数师须尽快审计根据第(1)款拟备的报表,并须就该报表向所有会计师作出报告。 (由1994年第96号第8条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (4) 一份经签署和审计的帐目报表的副本连同根据第(3)款作出的核数师报告,须呈交予紧随该帐目报表及报告所关乎的财政年度终结后举行的公会周年大会批准。 (由2004年第23号第14条代替)
  (4A) 财务报表撮要须与周年大会通知书一并送交每名会计师。 (由2004年第23号第14条增补)
  (4B) 会计师可于所有合理时间在公会办事处查阅一份经签署和审计的帐目报表的副本,公会须应申请而免费向会计师提供一份经签署和审计的帐目报表的副本。 (由2004年第23号第14条增补)
  (5) 核数师有权出席其已作出报告的帐目报表须呈予批准的公会周年大会,核数师并有权就该等帐目作出其意欲作出的陈述或解释。
  (6) 理事会须决定公会的帐目须涵盖的期间,而该期间可多于或少于12个月。
  (7) 在本条中,“财政年度”(financial year) 指理事会根据第(6)款决定为公会的帐目须涵盖的期间,而“财务报表撮要”(summary of financial statements) 指规定须于公会周年大会上呈交的获理事会批准的公会经审计的帐目报表撮要。 (由2004年第23号第14条修订)
  第50章 第17条 理事会的一般权力
  第50章 第18条 理事会的特定权力
  (1) 在不减损第17(1)条所赋权力的概括性的原则下,理事会可─
  (a) 作出为更有效贯彻公会宗旨而需要的任何事情;
  (aa) 订定注册费用及其他费用; (由1977年第22号第4条增补)
  (b) 委任理事会认为需要的雇员及代理人;
  (c) 委任公会的银行;
  (d) 购买、承租或交换、租用或以其他方式获得任何动产或不动产和建造任何建筑物;
  (e) 售卖、出租、按揭、处置或以其他方式处理公会的任何动产或不动产;
  (f) 将公会的款项投资;
  (g) 以抵押或其他方式借入款项;
  (h) 与香港以外的地方的同类团体或同业成员交换资料,并与该等团体安排会计师资格的交互承认; (由1999年第31号第3条修订)
  (i) 在香港或其他地方设立和维持公会的分会,并将公会的权力、责任及职能转授予该等分会; (由1998年第23号第2条修订)
  (j) 提起任何法律程序,或进行公会或其高级人员所提出或针对公会或其高级人员或关乎公会事务的任何法律程序,或在任何该等法律程序中提出抗辩,或了结或放弃任何该等法律程序,并就任何到期的债项,或任何公会所提出的申索或要求,或针对公会的申索或要求,作出了结或放宽支付或清偿的时限;
  (k) 将公会所提出或针对公会的任何申索或要求提交仲裁,并遵从因该仲裁而作出的任何裁决;
  (l) 就须向公会缴付的款项以及就公会所提出的申索及要求制备与发出收据、责任免除书及其他责任解除文件;
  (m) 委出委员会就理事会权力的行使向理事会提供协助或意见,并按理事会就转授权力而不时作出的决定,将理事会的权力转授予该等委员会;及
  (n) 出版期刊、册子或其他书面材料、与制作或赞助制作纪录影片或其他视听材料,并在收费或不收费下以售卖、租借或理事会认为适当的其他方式将其分发。(2) 除公会的附例另有规定外,根据第(l)(m)款委出的委员会可包括并非会计师的人。 (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  第50章 第18A条 理事会指明专业标准的权力
  (1) 理事会可就会计执业发出或指明规定任何会计师须遵守、维持或以其他方式应用的─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 任何专业道德守则;或
  (b) 任何会计、核数及核证执业准则。(2) 由理事会发出或指明,并紧接在本条施行前已经生效的─
  (a) 任何专业道德守则;或
  (b) 任何会计、核数及核证执业准则,均须当作是根据第(1)款发出或指明的。
  第50章 第18B条 理事会发出指示的权力
  (1) 理事会可就其任何职能或职责的执行或其任何权力的行使,向会计师一般地或向任何一名或多于一名会计师发出指示─
  (a) 要求一名会计师向公会出示或提供与任何会计师或事务所名称的注册或发出执业证书有关连的任何文件或资料;
  (b) 于一名会计师管有、保管或控制的任何注册证书所关乎的注册终止或执业证书被取消或不再有效时,要求该会计师向公会交付该注册证书或执业证书;
  (c) 要求一名会计师就理事会觉得与会计师身分不相称的行为操守,或可能影响公会或会计行业的声誉、行事持正和地位的行为操守,或可能属第34(1)(a)(iii)至(xii)条范围内的行为操守向公会解释该会计师的任何作为或不作为。(2) 就第34(1)(a)(ix)条而言,根据本条发出的指示属由理事会合法地发出的指示。
  (3) 理事会可订明款额不超过$50000的罚款,在会计师没有遵从向他发出的指示的情况下征收,但除非会计师承认没有遵从指示并同意该罚款,否则不得向他征收罚款,而如上所述征收的罚款可作为一项民事债项由公会向该会计师追讨。
  (4) 第(1)、(2)及(3)款在作出必要的变通后,犹如适用于会计师般适用于执业会计师事务所及执业法团。
  第50章 第19条 理事会可接受批给、馈赠等
  第50章 第20条 理事会理事开支的补还
  第50章 第21条 注册主任的委任及给予公司注册处处长的通知
  (1) 理事会须以其认为适当的条款及条件委任一名注册主任。
  (1A) 如注册主任的职位出现空缺,或注册主任患病或暂时不在香港,则理事会可委任另一人署理注册主任的职位,直至该空缺获得填补或注册主任复职为止(视属何情况而定)。 (由1994年第96号第9条增补)
  (2) 注册主任须担任公会及理事会的秘书,并须在会长的指示下,召开公会或理事会的任何会议。
  (3) 理事会须将注册主任的委任或根据第(1A)款所作出的任何委任,向公司注册处处长登记。 (由1993年第8号第4条修订;由1994年第96号第9条修订)
  第50章 第22条 会计师注册纪录册
  (1) 注册主任须为施行本条例而备存注册纪录册,并须负责将其保管。 (由1995年第85号第5条代替)
  (1A) 注册纪录册须分为以下2部─
  (a) 第I部须载有以下事项─
  (i) 在紧接本款的生效日期前已组成注册纪录册的所有记载事项及其他详情或事宜;及
  (ii) 依据第(2)款或第28C条须载入注册纪录册内的任何详情;及(b) 第II部须载有第28D(8)(a)或28E(1)条规定须载入该部的详情。 (由1995年第85号第5条增补)(1B) 在符合第(1A)款的规定下,注册纪录册的格式须为理事会所指明者。 (由1995年第85号第5条增补)
  (1C) 注册纪录册可藉以下方式备存─
  (a) 以文件形式;或
  (b) 并非以文件形式记录第(1A)款所规定的资料,但如此记录的该等资料须能以可阅形式重现。 (由2004年第23号第17条增补)(2) 在根据第26(1)条作出给申请人注册的命令后,注册主任须将须予注册的人的以下详情载入注册纪录册内─
  (a) 其姓名或名称;
  (b) 其住址及任何营业地址,或如申请人持有执业证书,其住址及第31条所指的注册办事处; (由1995年第85号第5条修订)
  (c) 其获注册所凭借的资格;及
  (d) 理事会指示载入的其他详情。(3) 为使任何公众人士能确定与他有往来的人是否一位会计师、执业会计师、执业会计师事务所或执业法团,以及为确定该人注册的详情,注册纪录册或(如注册纪录册并非以文件形式备存的)以可阅形式重现的注册纪录册的资料或其有关部分须于所有合理时间提供予公众免费查阅。 (由2004年第23号第17条代替)
  (4) 在紧接有关日期前注册为专业会计师的人,须当作注册为会计师。 (由2004年第23号第17条增补)
  第50章 第23条 注册证书
  第50章 第24条 注册为会计师的资格
  (1) 任何人如就以下事项提出证明令理事会信纳,则合资格根据本条例注册为会计师─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 年满21岁;
  (b) 品格良好,而且是成为会计师的适当的人; (由1977年第22号第5条修订;由1994年第96号第10条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (c) 下列任何一种情况适用─
  (i) 属公会的注册学生,并已通过理事会订明的会计学及其他科目考试;
  (ii) 属某会计团体的声誉良好的会员,而该团体与公会之间订有一项正在实施的相互或交互承认协议,该人并符合该协议规定的关于上述承认的所有条件;
  (iii) 属某会计团体的声誉良好的会员,而该团体的会员─
  (A) 获理事会依据第(1A)款全面豁免而不受第(i)节的所有规定所规限;或
  (B) 获理事会依据第(1A)款局部豁免而不受第(i)节的某些规定所规限,该人并符合其他所有不获豁免的该节的规定;(iv) 该人在有关日期前的任何时间注册为专业会计师;及 (由2004年第23号第18条代替)(d) 已符合理事会就有关实际经验所订明的规定。 (由1994年第96号第10条增补)(1A)获理事会三分之二理事通过决议承认为与公会相若水平的会计团体,其会员可获理事会豁免而不受第(1)(c)(i)款的全部或部分规定所规限,包括获豁免而不受注册成为公会学生的规定所规限: (由2004年第23号第18条修订)
  (a) 除非有关的人令理事会信纳他已通过该会计团体的考试,而该等考试的水平为理事会认为相当于获豁免的考试的水平,否则他不得就根据第(1)(c)(i)款订明的考试而获豁免;及 (由2004年第23号第18条代替)
  (b) 理事会可藉三分之二理事通过的决议,取消对该会计团体的承认。 (由1994年第96号第10条增补)(2) (由2004年第23号第18条废除)
  第50章 第25条 申请注册
  (1) 任何人须以理事会指明的格式,向理事会申请根据本条例注册为会计师,并须在提交其申请时,一并缴交理事会订定的注册费。 (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (2) 申请人如获理事会指示须亲身到理事会席前,则申请人须如此出席。
  第50章 第26条 接受或拒绝注册
  (1) 理事会可命令批准或拒绝任何注册申请。
  (2) 如理事会根据第(1)款命令拒绝申请,则─
  (a) 拒绝申请的命令须随即由注册主任送达申请人,并须面交送达或以邮递方式送达申请书上所示的地址,而该命令须说明拒绝的理由;及 (由2004年第23号第19条修订)
  (b) 须将连同注册申请一并缴交的注册费退回申请人。
  第50章 第27条 将某些人从注册纪录册中删除
  (1) 理事会须在以下情况下,命令将姓名或名称从注册纪录册中删除─
  (a) 如该姓名属会计师的,而该会计师─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (i) 退出公会;
  (ii) 去世;
  (iii) 是因错误而获得注册的,或是由于任何有误导性、虚假或有欺诈成分的口头或书面陈述、声明或申述而获得注册的;
  (iv) 没有根据第28条将其注册续期;(b) 如该名称属执业法团的,而─
  (i) 该执业法团不再符合该注册所需的资格;
  (ii) 该执业法团是因错误而获得注册的,或是由于任何有误导性、虚假或有欺诈成分的口头或书面陈述、声明或申述而获得注册的;
  (iii) 该执业法团没有根据第28E条将其注册续期;
  (iv) 就该执业法团已有破产管理人委出,或该执业法团正作清盘。 (由1995年第85号第6条代替)(2) 会计师的姓名或名称不得根据第(1)(a)(iv)款从注册纪录册中删除─ (由1995年第85号第6条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 除非通知书已送交会计师,规定其自通知书的日期起计30日内将注册续期;或 (由2004年第23号第20条修订)
  (b) 如果并只要理事会仍然可依据第49(3)条拒绝会计师退出公会。 (由1994年第96号第11条代替)(3) 理事会根据第(1)(a)(iii)款作出将任何会计师的姓名或名称从注册纪录册中删除的命令,须随即由注册主任送达有关的会计师,并须面交送达或以邮递方式送达其注册地址。 (由1995年第85号第6条修订;由2004年第23号第20条修订)
  (4) 在以下情况下,注册主任不得将任何会计师的姓名或名称从注册纪录册中删除─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 在根据第(3)款送达命令的日期起计30日届满前;或
  (b) 如有根据第41条提出的上诉,则在上诉法庭决定维持该命令前。 (由1998年第25号第2条修订)(5) 当任何会计师的姓名或名称根据第(1)(a)(iii)款从注册纪录册中删除后,注册主任须在切实可行的范围内,尽快安排在宪报刊登公告,表明此事。 (由1985年第14号第6条修订;由1995年第85号第6条修订)
  (6) 如任何会计师的姓名或名称根据本条或第35条从注册纪录册中删除,则─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 发予该会计师的注册证书及执业证书(如有的话)自其姓名或名称删除之日起,须当作已予取消;及
  (b) 注册费或任何部分注册费均无须退回。
  第50章 第28条 注册有效期届满及注册续期
  (1) 任何人注册为会计师,其注册─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 维持有效,直至其获注册当年随后一年的1月1日为止;及
  (b) 须每年续期。(2) 会计师的注册续期申请─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 须不迟于续期当年前一年的12月15日(或理事会一般地或就任何申请批准的较后日期)以理事会指明的格式向注册主任提出; (由1977年第22号第6条修订;2004年第23号第21条修订)
  (b) 须在已支付理事会订定的注册费的情况下,才可获批准;及 (2004年第23号第21条代替)
  (c) 须在申请人令理事会信纳他已符合理事会当其时为专业进修订明的规定的情况下,才可获批准。 (2004年第23号第21条增补)
  第50章 第28A条 事务所名称的注册
  (1) 以事务所名称独自执业的执业会计师须向理事会申请将该事务所名称根据本条例注册。
  (2) 执业会计师事务所须向理事会申请将该事务所名称根据本条例注册。
  (3) 任何人不得用以下方式执业─
  (a) 以事务所名称独自执业为执业会计师;或
  (b) 以合伙方式经营执业会计师事务所,除非其事务所名称或其作为合伙人的事务所(视属何情况而定)根据本条例注册。
  (4) 如拟注册的事务所名称属以下情况,则理事会可拒绝根据第(1)或(2)款所提出的申请─
  (a) 与已注册的事务所名称相同;
  (b) 与已注册的事务所名称相似而相当可能引致混淆;或
  (c) 理事会认为有误导性、令人反感,或在其他方面违反公众利益。(5) 除非执业会计师事务所的全体合伙人均为会计师,并最少有理事会不时订明的比例的合伙人为执业会计师,否则该执业会计师事务所不符合根据第(2)款注册的资格。
  (6) 为免生疑问,现宣布并非有效执业证书持有人的人无权代执业会计师事务所签署审计报告。 (由2004年第23号第22条增补)
  第50章 第28B条 事务所注册的申请
  第50章 第28C条 第22、23、26、27、28、39及41条的条文适用于事务所及事务所名称
  第50章 第28D条 公司注册为执业法团的资格
  (1) 除第(11)(b)款另有规定外,为股份有限公司并根据《公司条例》(第32章)组成及注册者,而且仅是该等公司,始符合注册为执业法团的资格;凡该等公司经如此注册,如果并只要第(2)款指明的规定仍然就该公司而言获得遵从,则该公司即符合继续注册为执业法团的资格。
  (2) (a) 第(1)款所提述的规定为有关的公司须是并且须保持是合资格公司,而(b)段的规定,或在适当的情况下,(c)段的规定均就该公司而言获得遵从。
  (b) 凡合资格公司在当其时有3名或多于3名成员─
  (i) 则每名成员均须同时为该公司的董事及会计师,并最少有理事会不时订明的比例的成员为执业会计师,而且只有属该公司成员的人方可是该公司的董事;
  (ii) 第(i)节所提述的规定须时刻就该公司而言获得遵从;
  (iii) 该公司须时刻在专业弥偿保险方面受保,而该保险是由认可保险人按根据第51条订立的规则所指明的条款提供的,或在没有作如此指明的情况下,按理事会认可的条款提供的,而且该项保险所给予的弥偿范围,就根据该项保险应付的款额和在其他每一方面而言,最少须一如根据第51条订立的规则在该等方面所规定般广泛;及
  (iv) 该公司的组织章程大纲及章程细则须符合根据第51条订立的规则(如有的话)的规定。(c) 凡合资格公司在当其时只有2名成员─
  (i) 其中1名成员须为执业会计师,而另一名成员须为─ (由2004年第23号第25条修订)
  (A) 执业会计师;或
  (B) 根据第(5)款给予的许可当其时对其有效的人,
  而且只有属该公司成员的人方可是该公司的董事;及(ii) 该公司须时刻就其成员而言遵从第(i)节的规定与遵从(b)(iii)及(iv)段所敍明的规定。 (由2004年第23号第25条修订)(3) 在符合第(4)款的规定下,如果并仅如果理事会信纳以下的事项,根据第28E条注册的申请方予准许─
  (a) 申请人是合资格公司;
  (b) 如该项申请获得准许,则申请人即会在第(2)(b)(iii)款敍明的保险方面受保;及
  (c) (i) 如申请人属第(2)(b)款敍明的公司,则─
  (A) 该公司组织章程细则的规定,包括在顾及该款第(i)节的规定下属适当的规定;及
  (B) 该款第(iv)节的规定就该公司而言获得遵从;及
  (ii) 如申请人属第(2)(c)款敍明的公司,则─
  (A) 该公司组织章程细则的规定,包括在顾及该款第(i)节的规定下属适当的规定;及
  (B) 第(2)(b)(iv)款敍明的规定就该公司而言获得遵从。(4) 申请根据第28E条注册,须以理事会指明的格式向理事会提出,并须在提交申请时,一并缴交理事会订定的注册费。
  (5) (a) 在符合(c)段的规定下,第(2)(c)款敍明的合资格公司就此而提出申请后,如理事会认为适当,则可为施行本条而就该公司给予许可,而即使《公司条例》(第32章)已有任何规定,该许可的效用是允许该申请中指明的个人,在不是执业会计师的情况下,成为该公司的成员及董事。
  (b) 理事会可随时撤回为施行本条而给予的许可。
  (c) 如果并仅如果理事会信纳以下的事项,为施行本条而给予的许可方会给予─
  (i) 就申请人公司的股份持有而言,有一项法律上可强制执行的安排存在,而按该安排─
  (A) 一位是执业会计师的人须持有该公司的全部已发行股本(除1已发行股外);
  (B) 持有当其时该余下股份的人,以信托形式为(A)分节所提述的持有人持有该余下股份;
  (C) 在(B)分节所提述的人辞职、去世或因精神或身体上的无行为能力而变成不能担任申请人公司的董事的情况下,或在为施行本条而给予并与该人有关的许可被撤回的情况下,其股份即会转予他人;及 (由2004年第23号第25条修订)(ii) 在申请中指明的人是为施行本条而获给予许可的适当的人;及
  (iii) 就申请人公司的管理而言,其组织章程大纲及章程细则载有意思如下的条文─
  (A) 第(i)(A)节所提述的持有人须为负责该公司日常管理的董事经理;
  (B) 该持有人在申请人公司的董事局会议上有权投第二票或决定票;及
  (C) 第(i)(B)节所提述的人须在第(i)(C)节所敍明该人的股份转予他人的情况下,终止担任董事职位。(6) (a) 凡─
  (i) 股份依据第(5)(c)(i)款所提述的安排,转予一位非执业证书持有人的人;
  (ii) 执业法团在任何时候终止遵从第(2)款敍明而且对其适用的任何规定,
  (b) (i) 因股份转移而依据本款给予的通知可载有一项向理事会提出的申请,要求理事会就在该通知中指名的人给予为施行本条而给予的许可,而理事会可准许或拒绝该项申请。
  (ii) 凡第(i)节所提述的申请被拒绝,理事会可在拒绝该项申请时,规定申请人在拒绝书中所指明的期限内,提出进一步的申请。(c) 凡理事会接获(a)(ii)段敍明的终止通知书,则为规定有关的执业法团须遵从该段所提述的任何或全部规定,可在根据第28E条所作的该执业法团的注册附加一项或多于一项指明条件,并指示注册主任以他认为适当的方式将该等条件记录在注册纪录册第II部内。(7) 如有依据本条附加条件,则有关的执业法团必须遵从,又该条件如规定须在指明的期限内获得遵从,则须如此遵从。
  (8) 凡有以下情况─
  (a) 第(2)(b)(ii)、(iii)或(iv)款或第(2)(c)(ii)款的规定没有获得遵从;
  (b) 第(6)(a)款或第28H(1)或(2)条的通知规定没有获得遵从;
  (c) 根据第(6)(c)或(9)(c)款附加的条件没有获得遵从;或
  (d) 根据第(6)(b)(ii)款施加的规定没有获得遵从,理事会如认为适当,则可根据本款向注册主任给予指示。
  (9) (a) 根据第(8)款给予的指示须(并须在指示中指明)规定注册主任─
  (i) 立即将有关的执业法团的名称及任何其他有关的详情从注册纪录册中永久删除,或删除一段该指示指明的时间;或
  (ii) 立即给予该执业法团(b)段敍明的通知。
  (b) (a)段所提述的通知须以书面作出,由注册主任签署,并须说明理事会已根据第(8)款,就该通知所致予的执业法团给予指示,而该执业法团可由该通知的日期起计21日的期限内,就注册主任为何不应遵从该指示,向理事会作出申述(该等申述现准予作出)。
  (c) (i) 凡有申述依据(b)段作出,注册主任须将有关事宜,连同其认为适当的观察(如有的话)一并提交理事会,而理事会在考虑该等观察(如有的话)及申述后,─
  (A) 如理事会认为适当,则可在根据第28E条所作有关的执业法团的注册附加指明条件,并指示注册主任以他认为适当的方式将该等条件记录在注册纪录册第II部内;或
  (B) 指示注册主任立即将该执业法团的名称及任何其他有关的详情从注册纪录册中删除。
  (ii) 凡申述没有在(b)段指明的期限内作出,注册主任须将有关的执业法团的名称及任何其他有关的详情从注册纪录册中删除。(d) 凡依据根据本条所作的指示,将某执业法团的名称从注册纪录册第II部删除─
  (i) 注册主任须在合理地切实可行的范围内,尽快将删除一事的书面通知发予该执业法团;及
  (ii) 该执业法团可在该通知书的日期起计21日的期限内,或在上诉法庭容许的较长期限内,向该法庭提出上诉,反对该项删除。 (由1998年第25号第2条修订;由1999年第31号第3条修订)(e) 上诉法庭在裁定根据本款提出的上诉时,可─ (由1998年第25号第2条修订)
  (i) 命令注册主任将有关的执业法团的名称,连同其依据根据本条所作的有关指示而删除的其他详情,重新列入注册纪录册第II部内;
  (ii) 批给法庭认为适当的其他补救或宽免,或作出法庭认为适当的其他命令(如有的话);或 (由1999年第31号第3条修订)
  (iii) 确认该项指示。(10) (a) 在符合(b)段的规定下,凡依据根据本条所作的指示(包括在上诉时确认的指示),某执业法团的名称从注册纪录册中删除,理事会须安排将该项删除的公告在宪报刊登。
  (b) (a)段所提述的公告不得在宪报刊登,除非─
  (i) 在就有关的删除有上诉提出的情况下,该项上诉已撤回或根据本条所作的有关指示在上诉时已获得确认;或
  (ii) 在任何其他情况下,可提出上诉的时间已届满。(11) (a) 为免生疑问,现宣布本条的任何条文均不得解释为藉隐含的方式废除或以其他方式影响《公司条例》(第32章)第IVA部任何条文对执业法团董事的适用。
  (b) 现宣布─
  (i) 如公司有法团为其成员或董事,则该公司不符合根据本条注册的资格;
  (ii) 法团不符合成为执业法团的成员或董事的资格;及
  (iii) 除非是有效执业证书的持有人,否则任何人无权代执业法团签署审计报告。 (由2004年第23号第25条修订)(12) 在本条中─
  “合资格公司”(qualified company) 指第(1)款敍明的公司;
  “认可保险人”(approved insurer) 指获理事会认可对根据第28E条注册的公司提供专业弥偿保险的保险人。
  第50章 第28E条 执业法团的注册
  (1) 凡第28D(3)条所指的申请获得准许,注册主任须将该项申请所关乎的公司的以下详情,载入注册纪录册第II部内─
  (a) 该公司的名称;
  (b) 该公司就《公司条例》(第32章)而言的注册办事处;及
  (c) 理事会为施行本条而在当其时指明的其他详情(如有的话)。(2) 就第27(2)、(3)、(4)、(5)及(6)条而言,执业法团须当作为会计师。 (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  第50章 第28F条 执业法团的注册证书
  第50章 第28G条 适用于公司的条文
  (1) 第26、28、28A(4)、33B、35、35B、36(1A)、37、38、39、40及41(1)条的条文,在加以必要的变通后适用于执业法团,一如该等条文适用于会计师。 (由2004年第23号第26条修订)
  (2) 第(1)款不得解释为局限或在其他方面以任何方式影响会计师在从事会计执业过程中所招致的任何法律责任。
  第50章 第28H条 执业法团的组织章程细则
  第50章 第29条 执业为执业会计师的规定
  (1) 任何人(执业法团除外)不得执业为执业会计师,除非该人已注册为会计师,并持有执业证书。 (由1995年第85号第9条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (2) 任何人除非是执业证书的持有人或是执业法团,否则不论是否没有获得付款,均不得─ (由1995年第85号第9条修订)
  (a) 接受委任为《公司条例》(第32章)所指的公司核数师,或提供该类核数师服务;或
  (b) 接受委任为就任何其他条例而言的帐目核数师,或提供该类核数师服务。(3) 本条例的任何条文并不妨碍─
  (a) 任何人─
  (i) 公开执业并称其本人为会计、秘书、簿记员、税务代理人、税务顾问或成本顾问;或
  (ii) 以任何其他称衔、英文缩写或字样称其本人,但该等称衔、英文缩写或字样不得传达一个他是有权执业为执业会计师的印象;或
  (iii) 在职工会登记局局长的批准下,作为已登记职工会的核数师;或(b) 非牟利会社、机构或组织的会员作为该会社、机构或组织的核数师;或
  (c) 理事会在接到申请后豁免任何人,使他免受第(2)(b)款条文的规限。
  第50章 第29A条 发出执业证书的规定
  (1) 除第(1A)、(1B)及(2)款另有规定外,执业证书不得发予会计师,除非理事会信纳该人─ (由1994年第96号第14条修订;由2004年第23号第28及54条修订)
  (a) 在成为与公会订有一项正在实施的相互或交互承认协议的某会计团体的会员后,或成为获理事会根据第24(1A)条承认的会计团体的会员后,或在注册成为会计师后,在以下人士的办事处具有总共不少于30个月的全职认可会计经验─ (由1994年第96号第14条修订;由2004年第23号第28及54条修订)
  (i) 持有根据本条例发出的执业证书的会计师;或 (由1994年第96号第14条代替。由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (ii) 在与公会订有一项正在实施的相互或交互承认协议的某会计团体,或获理事会根据第24(1A)条承认的会计团体的管辖范围内从事会计执业的人;或 (由1994年第96号第14条代替)
  (iii) (由1994年第96号第14条废除)(b) 已在(a)段第(i)或(ii)节所提述的一个或多于一个办事处或任何该等办事处的组合中具有不少于4年的全职认可会计经验,而其中须有最少1年的经验是在该人成为与公会订有一项正在实施的相互或交互承认协议的某会计团体的会员或获理事会根据第24(1A)条承认的某会计团体的会员后取得,或是在该人注册成为会计师后取得。 (由1994年第96号第14条代替。由2004年第23号第28及54条修订)(1A) 为施行第(1)款的规定,理事会可要求全部或部分第(1)(a)款所指的30个月全职会计经验,或全部或部分第(1)(b)款所指的4年全职会计经验,须在申请执业证书前,于理事会不时指明的期间内取得。 (由1994年第96号第14条增补)
  (1B) 在纪律委员会根据第35(1)(db)条作出针对申请人的命令中所述的期间,不得向申请人发出执业证书。 (由2004年第23号第28条增补)
  (2) 执业证书不得发给申请人,除非申请人令理事会信纳─
  (a) 他通常居于香港;及
  (b) 他拥有理事会认为必需的本地经验及本地法律及常规的知识。(3) 为施行第(2)(b)款,理事会可规定申请人须参加理事会订明的考试,其中须包括本地法律及税务的考试,并可规定申请人须已在香港具有不少于1年的全职认可会计经验。
  (4) 如理事会认为申请人已在香港或其他地方于一段颇长时期内取得相当的会计经验,则理事会可免除第(2)款的规定。
  (5) 就本条而言─
  (a) “认可会计经验”(approved accounting experience) 指理事会不时认可属充分实际经验的专业会计经验;及
  (b) 任何人于过去12个月内有不少于180日在香港,即视为通常居于香港。
  第50章 第29B条 (废除)
  第50章 第30条 执业证书
  (1) 会计师可于任何一年的11月,以理事会指明的格式向注册主任申请执业证书。 (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (2) 如理事会信纳申请人当其时符合第29A条的规定,并拟执业为执业会计师,则注册主任须在获缴付理事会订定的费用后,以理事会指明的格式,向该会计师发出执业证书,该执业证书的有效期为一公历年,由申请日期随后的1月1日起计。 (由1977年第22号第9条修订;由1994年第96号第16条修订;由2004年第23号第29及54条修订)
  (3) 公会可允许根据第(1)款提出的执业证书的申请于任何时间提出;在该项申请提出后,注册主任可向申请人发出执业证书,该执业证书的有效期不超过一公历年,并于任何一年的12月31日届满。
  (4) 尽管第(1)及(2)款另有规定,在紧接有关日期前注册为注册核数师的人获豁免而无须遵守第29A(1)及(2)条的规定。 (由2004年第23号第29条代替)
  (5) 如理事会拒绝根据第(1)款提出的申请,则注册主任须立即将理事会的决定以及拒绝发出执业证书的理由,以书面通知申请人,并须将该通知书面交送达或以邮递方式送达。 (由2004年第23号第29条修订)
  (6) 如会计师没有于发出执业证书日期起计6个月内开始执业,则理事会可取消该执业证书。 (由1977年第22号第9条增补。由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (7) 按《破产条例》(第6章)的涵义现正或已破产或已与其债权人订立自愿安排的会计师,不得获发执业证书,而理事会可取消该会计师的执业证书。 (由2004年第23号第29条增补)
  (8) 尽管第(2)及(4)款另有规定,理事会─
  (a) 在申请人未能令理事会信纳他已符合公会在专业进修方面的规定的情况下,可拒绝发出执业证书;或
  (b) 可在以下条件的规限下向申请人发出执业证书∶申请人须于指定期间内符合公会在专业进修方面的规定。 (由2004年第23号第29条增补)(9) 如理事会认为任何会计师未能符合任何根据第(8)款施加的条件,则理事会可在给予该会计师作出陈述的机会后,暂时吊销或取消该会计师的执业证书,并且有权退还或不退还已为该证书支付的费用。 (由2004年第23号第29条增补)
  第50章 第31条 注册办事处
  (1) 每名执业会计师须于香港设有注册办事处,一切通讯及通知可寄往该办事处。
  (2) 注册办事处的地址须于申请执业证书时填报。
  (3) 该地址如有任何更改,则须于更改后14日内通知注册主任,并须由注册主任载入注册纪录册内。
  (4) 任何执业会计师在违反本条的情况下执业,即属犯罪,一经定罪,可处罚款$5000。 (由1977年第22号第10条修订)
  (5) (a) 凡本条提述执业会计师之处,均须解释为包括提述─ (由2004年第23号第30及54条修订)
  (i) 以事务所名称执业的执业会计师;
  (ii) 执业会计师事务所;及
  (iii) 执业法团。
  (b) 在应用第(1)款于某执业法团时─
  (i) 该款须解释为犹如其内凡提述注册办事处之处,乃提述该执业法团就《公司条例》(第32章)而言的注册办事处一样;及
  (ii) 只要该执业法团仍然设有一个就该条例而言的办事处,则该款的规定即视为已获该执业法团遵从。 (由1995年第85号第10条增补)(c) 第(2)款在适用于以事务所名称执业的执业会计师、执业会计师事务所及执业法团时,须在犹如其内凡提述执业证书之处为分别提述事务所名称、事务所及执业法团的注册的情况下解释。 (由2004年第23号第30条增补)
  第50章 第32条 刊登持有执业证书的会计师名单及事务所名称名单和以该等名单作为证据
  (1) 注册主任须在切实可行的范围内,于每年1月1日后尽快安排在宪报刊登─
  (a) 一份名单,开列在该名单指明期间内持有执业证书的会计师及其注册办事处地址; (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (b) 一份名单,开列根据本条例注册的事务所名称及其注册办事处地址;及 (由1977年第22号第11条代替。由1994年第96号第17条修订)
  (c) 一份名单,开列当其时的执业法团及第28E(1)(b)条所提述的该等执业法团的注册办事处地址。 (由1995年第85号第11条增补)(2) 注册主任须在切实可行的范围内,于每年7月1日后尽快安排在宪报刊登对第(1)款所提述的名单作出修订的修订表。 (由1977年第22号第11条修订)
  (3) (a) 根据第(1)(a)款刊登的会计师名单及根据第(2)款刊登对该名单作出的任何修订,即为名列该名单内的人乃会计师、并在该名单指明的期间内持有执业证书的证据。 (由1977年第22号第11条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (b) 根据第(1)(c)款刊登的执业法团名单及根据第(2)款刊登对该名单作出的任何修订,即为名列该名单内的执业法团已在注册纪录册内注册、并在该名单就该执业法团指明的任何期间内,该执业法团维持如此注册的证据。 (由1995年第85号第11条增补)(4) 一份看来是由注册主任签署的证明书,证明某人或某事务所的姓名或名称已经或未曾载入注册纪录册内,或已从注册纪录册中删除,或某位已注册的人持有或并没有持有执业证书,或某执业法团已经或未曾载入注册纪录册内,或已从注册纪录册中删除,则该证明书即为其内所载事实的证据。
  第50章 第32A条 执业审核委员会的设立及其委员的委任
  (1) 现设立一个名为执业审核委员会的团体。
  (2) 在符合第(3)及(4)款的规定下,理事会须不时委任会计师为执业审核委员会的委员,并指定其中一名委员为该委员会的主席。 (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (3) (a) 执业审核委员会须以理事会订定的委员人数组成,但不得少于5人,而其中有不多于2人可同时为理事会的理事。
  (b) 在执业审核委员会的委员中,须有不少于2/3的人各自持有执业证书。(4) 任何人不得同时为执业审核委员会及纪律委员会的委员。
  (5) 执业审核委员会的任期须由理事会在委任该委员的文书中指明。
  (6) 《释义及通则条例》(第1章)第50(a)条对执业审核委员会并不适用。
  (7) 执业审核委员会任何会议的法定人数不得少于执业审核委员会当其时的委员的半数。
  (8) 执业审核委员会可委任由其委员组成的小组委员会,并可在附加或不附加限制条件的情况下,将其任何职能或权力转授予任何该等小组委员会,但根据第32D(5)条赋予执业审核委员会的权力除外。
  (9) 根据第(8)款作出的转授,并不阻止执业审核委员会行使任何该转授所关乎的权力,或执行任何该转授所关乎的职能。
  (10) 在符合本部的规定及理事会根据第32B条发出的任何指示下,执业审核委员会或其任何小组委员会均可规管其本身的处事程序及事务。
  第50章 第32B条 理事会根据本部的权力
  (1) 理事会可─
  (a) 指明进行执业审核所关乎的某等专业标准;
  (b) 向执业审核委员会发出指示,规定就─
  (i) 每一执业单位;或
  (ii) 理事会指明的该等执业单位,
  进行审查或审核,以决定根据(a)段指明的专业标准是否正获遵守、维持或应用,或在如此指明的情况下,是否已获遵守、维持或应用;(c) 就行使根据第32D(1)、(2)、(3)或(5)条所赋予的任何权力,向执业审核委员会发出指示;及
  (d) 在不影响第18(1)(b)条的一般性的原则下,为进行执业审核而委任或聘用任何会计师,而该等会计师─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (i) 须具有理事会决定的资格;及
  (ii) 以理事会决定的条款及条件委任或延聘。(2) 须付予审核人员的酬金或其他款项,以及审核人员就进行执业审核而招致的任何合理开支,须由公会的经费支付。
  (3) 理事会须向审核人员提供一份该审核人员的委任书文本。
  第50章 第32C条 执业审核的进行
  (1) 凡理事会根据第32B(1)(b)条发出指示,执业审核委员会须以书面将发出指示一事及该指示的内容通知注册主任。
  (2) 注册主任在收到根据第(1)款发出的通知后,须─
  (a) 就该通知所提述的指示所关乎的各执业单位,决定其接受审核或审查的次序;及
  (b) 为执行该指示,并在为执行该指示而需要的范围内,指派一名或多于一名审核人员,对每一个该等执业单位进行执业审核。(3) 依据本条进行执业审核的审核人员须在执业审核完结时,以及在执业审核委员会规定的任何其他执业审核阶段,向执业审核委员会作出报告。
  (4) 审核人员在作出第(3)款所规定的报告前,须将一份注册日期的拟定报告草稿,送交有关的执业单位及在该报告中指名的个别人士(如有的话),而该草稿须以邮递或记录派递方式,寄往该执业单位或该个别人士的注册办事处或注册地址(视属何情况而定)。 (由2004年第23号第32条修订)
  (5) 凡─
  (a) 执业法团、事务所、独自执业的会计师或任何其他个别人士依据第(4)款的规定,获送交拟定报告草稿,该执业法团、事务所、会计师或其他个别人士,可在该报告草稿如此送交后翌日起计21日的期限内,就该拟定报告向有关的审核人员以书面作出陈词或申述;及 (由1995年第85号第12条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (b) 根据(a)段作出任何陈词或申述,有关的审核人员须予以考虑。(6) 审核人员须将根据第(5)款就该报告草稿而作出的陈词或申述(如有的话),附连于第(3)款所提述的报告。
  (7) 凡审核人员根据第(3)款作出报告,他须将该报告的一份副本送交有关的执业单位或个别人士,而该报告须以邮递或记录派递方式,寄往该执业单位或该个别人士的注册办事处或注册地址(视属何情况而定)。 (由2004年第23号第32条修订)
  (8) 审核人员须遵从根据第32D(1)(b)条所发出的任何指示。
  第50章 第32D条 执业审核委员会的权力
  (1) 在符合根据第32B(1)条所发出的任何指示下,执业审核委员会可─
  (a) 决定就执业审核而须遵守的常规及程序;
  (b) 就执业审核或某个别执业审核的任何有关事宜,向任何审核人员发出指示;
  (c) 作出或执行任何其他事情或作为,而该等事情或作为是附带于执行其根据本条例具有的职能或行使其根据本条例赋予的权力的,或是其认为就执行其根据本条例具有的职能或行使其根据本条例赋予的权力而言属需要或合宜的。(2) 执业审核委员会收到根据第32C(3)条所作出的报告后,经顾及该报告及附连于该报告的陈词或申述(如有的话)后,如认为适当,则可就有关的执业单位在专业标准上的应用,向该执业单位提出建议。
  (3) 执业审核委员会经顾及审核人员所发出的报告及附连于该报告的陈词或申述(如有的话)后,可─
  (a) 向审核人员发出指示,规定在该指示指明的期限内(该段期限不得在指示发出日期后不足6个月之内开始),对该报告所关乎的执业单位作进一步的执业审核;及
  (b) 在该指示中指明须进行审核的事项。(4) 第32B(1)或32C(2)条的任何条文,均不得解释为阻止执业审核委员会根据第(3)款发出指示;为免生疑问,现宣布对于依据该指示而进行的任何执业审核,第(1)款所赋予的权力即具效用。
  (5) 凡在执业审核完结后,执业审核委员会经顾及审核人员发出的任何报告及附连于该报告的陈词或申述(如有的话)后─
  (a) 如该审核是关乎一家事务所,则认为该事务所的任何一名或多于一名或全体合伙人;
  (b) 如该审核是关乎独自执业的会计师,则认为该会计师;
  (c) 如该审核是关乎一个执业法团,则认为该执业法团的1名或多于1名或全体董事, (由1995年第85号第13条增补)可能没有遵守、维持或应用(视属何情况而定)专业标准,则在符合第(7)款的规定下,执业审核委员会可就有关的任何该等董事、合伙人或其他会计师向注册主任作出投诉;如有关的人士多于一人,则可分别就各人向注册主任作出投诉。 (由1995年第85号第13条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (6) 为施行第V部,根据第(5)款作出的投诉须当作已根据第34(1)条作出。
  (7) 凡─
  (a) 根据第(5)款作出投诉;及
  (b) 在紧接有关的执业审核开始前─
  (i) 该投诉所关乎的董事、合伙人或其他会计师于以前不曾在任何执业法团或事务所接受执业审核时的任何时间,是该执业法团的董事或该事务所的合伙人;及 (由1995年第85号第13条代替)
  (ii) 于以前不曾就其独自执业而进行执业审核,则理事会不得根据第34(1)条将该投诉提交纪律小组,除非当其时理事会理事的3/4大多数决定,假若投诉的理由成立,或所投诉的任何该等理由或任何一项或多于一项事宜成立,该董事、该合伙人或其他会计师的有关作为或不作为足以构成严重的专业上的失当行为,则属例外。 (由1994年第96号第18条修订;由1995年第85号第13条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  第50章 第32E条 审核人员的权力
  (1) 以下条文适用于任何执业审核─
  (a) 本段对其适用的任何人,如审核人员合理地相信有任何纪录或其他文件是在其管有或控制之下,而该等纪录或文件载有或相当可能载有与该执业审核有关的资料,则除第(3)款另有规定外,须─
  (i) 在该审核人员合理地要求的时间内及在合理地要求的地点,向该审核人员出示或让其取用该审核人员指明的任何纪录或文件,或属该审核人员指明的类别或种类,并且是在该人的管有或控制之下的任何纪录或其他文件,而在上述任何一种情况下,该纪录或其他文件均是该审核人员合理地相信与或可能与该执业审核有关的;
  (ii) 在该审核人员要求下,就为遵从根据第(i)节作出的要求而出示的任何物件,给予该审核人员其指明的解释或进一步的详情;
  (iii) 给予该审核人员该人合理地能给予的与执业审核相关的一切协助。(b) 凡与执业审核有关的任何资料或事宜是以非可阅形式记录的,则(a)段所赋予要求出示任何纪录或其他文件的权力,须包括要求出示任何该等资料或事宜或该等资料或事宜的有关部分的可阅形式复制本的权力。
  (c) 审核人员可查阅、检查或抄录或复印根据(a)或(b)段的要求出示的纪录或文件,或撮录或摘录该等纪录或文件的内容。
  (d) 凡─
  (i) 执业单位或代执业单位为本条的目的提供任何纪录或文件的副本;或
  (ii) 在行使根据本条赋予的权力下印制该等纪录或文件的副本,并在印制该等副本时使用该执业单位的影印机或其他设施,
  则公会须补还为印制该等副本而招致的合理影印或其他费用。(e) 根据本条行使权力的审核人员,在受其行使权力影响的人要求下,须将其根据第32B(3)条获提供的委任书文本出示供该人查阅。(2) 第(1)(a)款适用于该个别执业审核所关乎的执业单位的会计师,或任何获该单位雇用的人或获该单位聘用其服务的人。 (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (3) 本条的任何条文不得用作强逼任何人出示载有法律执业者以法律执业者身分所发出或所获得而享有特权的通讯的纪录或文件。
  第50章 第32F条 争议的提交
  (1) 在符合第(4)款的规定下,凡因审核人员根据第32E条所赋予的一项或多于一项的权力在某个别个案中可否行使或如何行使而引起争议,有关的执业单位或审核人员或两者一起可将该项争议提交执业审核委员会。
  (2) 凡有争议根据第(1)款提交,执业审核委员会在考虑有关的执业单位或有关的审核人员所作的任何陈词或申述(须以书面作出)后─
  (a) 须就该项争议作出决定,并将该决定通知争议的每一方;及
  (b) 可就争议的事项,向有关的执业单位或审核人员发出指示,并规定该单位或该审核人员遵从该等指示。(3) 凡执业单位或审核人员被规定遵从根据第(2)(b)款发出的指示,而没有遵从该项规定,则执业审核委员会可就有关的执业法团或会计师,向注册主任作出投诉;如有作出该投诉,则为施行第V部,该投诉须当作已根据第34(1)条作出。 (由1995年第85号第14条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (4) 本部的任何条文不得解释为赋权予执业审核委员会或审核人员,就第32E(3)条的条文是否适用于任何纪录或文件,作出最终决定。
  第50章 第32G条 豁免权
  第50章 第32H条 保密
  第50章 第32I条 执业单位组成的变更
  (1) 在本条中,对执业单位组成的变更的提述─
  (a) 就执业会计师事务所而言,指组成该事务所合伙人的人的变更,但前提是在变更前的该事务所众合伙人中,最少有一人在变更后是该事务所合伙人;
  (b) 就执业法团而言,指组成该执业法团董事的人的变更;
  (c) 就独自执业的执业会计师而言,指他接纳任何合伙人加入其执业;及
  (d) 就任何执业单位而言,指该执业单位名称的变更,不论该变更是否随着或由于任何在(a)、(b) 或(c) 段描述的事件而发生的。(2) 凡出现执业单位组成的变更,在本部中对执业单位的提述须包括其组成变更后的该执业单位。
  (3) 尽管执业单位的组成有所变更,在本部下的权力仍可就该执业单位行使。
  (4) 执业单位组成的变更不得影响─
  (a) 任何执业单位在该变更前根据本部获取、招致或产生的权利、义务或法律责任;或
  (b) 任何对执业单位的执业审核或进一步的执业审核,而尽管该执业单位的组成有所变更或有进一步的变更,仍可就该执业单位进行及继续就该执业单位进行执业审核或进一步的执业审核。(5) 本条适用于在任何时间出现的执业单位组成变更及在任何时间进行的执业审核。
  第50章 第33条 纪律小组
  (1) 现设立2个纪律小组─
  (a) 纪律小组A由行政长官所委任的不少于18名业外人士组成,当中一人须获行政长官委任为纪律委员会召集人,而另一人须获委任为其候补人选;
  (b) 纪律小组B由理事会所委任的不少于12名会计师组成,当中须有不少于6人为执业证书持有人。 (由2004年第23号第35条代替)(1A) 纪律委员会召集人的任期不得超过1年,但有资格获再度委任,而每一任期不得超过1年。 (由2004年第23号第35条增补)
  (1B) 如纪律委员会召集人由于患病、不在香港或任何其他因由而不能执行他的职能,则纪律委员会召集人的候补人选须署理纪律委员会召集人的职位。 (由2004年第23号第35条增补)
  (2) 任何人如是理事会理事或在当其时根据第42B条获委任,则无资格成为任何一个纪律小组的成员;据此,如任何纪律小组的某名成员成为理事会理事或获如此委任,他须随即终止担任任何纪律小组的成员。
  (3) (a) 凡有投诉依据第34条提交纪律小组,理事会须藉指示纪律委员会召集人委任一个纪律委员会的主席及其他委员的方式,成立纪律委员会处理该投诉,而纪律委员会召集人须按照该指示行事。
  (b) 在不抵触第33B(4)条的条文下,依据(a)段成立的纪律委员会须由以下5名委员组成─ (由2004年第23号第35条修订)
  (i) 一人由纪律委员会召集人从纪律小组A委任,他并须担任该纪律委员会的主席;
  (ii) 2人由纪律委员会召集人从纪律小组A委任;及
  (iii) 2人由纪律委员会召集人从纪律小组B委任,当中一人须为执业证书持有人。(c) 纪律委员会召集人不得获委任为纪律委员会委员。 (由2004年第23号第35条代替)
  第50章 第33A条 (废除)
  第50章 第33B条 处理投诉
  (1) 除第(2)款另有规定外,纪律委员会的法定人数须为4人。
  (2) 如在紧接开始处理投诉之前,或在处理投诉过程中的任何阶段(该阶段须为该投诉所针对的会计师有权出席或由代表出席的阶段),纪律委员会其中一名委员缺席,则该会计师或其代表可反对在该名委员缺席的情况下处理该投诉;在有反对依据本款提出而没有撤回的情况下,有关的纪律委员会不得开始处理,而在适当情况下,亦不得进一步处理有关的投诉,直至该反对获撤回,或因缺席而引起该反对的委员出席为止。 (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (3) 凡─
  (a) (i) 纪律委员会在给予有关的会计师或其代表在程序中陈词的机会后,不能决定应否根据第35条作出命令或应作何种该等命令;及 (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (ii) 该委员会不能如此作出决定是因委员会其中一名委员缺席,或因其他原因不能参与该委员会就该项决定而进行的商议;或(b) 理事会认为因根据第(2)款提出的反对并无撤回,或因担任纪律委员会主席的人的去世、患病或其他无行为能力,或不在香港,以致负责该投诉的委员会继续处理该投诉并不切实可行,则理事会须通过决议解散该委员会。(4) (a) 凡纪律委员会依据第(3)款解散,以下条文即适用─
  (i) 在符合(b)段的规定下,理事会须同时成立另一个纪律委员会,以处理解散的委员会曾负责的投诉;及
  (ii) 在处理该投诉时,依据第(i)节的规定成立的纪律委员会须重新处理该投诉;据此,该委员会无须顾及在根据第(3)款被解散前曾负责该投诉的委员会的程序。
  (b) 凡纪律委员会根据第(3)款解散,则曾是该解散的委员会的委员,并曾以任何方式参与其程序的人,均没有资格成为依据(a)(i)段的规定成立的纪律委员会的委员。
  第50章 第34条 纪律条文
  (1) 如有投诉─
  (a) 指某会计师─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (i) 曾被裁定犯有《刑事罪行条例》(第200章)第V部(宣誓下作假证供)所订的罪行;
  (ii) 曾在香港或其他地方被裁定犯有涉及不诚实行为的罪行;
  (iii) 不论是否以会计师的身分─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (A) 改或安排改任何文件;
  (B) 就任何文件作出关键性的陈述,而该陈述是该会计师明知是虚假的或不相信是真实的;(iv) 在进行其专业工作时曾有疏忽行为;
  (v) 没有遵从或忽略遵从根据第32F(2)条发出的任何指示而无合理辩解,而该指示是执业审核委员会规定其遵从的;
  (vi) 没有或忽略遵守、维持或以其他方式应用专业标准;
  (vii) 没有遵从或忽略遵从调查委员会就该会计师而根据第42D条所作的任何规定而无合理辩解;
  (viii) 曾犯有专业上的失当行为;
  (ix) 拒绝遵从或忽略遵从理事会订立的任何附例或规则的条文,或理事会合法地作出的任何指示;
  (x) 犯不名誉的行为;
  (xi) 在作为执业法团的董事时,以公司董事或看来是公司董事的身分提供服务,而在提供该项服务时,该公司并不名列注册纪录册第II部内;或
  (xii) 作为上述的董事,而在执业法团在专业弥偿保险方面根本没有受保或受保程度未达本条例规定时,以该执业法团董事的身分从事会计执业;(b) 指某执业法团─
  (i) 或其任何董事─
  (A) 改或安排改任何文件;
  (B) 就任何文件作出关键性的陈述,而该陈述是该执业法团的任何董事明知是虚假的或不相信是真实的;(ii) 没有遵从第28D(6)(a)或(7)条所提述的规定,或停止遵从或没有遵从第28D(2)(b)或(c)条适用于该执业法团的任何规定;
  (iii) 以一公司名称提供服务,而该名称并非当时就该执业法团而列于注册纪录册上的名称;
  (iv) 作为上述的执业法团,而在专业弥偿保险方面根本没有受保或受保程度未达本条例规定的情况下从事会计执业;或
  (v) 作出或不作出任何事情,而假若该执业法团是一名个人会计师,作出或不作出该等事情即会被个别人士合理地视为不名誉的行为,则该投诉须向注册主任提出,而注册主任须将该投诉呈交理事会,理事会可酌情决定,但须在符合第32D(7)条的规定下将该投诉提交纪律小组。 (由1992年第14号第6条修订;由2004年第23号第36条修订)
  (1AAA) 如理事会决定不将有关投诉提交纪律小组,而投诉人因理事会的决定感到受屈,投诉人可要求理事会将该投诉提交纪律小组,而除非理事会认为未显示有表面证据支持该投诉,或该投诉属琐屑无聊或无理缠扰,否则理事会须将该投诉提交纪律小组。 (由2004年第23号第54条增补)
  (1AA) 第(1)款(a)段第(iv)至(ix)节的条文在加以必要的变通后适用于执业法团;据此,除第(1)(b)款指明的理由外,亦可基于如此适用于执业法团的上述各节条文所指明的任何1项或多于1项理由,根据第(1)款提出针对某执业法团的投诉。 (由1995年第85号第16条增补)
  (1A) 凡注册主任有理由相信第(1)(a)或(b)款适用于某会计师或执业法团或按第(1AA)款而适用的第(1)(a)款适用于某会计师或执业法团,则注册主任须将事实呈交理事会,而理事会可酌情决定将投诉提交纪律小组。 (由1977年第22号第12条增补。由1985年第14号第10条修订)
  (2) 就第(1)(a)(x)及(b)(v)款而言,“不名誉的行为”(dishonourable conduct) 指会计师的作为或不作为,不论是否在履行专业工作的过程中或以会计师的身分作出,而该作为或不作为会合理地被视为损及或相当可能会损及该会计师本身、公会或会计师专业的声誉。 (由2004年第23号第36条修订)
  (3) 在执业审核委员会根据第32D(5)条作出投诉的任何时候身为该委员会委员的人,不得以纪律委员会委员的身分参与关乎该投诉的任何程序。 (由1992年第14号第6条增补)
  第50章 第35条 纪律委员会的纪律处分权力
  (1) 如纪律委员会信纳根据第34条向其提交的投诉证明属实,则该纪律委员会可酌情决定作出以下任何1项或多于1项命令─
  (a) 将会计师的姓名或名称从注册纪录册中永久删除或删除一段纪律委员会认为适当的时间的命令;
  (b) 谴责会计师的命令;
  (c) 会计师须向公会缴付不超过$500000罚款的命令;
  (d) 会计师须缴付根据第VA部针对他而进行的调查的费用及开支和附带费用及开支的命令;
  (da) 取消会计师获发的执业证书的命令; (由2004年第23号第37条增补)
  (db) 会计师永久或在纪律委员会认为合适的期间内不获发执业证书的命令, (由2004年第23号第37条增补)
  (e) (由2004年第23号第37条废除)而纪律委员会可在任何情况下─ (由2004年第23号第37条修订)
  (i) 订明某项命令于纪律委员会认为合适的日期生效;
  (ii) 订明某项命令只在纪律委员会指明的事件在或没有在该会指明的期间内发生的情况下生效;
  (iii) 就支付程序费用及开支和附带费用及开支作出纪律委员会认为合适的命令,不论该等费用及开支是属于公会的(包括纪律委员会的费用及开支)或任何投诉人的或会计师的,而被饬令支付的任何费用及开支或罚款,均可作为民事债项追讨。 (由1994年第96号第23条代替。由2004年第23号第37及54条修订)(1A) 凡根据第51条订立的任何规例就纪律委员会对根据第34条向其提交的投诉重新聆讯订定条文,如纪律委员会重新聆讯该投诉,则根据第(1)款所作的任何命令或决定均失效,而第(1)款适用于该重新聆讯,犹如该重新聆讯是原来聆讯一样。 (由1985年第14号第11条增补。由1995年第85号第17条修订)
  (2) 本条任何条文不得当作规定纪律委员会须查究某专业会计师是否被适当判罪的问题,但该委员会可考虑任何录载该项判罪的案件纪录,亦可考虑可显示该罪行性质及严重程度的其他证据。
  (3) 纪律委员会须安排将根据第(1)(a)款所作的命令的副本,或在上诉时经上诉法庭更改的任何该等命令的副本(视属何情况而定),连同该命令所关乎的投诉的性质撮要,在宪报刊登:
  但任何命令不得在根据第38(1)条将命令送达专业会计师的日期后起计30日届满前,或在根据第41条提出上诉的情况下,在上诉法庭就有关的上诉作出决定前,按前述规定刊登。 (由1998年第25号第2条修订)
  第50章 第35A条 向纪律委员会委员支付费用
  第50章 第35B条 同意令
  (1) 如有指称第34(1)(a)(vi)、(viii)、(ix)或(x)条适用于某会计师的投诉被提交纪律委员会,而纪律委员会在无需听取投诉人或该会计师陈词的情况下,认为以该投诉的性质而论,即使该投诉获得证明,将会作出的适当命令应属以下一项或多于一项第35条下的命令─
  (a) 谴责该会计师的命令;
  (b) 该会计师须向公会缴付不超过$50000罚款的命令;
  (c) 该会计师须支付程序费用及开支和附带费用及开支(不论该等费用及开支是属于公会的(包括纪律委员会的费用及开支)或投诉人的)的命令,则纪律委员会可向投诉人及该会计师发出通知。
  (2) 纪律委员会根据第(1)款发出的通知须述明─
  (a) 在有关会计师承认该投诉的前提下,纪律委员会建议作出的不超逾第(1)款所提述者的一项或多于一项命令;及
  (b) 投诉人及该会计师各自通知纪律委员会他是否同意建议的一项或多于一项命令的时限,该时限须在自发出通知的日期起计的14日后,或属纪律委员会容许的较后时限。(3) 如投诉人及会计师同意建议的一项或多于一项命令,则纪律委员会须按该项或该等建议的命令的条款作出一项或多于一项命令,而所作出的一项或多于一项命令须当作根据第35条作出的一项或多于一项命令,但第38(2)及41(1)(b)(iii)条不适用于该项或该等命令。
  (4) 如投诉人或会计师通知纪律委员会他不同意建议的命令,或如纪律委员会认为尽管有第(2)(b)款所指的通知,仍不会随即获得投诉人或该会计师的同意,则纪律委员会须通知理事会,而以下规定即适用─
  (a) 纪律委员会须予解散;
  (b) 理事会须藉指示纪律委员会召集人委任一个新的纪律委员会的主席及其他委员的方式,成立一个新的纪律委员会处理已解散纪律委员会所处理的投诉;
  (c) 属已解散的委员会的委员的人无资格出任新的纪律委员会的委员;及
  (d) 新的纪律委员会须重新处理该投诉而无须理会本条,据此,新的纪律委员会无须理会已解散委员会的任何程序,包括已解散委员会建议作出的一项或多于一项命令或投诉人或会计师没有或拒绝同意该项或该等建议的命令。
  第50章 第36条 纪律委员会在取得证据及进行程序方面的权力
  (1) 为进行第35条所指的程序,纪律委员会具有以下权力─
  (a) 录取经宣誓而作的证供;
  (b) 传召任何人出席程序以作证或出示其所管有的任何文件或其他物件,并将其作为证人而进行讯问;
  (c) (由2004年第23号第39条废除)
  (d) 将纪律委员会认为证人因出席程序而招致的开支判给证人。(1A) 纪律委员会的每次聆讯均须公开进行,但如纪律委员会─
  (a) 主动;或
  (b) 应以下人士的申请─
  (i) 投诉人;或
  (ii) 遭投诉的会计师,而决定为达致公正,某次聆讯或其任何部分不得公开进行,则属例外,在此情况下,纪律委员会可闭门进行该次聆讯或该部分(视属何情况而定)。 (由2004年第23号第39条增补)
  (2) 向证人发出的传票须用订明的格式发出,并须由纪律委员会主席签署。
  第50章 第37条 程序的进行及代表
  (1) 在聆讯投诉时─
  (a) 投诉人,或其律师或大律师,或在纪律委员会批准下,获投诉人委任为其代表的其他人;或
  (b) 注册主任或其律师或大律师,或注册主任委任为其代表的其他人;或
  (c) 根据第42C条委任的调查委员会的一名委员,或该名委员的律师或大律师,或获调查委员会委任为其代表的其他人, (由1994年第96号第25条代替)须提出提控会计师的案,而该会计师的行为乃第35条所指的程序的标的。
  (2) 任何会计师如其行为是该程序的标的,则有权在整项程序中由大律师或律师代表,或在纪律委员会批准下,获该会计师委任为其代表的其他人代表。
  第50章 第38条 关于纪律委员会命令的条文
  (1) 注册主任须安排将根据第35(1)条作出的任何命令的文本,随即送达有关的专业会计师,并须面交送达或以邮递方式送至该专业会计师的注册地址。 (由1994年第96号第26条修订)
  (2) 注册主任在有关的命令送达会计师的日期后起计的30日届满前,或在根据第41条提出上诉的情况下,在上诉法庭就有关的上诉作出决定前,不得凭借根据第35条第(1)(a)款作出的命令将会计师的姓名或名称从注册纪录册中删除,不得凭借根据该条第(1)(b)、(c)、(d)、(da)或(db)款作出的命令,将谴责或罚款或支付费用及开支的命令或与执业证书有关的命令记入注册纪录册内,亦不得根据该条第(1)(c)或(d)款强制执行罚款或费用或开支的支付。 (由1994年第96号第26条代替。由1998年第25号第2条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  第50章 第39条 将会计师的姓名或名称重新列入注册纪录册
  (1) 任何人如其姓名或名称根据本条例的条文从注册纪录册中删除,则该人可向理事会申请将其姓名或名称重新列入注册纪录册。
  (2) 理事会在作出其认为需要的研讯后,可拒绝根据第(1)款提出的申请,或在符合其认为适合施加的条件下(如有的话)准许该申请。
  (3) 理事会如准许根据第(1)款提出的申请,则须命令注册主任将申请人的姓名或名称重新列入注册纪录册,而注册主任须随即据此重新列入该姓名或名称。
  第50章 第40条 从注册纪录册中删除会计师的姓名或名称的限制
  第50章 第41条 上诉
  (1) 以下人士有权向上诉法庭提出上诉─
  (a) 已遭根据第26(1)条作出的命令拒绝其注册申请的人;
  (b) 会计师,而─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (i) 其姓名已为理事会根据第27(1)(a)(iii)或(iv)条命令从注册纪录册中删除; (由1995年第85号第18条修订)
  (ii) 其根据第30条要求发出执业证书的申请被拒绝;或
  (iii) 该会计师因根据第35(1)条就其作出的命令而感到受屈; (由1994年第96号第27条修订;由1995年第85号第18条修订;由2004年第23号第54条修订)(c) 执业法团,而─
  (i) 其名称已为理事会根据第27(1)(b)条命令从注册纪录册中删除;
  (ii) 有命令根据第35(1)(a)或(b)条就该执业法团而作出, (由1995年第85号第18条增补)而上诉法庭可确认、更改或推翻上诉所针对的命令或决定。
  (2) 上诉法庭对该上诉的决定为最终决定。
  (3) 在任何该等上诉中,上诉法庭可行使《高等法院条例》(第4章)赋予它的权力,而常规及程序则须按照根据该条例订立的法院规则:
  (a) 一份根据第26(1)条作出的命令的文本;
  (b) 一份根据第27(1)(a)(iii)或(iv)条作出的命令的文本; (由1985年第14号第12条修订;由1995年第85号第18条修订)
  (bb) 一份根据第27(1)(b)条作出的命令的文本; (由1995年第85号第18条增补)
  (c) 一份根据第30条作出的决定的文本;或
  (d) 一份根据第35(1)条作出的命令的文本。 (由1994年第96号第27条修订)
  (由1998年第25号第2条修订; 由2004年第23号第42条修订)
  第50章 第41A条 纪律处分条文对事务所的适用
  第50章 第41B条 豁免权
  (1) 根据或依据本部执行任何职能的纪律委员会主席或委员,享有原讼法庭法官就该法庭的民事法律程序享有的同等特权及豁免权。
  (2) 聆讯的任何一方或出席聆讯的任何证人、大律师、律师或聆讯双方的代表,享有该方、证人、大律师、律师或聆讯双方的代表会就原讼法庭的民事法律程序享有的同等特权或豁免权。
  第50章 第42条 罪行及罚则
  (1) 除本条另有规定外,任何人─
  (a) 根据第36(1)(b)条被传召出席作证人或出示文件或其他物件,但拒绝出席或出示,或没有出席或出示,或拒绝或没有回答纪律委员会向其提出的任何问题; (由1985年第14号第13条修订)
  (b) 藉任何有误导性、虚假或有欺诈成分的口头或书面申述或陈述,欺诈地促致其本人或任何其他人获得注册;
  (c) 在注册纪录册上或在关乎注册纪录册的任何事宜上作出改或安排作出改;
  (d) 冒充或表示其本人是呈交予理事会或纪律委员会的任何证明书或文件上所提述的人;
  (e) 假装合资格执业为执业会计师; (由2004年第23号第49条修订)
  (f) 虚假地采用或使用意味其合资格注册为会计师或合资格执业为执业会计师的姓名或名称、英文缩写、名衔、加衔或称谓; (由2004年第23号第49及54条修订)
  (g) 并非会计师而直接或间接地执业为执业会计师; (由2004年第23号第49及54条修订)
  (h) 并非会计师而─
  (i) 明知而准许使用,或明知而在与其业务、行业、职业或专业有关连的情况下使用“professional accountant”、“certified public accountant”或“certified accountant”的称谓,或“专业会计师”、“会计师”或“注册会计师”的字样,或任何书面文字、英文缩写或简称,而其意图是致使任何人相信或可合理地致使任何人相信使用该等文字、英文缩写或简称的人为会计师;或
  (ii) 将英文缩写“CPA”加在其姓名或名称后使用或与其姓名或名称一并使用; (由2004年第23号第49条代替)(ha) 是一间公司但并非执业法团而─
  (i) 提供、要约提供或显示其提供任何专业服务,而该等服务只有执业会计师才可合法提供的;或
  (ii) 宣传其本身或表示其本身合资格执业为执业会计师,或允许其本身被如此宣传或表示;或
  (iii) 将“certified public accountant (practising)”或“public accountant”的称谓与其名称一并使用,或将英文缩写“CPA (practising)”或“PA”或“执业会计师”、“注册核数师”、“核数师”或“审计师”的字样加在其名称后使用或以其他方式与其名称一并使用,或在其业务上允许使用或在其业务上使用该等称谓、英文缩写或字样; (由1995年第85号第20条增补。由1997年第80号第108条修订;由2004年第23号第49条修订)(i) 并非持有执业证书的会计师,亦非事务所名称根据第28A条注册的执业单位而─ (由2004年第23号第49及54条修订)
  (i) 宣传、公布或表示其本身合资格执业为执业会计师,或明知而允许其本人被如此宣传、公布或表示;或
  (ii) 将其姓名或名称或其可能已采用或其可能用以自称的任何姓名或名称与“certified public accountant (practising)”或“public accountant”的称谓一并使用,或将英文缩写“CPA (practising)”或“PA”或“执业会计师”、“注册核数师”、“核数师”或“审计师”的字样加在其姓名或名称后使用或与其姓名或名称一并使用,或在其业务、行业、职业或专业上明知而允许使用或明知而使用该等称谓、英文缩写或字样; (由1985年第14号第13条修订;由1995年第85号第20条修订;由1997年第80号第108条修订;由2004年第23号第49条修订)(ia) 并非持有执业证书的会计师,而从事业务、行业或专业的名称或称号─
  (i) 并非其根据第22(2) 条注册而没作任何增补的本身姓名;及
  (ii) 包括“certified public accountant”的称谓、英文缩写“CPA”或“会计师”的字样; (由2004年第23号第49条增补)(j) 是执业法团而没有遵从凭借第28D(6)(c)或(9)(c)(i)条附加于该执业法团的注册的任何条件; (由1995年第85号第20条增补)
  (k) 签署客户的审计报告,而该报告为该人在签署时是不合资格签署的,或该人以第28D(11)(b)(iii)条敍明的方式签署; (由1995年第85号第20条增补)
  (l) 是执业会计师、执业会计师事务所或执业法团而没有按第31(3)条的规定,将其更改注册办事处地点一事通知注册主任, (由1995年第85号第20条增补。由2004年第23号第49条修订)即属犯罪,一经定罪─
  (i) 如属个人,则可处罚款$20000及监禁12个月,但如所犯罪行是没有作出(l)段敍明的事,则可处罚款$5000;及
  (ii) 如属执业会计师事务所,或如属已在注册纪录册上注册、或以前曾在注册纪录册上注册或从没有在注册纪录册上注册的公司(包括执业法团),则可处罚款$20000,但如所犯罪行是没有作出(l)段叙明的事,则可处罚款$5000。 (由1977年第22号第13条修订;由1995年第85号第20条修订;由2004年第23号第49条修订)(2) 就任何香港以外地方的会计师团体或学会的任何会员(该会员并非会计师)使用任何称谓或英文缩写,而该等称谓或英文缩写是该会员根据该团体或学会的章程是有权使用的,如该会员使用该等称谓或英文缩写并没有表示其本人是会计师或有权执业为执业会计师,则第(1)款并不适用。 (由1998年第23号第2条修订;由2004年第23号第49及54条修订)
  (3) 如纪律委员会认为回答任何问题或出示任何文件或其他物件可能会导致某人入罪,则该人无须回答该等问题或出示该等文件或其他物件;而证人就其在纪律委员会席前所作的证供,有权享有一如其在法庭席前作证时所享有的同样特权。
  (4) (a) 凡执业法团或其他公司犯有本条或第31(4)条所订罪行,而且已证明构成该罪行的作为或不作为是该执业法团或其他公司的董事或涉及该执业法团或其他公司管理的其他高级人员的作为或不作为的,则该董事或其他高级人员即属犯有同样罪行。
  (b) 在(a)段敍明的罪行的法律程序中,如令法庭信纳就有关的作为或不作为而言,被告人行事的方式在该个别情况下并非不合理,即可以在此作免责辩护。 (由1995年第85号第20条增补)(5) 任何人如是为施行第28D条而获给予的许可所关乎的人,则不得仅因显示自己是某执业法团的董事而属犯有第(1)(h)或(i)款所订的罪行。 (由1995年第85号第20条增补)
  第50章 第42A条 释义
  “主席”(chairman) 指调查委员会的主席。
  第50章 第42B条 调查小组
  (1) 现设立2个调查小组─
  (a) 调查小组A由行政长官所委任的不少于18名业外人士组成,当中一人须获行政长官委任为调查委员会召集人,而另一人须获委任为其候补人选;
  (b) 调查小组B由理事会所委任的不少于12名会计师组成,当中须有不少于6人为执业证书持有人。 (由2004年23号第45条代替)(1A) 调查委员会召集人的任期不得超过1年,但有资格获再度委任,而每一任期不得超过1年。 (由2004年23号第45条增补)
  (1B) 如调查委员会召集人由于患病、不在香港或任何其他因由而不能执行他的职能,则调查委员会召集人的候补人选须署理调查委员会召集人的职位。 (由2004年23号第45条增补)
  (2) 任何人如是理事会理事或在当其时根据第33条获委任,则无资格成为任何一个调查小组的成员;据此,如任何调查小组的某名成员成为理事会理事或获如此委任,则须随即终止担任任何调查小组的成员。 (由2004年23号第45条修订)
  第50章 第42C条 调查委员会的委出
  (1) 凡调查委员会依据根据第(2)款作出的指示通知理事会,指出其认为有对会计师、执业会计师事务所或执业法团不利的表面证据,则理事会可酌情决定将该事宜提交纪律小组及依据第33(3)条成立纪律委员会,而有关的纪律委员会须处理该事宜,犹如该事宜是根据第34(1)条向纪律小组提交的投诉一样,而为该目的,该事宜须当作为调查委员会向注册主任作出的投诉。
  (2) (a) 凡理事会合理地怀疑或相信─
  (i) 某会计师曾以第34(1)(a)(iii)、(xi)或(xii)条叙明的方式行事; (由1997年第80号第102条修订)
  (ii) 第34(1)(a)条第(iv)、(v)、(vi)、(vii)、(viii)、(ix)或(x)节适用于某会计师或某执业会计师事务所; (由1997年第80号第102条修订)
  (iii) 按第34(1AA)条而适用的第34(1)(a)或(b)条适用于某执业法团, (由2004年第23号第46条增补)
  (b) 以下条文适用于调查委员会─
  (i) 理事会须指示调查委员会召集人委任调查委员会的主席及其他委员,而调查委员会召集人须按照该指示行事; (由2004年第23号第46代替)
  (ii) 调查委员会须由以下5名委员组成─
  (A) 一人由调查委员会召集人从调查小组A委任,他并须担任该调查委员会的主席;
  (B) 2人由调查委员会召集人从调查小组A委任;及
  (C) 2人由调查委员会召集人从调查小组B委任,当中一人须为执业证书持有人; (由2004年第23号第46代替)(iii) 调查委员会召集人不得获委任为调查委员会委员。 (由2004年第23号第46代替)
  第50章 第42D条 调查委员会在其程序方面的权力
  (1) 以下条文在调查委员会的程序方面适用─
  (a) 本段对其适用的任何人,如有关的调查委员会合理地相信有任何纪录或其他文件是在其管有或控制之下,而该等纪录或文件是该委员会觉得载有或相当可能载有与该委员会的程序有关的资料,则除第(5)款另有规定外,须─
  (i) 在该委员会合理地要求的时间内及在合理地要求的地点,向该委员会出示或让其取用该委员会指明的任何纪录或其他文件,而该等纪录或文件均属该委员会指明的类别或种类,并且是在该人的管有或控制之下的任何纪录或其他文件,而在上述任何一种情况下,该纪录或其他文件均是与该程序有关的或是该委员会觉得是与该程序有关的;
  (ii) 在该委员会要求下,就为遵从根据第(i)节作出的要求而出示或让该委员会取用的任何物件,给予该委员会或委员该委员会指明的解释或进一步的详情;
  (iii) 给予该委员会该人合理地能给予的与该委员会的程序相关的一切协助;(b) 凡与调查委员会的程序有关的任何资料或事宜是以非可阅形式记录的,则(a)段所赋予要求出示任何纪录或其他文件的权力,须包括要求出示任何该等资料或事宜或该等资料或事宜的有关部分的可阅形式复制本的权力;
  (c) 调查委员会可查阅、检查或抄录或复印根据(a)或(b)段的要求出示的纪录或文件,或撮录或摘录该等纪录或文件的内容;
  (d) 凡─
  (i) 任何人为本条的目的提供任何纪录或文件的副本;
  (ii) 在行使根据本条赋予的权力下印制任何纪录或文件的副本,并在印制该等副本时使用任何人的影印机或其他设施,
  则公会须向有关人士补还为印制该等副本而招致的合理影印或其他费用;(e) 凭借根据第42E条作出的转授而根据本条行使任何权力的人,在受其行使权力影响的人要求下,须将第42E条提述的有关文书或其副本出示供该人查阅。(2) 第(1)(a)款适用于─
  (a) 调查委员会的程序所关乎的会计师、执业会计师事务所或执业法团,而─
  (i) 如该程序关乎会计师,第(1)(a)款亦适用于该会计师的雇主及前雇主(如有的话)及该会计师的任何雇员或前雇员;及
  (ii) 如该程序关乎执业会计师事务所或执业法团,第(1)(a)款亦适用于该事务所或执业法团的任何雇员或前雇员;及(b) (a)段指明者以外的任何会计师、执业会计师事务所或执业法团,以及该会计师、事务所或执业法团的任何属会计师或公会注册学生的任何雇员或前雇员。 (由2004年第23号第47条代替)(3) 任何人如遵从调查委员会凭借第(1)款所作的要求,则该人不得仅因该项遵从而招致对任何其他人的任何法律责任。
  (4) 任何人不得以遵从调查委员会根据第(1)款所作的要求可能会导致其入罪为理由,而获豁免遵从该要求。但如该人在回答根据第(1)(a)(ii)款向其提出的问题前,声称该答案可能会导致其入罪,则该问题及答案均不得在刑事法律程序中接纳为针对该人的证据。
  (5) 本条的任何条文不得用作强逼任何人出示载有法律执业者以法律执业者身分所发出或所获得而享有特权的通讯的纪录或文件。
  第50章 第42E条 调查委员会的权力转授
  第50章 第42F条 向调查委员会委员支付费用
  第50章 第42G条 保密
  第50章 第42H条 豁免权
  第50章 第43条 (由2004年第23号第50条废除)
  第50章 第44条 本条例就公职人员的职责而言不适用于公职人员
  第50章 第45条 费用及开支
  第50章 第46条 应付予公司注册处处长的费用
  第50章 第47条 (由1994年第96号第30条废除)
  第50章 第48条 因遗漏而没有发出会议通知
  第50章 第49条 退出公会
  (1) 会计师可藉其亲自签署的通知,向理事会提出退出公会。
  (2) 退出公会须在理事会批准下将该会计师的姓名或名称从注册纪录册中删去起生效。
  (3) 在以下情况下,理事会可拒绝接受会计师退出公会─ (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (a) 理事会有理由相信该会计师曾犯有失当行为,或有理由相信有情况存在,而在该等情况下有充分理由根据第35(1)(a)条将其姓名或名称从注册纪录册中删除;
  (b) 理事会知悉涉及该会计师的投诉已经提出,并已提交理事会或纪律委员会;或
  (c) 该会计师欠下公会债项。
  第50章 第50条 执业法团申请从注册纪录册中删除
  第50章 第51条 理事会订立规则的权力
  (1) 理事会可就以下事项订立规则─
  (a) 就根据第28E条申请注册的公司或已在注册纪录册上注册的公司,指明在其组织章程大纲或章程细则内须包括的条文;
  (b) 指明在提供本条适用的保单时须订定的全部或任何条款,包括与终止残存责任有关的条款;
  (c) 就以下事项以港币为单位指明款额:因本条适用的保单就任何个别申索作出专业弥偿的最低投保额,以及就指明的期间内作出专业弥偿所提供的最低合共投保额;
  (d) 指明1条或多于1条公式或计划,用以计算或以其他方式确定一个款额,或参照该等公式或计划计算或以其他方式确定一个款额,而该款额为该最低投保额或最低合共投保额;
  (e) 使专业弥偿保险藉一份给予以下全部人士或以下任何1人或多于1人受保的保单而订立─
  (i) 当其时的每名会计师; (由2004年第23号第54条修订)
  (ii) 当其时的每家执业会计师事务所;
  (iii) (由2004年第23号第52条废除)
  (iv) 当其时的每个执业法团;
  (v) 属该等规则所指明的类别或种类的所有会计师、事务所或执业法团;(f) 规管纪律委员会研讯的进行,以及对关乎该等研讯的其他事宜(包括在指明情况下重新聆讯)作出规管;及
  (g) 就前述各段所述的任何事宜而附带或补充的事宜,订定条文。(2) 根据本条订立的规则亦可关乎第(1)(a)款敍明的所有公司,或本条适用的所有保单,或属该等规则所指明的类别或种类的公司或保单。
  (3) 凡属完全或部分为施行第28D条或建议完全或部分为施行第28D条而订立的专业弥偿保险的保单,本条均对其适用。
  (4) 为免生疑问,现宣布《释义及通则条例》(第1章)第34条不适用于根据本条订立的规则。 (由2004年第23号第52条增补)
  第50章 第52条 理事会可转授权力
  (1) 理事会可将理事会根据本条例获授或委以的任何权力或职责,转授予任何人或理事会的委员会,但根据第51条订立规则的权力除外。
  (2) 凡理事会根据第(1)款作出转授,它可同时授权获转授权力的人或委员会再转授该权力,而该授权可载有行使该授权下的再转授的权力的限制或条件。
  第50章 第53条 理事会理事等的豁免权
  第50章 附表(由1994年第96号第31条废除)
Cap 50 Long title
    To establish the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants and to provide for the registration and control of the accountancy profession, and for matters ancillary to or connected with the purposes aforesaid.
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 2)
  [1 January 1973] L.N. 267 of 1972
  (Originally 68 of 1972)
  Cap 50 s 1 Short title
  This Ordinance may be cited as the Professional Accountants Ordinance.
  Cap 50 s 2 Interpretation
  In this Ordinance, unless the context otherwise requires-
  **"appointed day" (指定日期) means the day appointed by the Secretary for Financial Services and the Treasury under section 1(3) of the Professional Accountants (Amendment) Ordinance 2004 (23 of 2004); (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "appointed member" (委任理事) means a member of the Council appointed by the Chief Executive under section 10(2)(e); (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "certified public accountant" (会计师) means a person registered as a certified public accountant by virtue of section 22; (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "certified public accountant (practising)" (执业会计师) means a certified public accountant holding a practising certificate; (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "co-opted member" (增选理事) means a member of the Council co-opted under section 10(4); (Added 96 of 1994 s. 2)
  "corporate practice" (执业法团) means a company which is for the time being registered under section 28E; (Added 85 of 1995 s. 2)
  "Council" (理事会) means the Council of the Institute established under section 10; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  "Disciplinary Committee" (纪律委员会) means a Disciplinary Committee constituted under section 33(3); (Replaced 96 of 1994 s. 2)
  "Disciplinary Committee Convenor" (纪律委员会召集人) means the Disciplinary Committee Convenor appointed under section 33(1)(a); (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "Disciplinary Panels" (纪律小组) means the Disciplinary Panel A and Disciplinary Panel B constituted under section 33(1) and "Disciplinary Panel A" and "Disciplinary Panel B" shall be construed accordingly; (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "elected member" (当选理事) means a member of the Council elected under section 10(2)(c);
  "firm name" (事务所名称) means, in relation to a certified public accountant (practising) practising on his own account, the name or style under which he practises if that name or style is otherwise than his own name without any addition as registered under section 22(2), and in relation to a certified public accountant (practising) practising in partnership, the name or style under which the partnership practises; (Added 96 of 1994 s. 2. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "Institute" (公会) means the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (香港会计师公会) incorporated by section 3; (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "Investigation Committee" (调查委员会) means the committee appointed under section 42C; (Added 96 of 1994 s. 2)
  "Investigation Committee Convenor" (调查委员会召集人) means the Investigation Committee Convenor appointed under section 42B(1)(a); (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "Investigation Panels" (调查小组) means the Investigation Panel A and Investigation Panel B constituted under section 42B(1) and "Investigation Panel A" and "Investigation Panel B" shall be construed accordingly; (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "lay person" (业外人士) means a person who is not-
  (a) a certified public accountant; or
  (b) a member of an accountancy body which is a member of the International Federation of Accountants; (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)"practice review" (执业审核), in relation to a practice unit, means an examination or a review described in section 32B(1)(b);
  "Practice Review Committee" (执业审核委员会) means the committee established under section 32A; (Added 14 of 1992 s. 2)
  "practice unit" (执业单位) means-
  (a) a firm of certified public accountants (practising) practising accountancy pursuant to this Ordinance; (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  (b) a certified public accountant (practising) practising accountancy on his own account pursuant to this Ordinance; or (Added 14 of 1992 s. 2. Amended 85 of 1995 s. 2; 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  (c) a corporate practice; (Added 85 of 1995 s. 2)"practising certificate" (执业证书) means a current practising certificate issued under section 30;
  "President" (会长) means the President of the Institute elected under section 4 and any person acting as President; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  "professional accountant" (专业会计师) means a person registered as a professional accountant before the relevant day; (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "professional indemnity insurance" (专业弥偿保险) includes insurance indemnifying a certified public accountant, a firm of certified public accountants (practising) or a corporate practice against liability to compensate a third party who has sustained financial loss or any other damage or injury due to a breach of professional duty by or to professional negligence of such accountant, firm or practice (including such negligence by any director of the practice) or fraud or dishonesty; (Added 85 of 1995 s. 2. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "professional standards" (专业标准) means any-
  (a) statement of professional ethics; or
  (b) standards of accounting, auditing and assurance practices, (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 3)issue or specified or deemed to be issued or specified under section 18A; (Added 14 of 1992 s. 2)"public accountant" (注册核数师) means a person registered as a professional accountant by virtue of the repealed section 24(2) before the relevant day; (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "register" (注册纪录册) means the register of certified public accountants kept under section 22; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  "registered address" (注册地址) means any address of a certified public accountant which is entered in the register under section 22(2); (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  "registered office" (注册办事处) means the registered office referred to in section 31;
  "Registrar" (注册主任) means the Registrar appointed under section 21;
  "relevant day" (有关日期) means the day on which the Professional Accountants (Amendment) Ordinance 2004 (23 of 2004) comes into operation* under section 1(2) of that Ordinance; (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "repealed section 24(2)" (已废除的第24(2)条) means section 24(2) of this Ordinance repealed by the Professional Accountants (Amendment) Ordinance 2004 (23 of 2004); (Added 23 of 2004 s. 3)
  "reviewer" (审核人员) means any person appointed or engaged by the Council under section 32B(1)(d); (Added 14 of 1992 s. 2)
  "Vice-President" (副会长) means the Vice-President of the Institute elected under section 4 and any person acting as Vice-President. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 8; 96 of 1994 s. 2; 23 of 2004 s. 3)_________________________________________________________________________________
  ** appointed day : 26 November 2004.
  * In operation date : 8 September 2004
  Cap 50 s 3 Incorporation of Institute
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 4)
  The persons registered as certified public accountants under section 22 shall- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) be a body corporate with perpetual succession;
  (b) be known as the Hong Kong Society of Accountants (香港会计师公会) before the relevant day, and the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants (香港会计师公会) with effect from the relevant day; and (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 5)
  (c) in that name be capable of suing and being sued and, subject to this Ordinance, of doing and suffering all such other acts as a body corporate may lawfully do and suffer.
  Cap 50 s 4 Appointment of President and Vice-President
  (1) There shall be a President and 2 Vice-Presidents of the Institute, who shall be elected by the Council from the elected members. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (2) The President and the Vice-Presidents shall, unless they-
  (a) resign their offices by notice in writing delivered to the Registrar; or
  (b) are deemed by virtue of section 15(1) to have vacated their offices as members of the Council, (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 6)hold office from the date of their election until the conclusion of the annual general meeting next occurring. (Replaced 22 of 1977 s. 2)
  (3) If a casual vacancy occurs in the office of President, the Council shall elect one of the Vice-Presidents to act as President.
  (4) If a casual vacancy occurs in any of the offices of Vice-President, the Council may elect an elected member to fill the vacancy.
  (5) For the purposes of this section and section 11, a casual vacancy shall be deemed to occur when a person is temporarily absent from Hong Kong or is temporarily unable to attend to the business of the Council.
  (6) Notwithstanding subsection (1), if only one elected member is proposed for election to fill a vacancy in the office of President, such elected member shall, without taking a vote upon the proposal, be deemed to have been elected at the conclusion of the meeting of the Council at which the vacancy is to be filled.
  (7) Notwithstanding subsection (1), if not more than 2 elected members are proposed to fill the vacancies in the offices of Vice-Presidents, such elected member or members shall, without taking a vote upon the proposal, be deemed to have been elected at the conclusion of the meeting of the Council at which the vacancies are to be filled. (Added 96 of 1994 s. 3)
  (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 3)
  Cap 50 s 5 Office of Institute
  Office of Institute
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  The Institute shall maintain an office the address of which shall be notified to the Registrar of Companies.
  (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 4; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 6 Official seal and authentication thereof, and instruments executed thereunder
  (1) The Institute shall have and may use a common seal, the affixing of which shall be authenticated by the signature of the Registrar.
  (2) Any instrument purporting to be executed under the seal of the Institute shall be received in evidence and shall, unless the contrary is proved, be deemed to be an instrument so executed.
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 7 Objects of the Institute
  The objects of the Institute shall be- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) to maintain a register of certified public accountants, firms of certified public accountants (practising) and corporate practices; (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 3; 23 of 2004 ss. 7 & 54)
  (b) to regulate the practice of the accountancy profession;
  (c) to conduct examinations and act in such other manner as may be necessary to ascertain whether persons are qualified to be admitted to the register;
  (d) to encourage the study of accountancy by accountants and students, and to give certificates, bursaries, scholarships and rewards on such terms and conditions as may be specified from time to time;
  (e) to maintain a library and reading rooms for the use of accountants and students;
  (f) to establish and assist in establishing and supporting associations, funds, trusts and schemes intended to benefit accountants or their dependents, and to grant pensions and allowances to any accountant or his dependents;
  (g) to represent the views of the profession and to preserve and maintain its reputation, integrity and status; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 7)
  (h) to discourage dishonourable conduct and practices by certified public accountants, and for this purpose to hold inquiries into the conduct of certified public accountants, firms and corporate practices referred to in paragraph (a); (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 3; 23 of 2004 ss. 7 & 54)
  (i) to provide for the settlement of disputes within the accountancy profession; (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 3)
  (j) to take such action as the Institute considers necessary in any matter affecting the professional interests of the accountancy profession; (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 3; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (k) to do all such other things as are incidental or conducive to the attainment of the above objects.
  Cap 50 s 8 Power of Institute to make by-laws
  (1) The Institute may, subject to the approval of the Chief Executive in Council, make by-laws- (Amended 31 of 1999 s. 3; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) regulating the practice of accountancy by professional accountants in Hong Kong;
  (b) (Repealed 22 of 1977 s. 3)
  (c) regulating meetings of the Institute and the Council; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (d) governing the registration, training and education of students; (Amended 22 of 1977 s. 3)
  (e) governing the discipline of students;
  (f) empowering the Council to make rules prescribing examinations of the Institute, the fees payable therefor and all matters incidental to the holding thereof including exemptions or concessions which may be granted in respect of the examinations; (Amended 22 of 1977 s. 3; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (g) regulating the conditions on which examiners shall be engaged;
  (h) regulating the appointment of an auditor;
  (i) providing for the use and custody of the common seal of the Institute; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (j) providing for the custody, investment and expenditure of the funds and the management of property of the Institute; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (k) (Repealed 14 of 1985 s. 2)
  (l) specifying the designations for certified public accountants and the initials by which certified public accountants may be known; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (la) providing for the admission of persons as affiliates of the Institute and specifying the designations for such affiliates and the initials by which such affiliates may be known; (Added 23 of 2004 s. 8)
  (m) (Repealed 22 of 1977 s. 3)
  (n) regulating the nomination and election of elected members of the Council;
  (o) conferring on members of the Council and employees and auditors of the Institute a right of indemnity against the Institute for actions brought against them for things done by them in the execution of the Ordinance; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (oa) providing for and regulating the provision and retention of information, the giving of any notice and communication, the election of any person, the voting on any matter, the signature of any person, under or pursuant to this Ordinance, by electronic means; (Added 23 of 2004 s. 8)
  (p) prescribing anything which is to be or may be prescribed by the Ordinance;
  (q) generally for the better carrying into effect of the purposes of this Ordinance and for the furtherance of the objects of the Institute. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)(2) A copy of any by-laws made by the Institute shall, as soon as practicable after the making thereof, be duly certified by the President and transmitted by him for the approval of the Chief Executive in Council. (Amended L.N. 137 of 1981; 31 of 1999 s. 3; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (3) A by-law under subsection (1) may be made only by a majority of two-thirds of the certified public accountants present in person or by proxy and voting at a general meeting of the Institute convened for the purpose of making the by-laws. Notice of such meeting and of the by-laws to be proposed thereat shall be sent to every certified public accountant not less than 21 days before the date fixed for the meeting, but the non-receipt of such a notice by any certified public accountant shall not invalidate the proceedings thereat. (Amended 22 of 1977 s. 3; 23 of 2004 ss. 8 & 54)
  (4) (Repealed 32 of 2000 s. 48)
  Cap 50 s 9 General meetings
  (1) The first annual general meeting of the Institute shall be held within 9 months after the commencement of this Ordinance.
  (2) An annual general meeting of the Institute shall be held not less than once in every calendar year, and not more than 15 months after the holding of the last preceding annual general meeting.
  (3) General meetings of the Institute, other than the annual general meeting, shall be held as required by the by-laws.
  (4) Any certified public accountant may, at any meeting of the Institute, move any resolution which is not inconsistent with the purposes and provisions of this Ordinance but may not move a resolution in respect of any act done in pursuance of the powers conferred by section 18B, 26, 27, 28A, 30, 32B, 32C, 32D, 32E, 32F, 34, 35, 36, 39, 42C, 42D, 42E or 42F. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 9)
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 10 Establishment and composition of the Council
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (1) There is hereby established the Council of the Hong Kong Institute of Certified Public Accountants.
  (2) The Council shall, subject to subsection (4), consist of the following members- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 10)
  (a) the Financial Secretary, or a person appointed by him as his representative;
  (b) the Director of Accounting Services, or a person appointed by him as his representative; (Amended L.N. 16 of 1977)
  (c) 14 certified public accountants (not being persons entitled to be registered as a professional accountant by virtue of the repealed section 24(2) immediately before the relevant day) elected at an annual general meeting of the Institute, each of whom shall on the day of the meeting be ordinarily resident in Hong Kong and of whom at the time of election- (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 4; 23 of 2004 ss. 10 & 54)
  (i) not less than 6 shall be certified public accountants in full time practice as certified public accountants (practising); (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 10)
  (ii) not less than 6 shall be certified public accountants otherwise than in full time practice as certified public accountants (practising); (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 10)(d) the immediate past President of the Institute who shall, unless he is also an elected member, hold office as a member of the Council for a period from the time when he ceased to be President until the conclusion of the annual general meeting next occurring; and (Added 23 of 2004 s. 10)
  (e) 4 lay persons appointed by the Chief Executive. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 10)(2A) For the purpose of subsection (2)(c), a certified public accountant- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) shall be regarded as being in full time practice as a certified public accountant (practising) if he- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 10)
  (i) holds a practising certificate;
  (ii) is free to devote substantially the whole of his time during normal office hours to provide his services as a certified public accountant (practising); and
  (iii) has not entered into and there is not subsisting a contract of employment between him and an employer (other than an employer who is a certified public accountant (practising) or a firm of certified public accountants (practising) or a corporate practice) under which he is bound to devote the whole or substantially the whole of his time during normal office hours to his employment; and(b) holding a practising certificate shall not be treated as not being in full time practice as a certified public accountant (practising) by reason only of the fact that he is in the employment of a certified public accountant (practising) or a firm of certified public accountants (practising) or a corporate practice,and normal office hours shall mean those hours at which banks are generally open for business in Hong Kong. (Added 96 of 1994 s. 4)
  (3) An appointed member shall not be appointed for a term exceeding 2 years but shall be eligible for reappointment for a further term or terms of not exceeding 2 years each. (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 10)
  (4) In addition to the members specified in subsection (2), the Council may, at the first meeting of the Council held after an annual general meeting, or as soon thereafter as is practicable, co-opt not more than 2 certified public accountants, each of whom should then be ordinarily resident in Hong Kong, as members of the Council. (Added 96 of 1994 s. 4. Amended 85 of 1995 s. 4; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (5) In addition to applying for the purposes of section 29A, subsection (5)(b) of that section shall also apply for the purposes of this section. (Added 85 of 1995 s. 4)
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 10)
  Cap 50 s 11 Filling vacancies in Council
  (1) If a casual vacancy occurs under section 4(3) or (4), or a vacancy is deemed to arise under section 15(1), the Council may, in the case of a co-opted member, appoint a certified public accountant, and in the case of an elected member, appoint a certified public accountant of the class referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii) of section 10(2)(c), as the vacancy may require, to fill the vacancy. (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 5; 23 of 2004 ss. 11 & 54)
  (2) A certified public accountant appointed under subsection (1) to fill- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) a casual vacancy under section 4(3) or (4) shall hold office for so long as the member in whose place he is appointed would have held office or until the member resumes his office on the Council, whichever is the earlier; or
  (b) a vacancy under section 15(1) shall hold office for so long as the member in whose place he is appointed would have held office. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 11)
  Cap 50 s 12 Compulsory retirement of elected members
  (1) Subject to subsection (1A) and section 13(2), immediately before the conclusion of each annual general meeting of the Institute, the 7 elected members who have been longest in office since their last election shall retire from office. (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 6; 23 of 2004 ss. 12 & 54)
  (1A) Subject to section 13(2), immediately before the conclusion of the first 2 annual general meetings of the Institute after the appointed day-
  (a) in the case of the first such annual general meeting, 6 elected members who have been longest in office since their last election shall retire from office; and
  (b) in the case of the second such annual general meeting, 6 elected members who have been longest in office since their last election, and one elected member from among the remaining 8 elected members who shall be selected by lot, shall retire from office. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 12)(2) (Repealed 96 of 1994 s. 6)
  (3) Every elected member who retires from office in accordance with this section shall be eligible for re-election.
  (4) A co-opted member shall hold office until immediately before the conclusion of the next annual general meeting and he shall be eligible to be co-opted again or (except in the case of a person entitled to be registered as a professional accountant by virtue of the repealed section 24(2) immediately before the relevant day) elected as a member of the Council. (Added 96 of 1994 s. 6. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 12)
  (Replaced 14 of 1985 s. 4)
  Cap 50 s 13 Procedure for election of certified public accountants as elected members
  Procedure for election of certified public accountants as elected members
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (1) If the number of certified public accountants nominated as candidates for election to the Council t an annual general meeting of the Institute- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) does not exceed the number of vacancies for elected members, the candidates shall be deemed to have been elected to the Council with effect from immediately before the conclusion of the annual general meeting at which the vacancies are to be filled;
  (b) exceeds the number of vacancies for elected members, the election shall be determined by ballot, and the candidates so elected shall hold office as elected members with effect from immediately before the conclusion of the annual general meeting; or
  (c) is less than the number of vacancies in respect of elected members, the Chief Executive may appoint a certified public accountant to fill any vacancy among the elected members of the Council remaining unfilled at the conclusion of the annual general meeting, (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)(2) A certified public accountant appointed by the Chief Executive under subsection (1)(c) shall hold office until the next annual general meeting. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (Amended 31 of 1999 s. 3)
  Cap 50 s 14 Chief Executive may appoint a certified public accountant to Council if Council fails to fill a vacancy
  Chief Executive may appoint a certified public accountant to Council if Council fails to fill a vacancy
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  If a vacancy is not filled by the Council within 30 days by appointment under section 11(1), the Chief Executive may appoint a certified public accountant of the class referred to in sub-paragraph (i) or (ii) of section 10(2)(c) to fill the vacancy, as the vacancy may require.
  (Amended 31 of 1999 s. 3; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 15 Vacation of office by Council members
  (1) An elected or co-opted member shall be deemed to have vacated his office as a member of the Council if- (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 7; 23 of 2004 s. 13)
  (a) he resigns his office, by notice in writing delivered to the Registrar;
  (b) he is absent without permission of the President from 3 consecutive meetings of the Council of which he has had notice to attend, and the Council resolves that his office shall be vacant;
  (c) he becomes bankrupt or makes an arrangement or composition with his creditors;
  (d) he ceases to be ordinarily resident in Hong Kong;
  (e) his name is removed from the register under section 27(1)(a) or section 35(1)(a); or (Amended 80 of 1997 s. 102; 23 of 2004 s. 13)
  (f) in the case of an elected member he ceases to belong to the class of which he was a member under sub-paragraph (i) or (ii) of section 10(2)(c) and in the case of a co-opted member he ceases to be a certified public accountant: (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 7; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Provided that this paragraph shall not apply if the remaining number of elected members of that class is not less than 6. (Amended 14 of 1985 s. 5; 23 of 2004 s. 13)(2) Subsection (1)(a), (b), (c), (d) and (e) shall apply to the immediate past President of the Institute who becomes a member of the Council pursuant to section 10(2)(d) except that no vacancy is to arise upon his vacation of office in such circumstances. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 13)
  (3) An appointed member shall be deemed to have vacated his office as a member of the Council if-
  (a) he becomes bankrupt or makes an arrangement or composition with his creditors; or
  (b) he ceases to be ordinarily resident in Hong Kong. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 13)
  Cap 50 s 16 Accounts
  (1) The Council shall maintain proper accounts of all transactions of the Institute and shall prepare for every financial year a statement of the accounts of the Institute, containing an income and expenditure account and a balance sheet, both of which shall be signed by the President.
  (2) The Institute in general meeting shall appoint an auditor who shall be entitled at any time to have access to all books of account, vouchers and other financial records of the Institute and to require such information and explanations thereon as he thinks fit.
  (3) The auditor shall audit the statements drawn up under subsection (1) as soon as possible and shall make a report thereon to all the certified public accountants. (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 8)
  (4) A copy of the signed and audited statement of accounts, together with the auditor's report made under subsection (3), shall be submitted for approval at the annual general meeting of the Institute next following the end of the financial year to which they relate. (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 14)
  (4A) A summary of financial statements shall be sent to each certified public accountant with the notice of the annual general meeting. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 14)
  (4B) A certified public accountant may inspect a copy of the signed and audited statement of accounts at all reasonable times at the office of the Institute and the Institute shall provide to a certified public accountant on application a copy of the signed and audited statement of accounts without charge. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 14)
  (5) The auditor shall be entitled to attend the annual general meeting of the Institute at which the statement of accounts which have been reported on by him are to be submitted for approval and to make any statement or explanation he desires with respect to the accounts.
  (6) The Council shall determine the period, which may be more or less than 12 months, in respect of which the accounts of the Institute shall be made up.
  (7) In this section, "financial year" (财政年度) means the period determined by the Council under subsection (6) as the period in respect of which the accounts of the Institute shall be made up; and "summary of financial statements" (财务报表撮要) means a summary, approved by the Council, of the audited statement of accounts of the Institute required to be laid before the annual general meeting of the Institute. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 14)
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 17 General powers of Council
  (1) The management and control of the Institute and of its property shall be vested in the Council and all such powers, acts or things as may be exercised or done by the Institute which are not required by this Ordinance, or by a resolution passed by the Institute in general meeting, to be exercised or done by the Institute may be exercised or done by the Council. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (2) No such resolution of the Institute shall invalidate the exercise of any power or the doing of any act or thing by the Council before the date of the resolution. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (3) Subject to this Ordinance, the Council may regulate its own procedure and that of any committee appointed under section 18(1)(m) relating to-
  (a) the holding of meetings;
  (b) the notice to be given of such meetings;
  (c) the proceedings at such meetings;
  (d) the keeping of minutes at such meetings; and
  (e) the custody, production and inspection of such minutes.
  Cap 50 s 18 Particular powers of Council
  (1) Without derogating from the generality of the power conferred by section 17(1), the Council may-
  (a) do anything necessary for the better carrying out of the objects of the Institute; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (aa) fix registration and other fees; (Added 22 of 1977 s. 4)
  (b) appoint such employees and agents as it deems necessary;
  (c) appoint the bankers of the Institute; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (d) purchase, take on lease or in exchange, hire or otherwise acquire any movable or immovable property, and erect any buildings;
  (e) sell, lease, mortgage, dispose of or otherwise deal with any movable or immovable property of the Institute; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (f) invest moneys of the Institute; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (g) borrow moneys upon security or otherwise;
  (h) exchange information with similar bodies and with members of the profession in places outside Hong Kong and arrange with such bodies for the reciprocal recognition of accountants; (Amended 31 of 1999 s. 3)
  (i) establish and maintain branches of the Institute, whether in Hong Kong or elsewhere, and delegate the powers, duties and functions of the Institute to such branches; (Amended 23 of 1998 s. 2; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (j) institute, conduct, defend, compound or abandon any legal proceedings by or against the Institute or its office or otherwise concerning the affairs of the Institute and compound or allow time for payment or satisfaction of any debts due or of any claims or demands made by or against the Institute; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (k) refer any claim or demand by or against the Institute to arbitration and comply with any award made as a result of such arbitration; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (l) make and give receipts, releases and other discharges for moneys payable to and for claims and demands of the Institute; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (m) appoint committees to assist or advise the Council in the exercise of its powers and delegate to such committees such of its powers as it may from time to time determine; and
  (n) publish periodicals, booklets or other written material, and produce or sponsor the production of documentary films or other audio-visual material, and distribute the same by sale, loan, hire or otherwise, with or without charge, as the Council thinks fit.(2) A committee appointed under subsection (1)(m) may, subject to the by-laws of the Institute, include persons who are not certified public accountants. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 18A Council's power to specify professional standards
  (1) The Council may, in relation to the practice of accountancy, issue or specify any-
  (a) statement of professional ethics; or
  (b) standards of accounting, auditing and assurance practices, (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 15)required to be observed, maintained or otherwise applied by any certified public accountant. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (2) Any-
  (a) statement of professional ethics; or
  (b) standards of accounting, auditing and assurance practices, (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 15)issued or specified by the Council and which were in force immediately before the coming into operation of this section shall be deemed to have been issued or specified under subsection (1).
  (Added 14 of 1992 s. 3)
  Cap 50 s 18B Council's power to give directions
  (1) The Council may, in connection with the discharge of any of its functions or duties or the exercise of any of its powers, give directions either generally to certified public accountants or to any one or more certified public accountants-
  (a) requiring the production or provision to the Institute by a certified public accountant of any document or information in connection with the registration of any certified public accountant or firm name, or the issue of a practising certificate;
  (b) requiring a certified public accountant to deliver up to the Institute any certificate of registration or practising certificate in the possession, custody or control of the certified public accountant if the registration to which the certificate relates has ceased or the practising certificate has been cancelled or ceased to be valid;
  (c) requiring a certified public accountant to give to the Institute an explanation of any act or omission of the certified public accountant which appears to the Council to be conduct unbecoming of a certified public accountant, or conduct which may affect the reputation, integrity and status of the Institute or of the accountancy profession or conduct which may fall within section 34(1)(a)(iii) to (xii).(2) A direction given under this section shall be a direction lawfully given by the Council for the purpose of section 34(1)(a)(ix).
  (3) The Council may prescribe penalties of an amount not exceeding $50000 to be imposed for failure by a certified public accountant to comply with a direction given to him but no penalty shall be imposed on a certified public accountant unless he admits to the failure and agrees to the penalty and any penalty so imposed may be recovered by the Institute from the certified public accountant as a civil debt.
  (4) Subsections (1), (2) and (3) apply mutatis mutandis in relation to a firm of certified public accountants (practising) and to a corporate practice as they apply to a certified public accountant.
  (Added 23 of 2004 s. 16)
  Cap 50 s 19 Council may accept grants, gifts, etc.
  (1) The Council may, on behalf of the Institute, accept property, by way of grant, gift, testamentary disposition or otherwise, on such conditions as it may determine.
  (2) A list shall be kept by the Registrar of all donations to the Institute and the name of the donor and any special conditions attached to the donation shall be entered in the list.
  (3) Property donated to the Institute for a specific purpose shall be applied for that purpose.
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 20 Reimbursement of expenses of Council members
  No fees shall be paid to any member of the Council for his services as a member, but a member may be repaid from the funds of the Institute any expenses incurred by him in relation to the affairs of the Institute.
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 21 Appointment of Registrar and notification to Registrar of Companies
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (1) The Council shall appoint, on such terms and conditions as it thinks fit, a Registrar.
  (1A) If a vacancy occurs in the office of the Registrar, or if the Registrar is ill or temporarily absent from Hong Kong, the Council may appoint another person to act in the office of the Registrar until the vacancy therein is filled or, as the case may be, until the Registrar resumes his duties. (Added 96 of 1994 s. 9)
  (2) The Registrar shall be the secretary to the Institute and to the Council and shall, on the instruction of the President, convene any meeting of the Institute or of the Council. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (3) The Council shall register the appointment of the Registrar or any appointment under subsection (1A) with the Registrar of Companies (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 4; 96 of 1994 s. 9)
  Cap 50 s 22 Register of certified public accountants
  (1) The Registrar shall keep a register for the purposes of this Ordinance and shall be responsible for the custody thereof. (Replaced 85 of 1995 s. 5)
  (1A) The register shall be divided into 2 parts as follows-
  (a) Part I which shall contain the following-
  (i) all the entries and other particulars or matter which comprised the register immediately before the commencement of this subsection; and
  (ii) any particulars to be entered in the register pursuant to subsection (2) or section 28C; and(b) Part II which shall contain such particulars as are required to be entered in that Part by section 28D(8)(a) or 28E(1). (Added 85 of 1995 s. 5)(1B) Subject to subsection (1A), the register shall be in such form as may be specified by the Council. (Added 85 of 1995 s. 5)
  (1C) The register may be maintained-
  (a) in a documentary form; or
  (b) by recording the information required under subsection (1A) otherwise than in a documentary form, so long as the information is capable of being reproduced in a legible form. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 17)(2) Upon the making of an order for the registration of an applicant under section 26(1), the Registrar shall enter in the register the following particulars of the person to be registered-
  (a) his name;
  (b) his residential address and any business address or, if he holds a practising certificate, his residential address and his registered office under section 31; (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 5)
  (c) the qualification by virtue of which he is registered; and
  (d) such other particulars as the Council may direct.(3) For the purposes of enabling any member of the public to ascertain whether he is dealing with a certified public accountant, a certified public accountant (practising), a firm of certified public accountants (practising) or a corporate practice and to ascertain the particulars of registration of such person, the register or (where the register is maintained otherwise than in a documentary form) a reproduction of the information or the relevant part of it in a legible form shall at all reasonable times be made available for public inspection without charge. (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 17)
  (4) Any person registered as a professional accountant immediately before the relevant day shall be deemed to be registered as a certified public accountant. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 17)
  Cap 50 s 23 Certificate of registration
  When a person has been registered under section 22, the Registrar shall issue to him a certificate of registration in such form as the Council may determine.
  Cap 50 s 24 Qualifications for registration as certified public accountant
  (1) A person shall be qualified to be registered under this Ordinance as a certified public accountant if he proves to the satisfaction of the Council that- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) he has attained the age of 21 years;
  (b) he is of good character and is a fit and proper person to be a certified public accountant; (Amended 22 of 1977 s. 5; 96 of 1994 s. 10; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (c) any one of the following applies to him-
  (i) as a student registered as such with the Institute, he has passed such examinations in accountancy and other subjects as may be prescribed by the Council;
  (ii) he is a member in good standing of an accountancy body with which there is in force an agreement of mutual or reciprocal recognition between the accountancy body and the Institute and he has complied with all conditions for the recognition as may be provided in the agreement;
  (iii) he is a member in good standing of an accountancy body for which members-
  (A) the Council has granted full exemption pursuant to subsection (1A) from all the requirements of subparagraph (i); or
  (B) the Council has granted partial exemption pursuant to subsection (1A) from some of the requirements of subparagraph (i) and he has complied with all other requirements of that subparagraph for which no exemption was granted;(iv) he was registered as a professional accountant at any time before the relevant day; and (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 18)(d) he has complied with such requirements relating to practical experience as may be prescribed by the Council. (Added 96 of 1994 s. 10)(1A) The Council may grant exemptions in whole or in part from the requirements of subsection (1)(c)(i) including exemption from the requirement of registration as a student of the Institute to a person who is a member of an accountancy body accepted by the Council by resolution approved by two-thirds of its members as being of a standard similar to that of the Institute: (Amended 23 of 2004 ss. 18 &. 54)
  Provided that-
  (a) no exemption shall be granted to such a person in respect of any examinations prescribed under subsection (1)(c)(i) unless he has satisfied the Council that he has passed such examinations of that accountancy body as the Council considers to be of equivalent standard as the examinations for which exemption is granted; and (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 18)
  (b) the acceptance of that accountancy body may be revoked by the Council by resolution approved by two-thirds of its members. (Added 96 of 1994 s. 10)(2) (Repealed 23 of 2004 s. 18)
  Cap 50 s 25 Application for registration
  (1) A person shall apply to the Council to be registered as a certified public accountant under this Ordinance, in such form as the Council may specify, and shall lodge with his application such registration fee as may be fixed by the Council. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (2) The applicant shall, if so directed by the Council, attend in person before the Council.
  Cap 50 s 26 Acceptance or refusal of registration
  (1) The Council may order that an application for registration be approved or rejected.
  (2) If the Council orders the rejection of an application under subsection (1)-
  (a) the order of rejection, which shall state the reason for rejection, shall be served forthwith by the Registrar upon the applicant either personally or by post addressed to the address shown in the application; and (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 19)
  (b) the registration fee lodged with the application for registration shall be refunded to the applicant.
  Cap 50 s 27 Removal from register of certain persons
  (1) The Council shall order a name to be removed from the register-
  (a) in case the name is that of a certified public accountant, if he- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (i) resigns;
  (ii) dies;
  (iii) has been registered by mistake or in consequence of any misleading, false or fraudulent statement, declaration or representation, either oral or in writing;
  (iv) has failed to renew his registration under section 28;(b) in case the name is that of a corporate practice, if-
  (i) the practice ceases to be qualified for such registration;
  (ii) the practice has been so registered by mistake or in consequence of any misleading, false or fraudulent statement, declaration or representation, either oral or in writing;
  (iii) the practice has failed to renew its registration under section 28E;
  (iv) a receiver has been appointed in respect of the practice or it is being wound up. (Replaced 85 of 1995 s. 6)(2) The name of a certified public accountant shall not be removed from the register under subsection (1)(a)(iv)- (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 6; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) unless notice is sent to him requiring him to renew his registration within 30 days from the date of the notice; or (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 20)
  (b) if and for so long as the Council may, pursuant to section 49(3), refuse to accept his resignation from the Institute. (Replaced 96 of 1994 s. 11. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)(3) The order of the Council to remove the name of any certified public accountant from the register under subsection (1)(a)(iii) shall be served forthwith by the Registrar upon the certified public accountant concerned either personally or by post addressed to his registered address. (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 6; 23 of 2004 ss. 20 & 54)
  (4) The Registrar shall not remove the name of a certified public accountant from the register- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) before the expiry of 30 days after the date of service of the order under subsection (3); or
  (b) in the case of an appeal under section 41, before a decision of the Court of Appeal affirming the order.(5) When the name of a certified public accountant is removed from the register, under subsection (1)(a)(iii), the Registrar shall, as soon as practicable thereafter, cause to be published in the Gazette a notice to that effect. (Amended 14 of 1985 s. 6; 85 of 1995 s. 6; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (6) If the name of a certified public accountant is removed from the register under this section or section 35- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) the certificate of registration and the practising certificate, if any, issued to the certified public accountant shall be deemed to be cancelled with effect from the date on which his name is so removed; and (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (b) no refund of the registration fee or any part thereof shall be made.
  Cap 50 s 28 Expiry of registration and renewal
  (1) Registration of a person as a certified public accountant shall- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) remain in force until 1 January in the year following the year in which he was so registered; and
  (b) be renewable annually.(2) An application for renewal of registration as a certified public accountant- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) shall be made to the Registrar not later than 15 December in the year preceding the year of renewal (or such later day as the Council may approve either generally or in respect of any application) in such form as the Council may specify; (Amended 22 of 1977 s. 6; 23 of 2004 s. 21)
  (b) shall not be granted except on payment of the registration fee fixed by the Council; and (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 21)
  (c) shall not be granted unless the applicant has satisfied the Council that he has complied with the requirements for the time being prescribed by the Council for continuing professional development. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 21)
  Cap 50 s 28A Registration of firm name
  (1) A certified public accountant (practising) practising on his own account under a firm name shall apply to the Council for registration of the firm name under this Ordinance. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 22)
  (2) A firm of certified public accountants (practising) shall apply to the Council for registration of a firm name under this Ordinance. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 22)
  (3) No person shall practise-
  (a) on his own account as a certified public accountant (practising) under a firm name; or (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 22)
  (b) in partnership as a firm of certified public accountants (practising), (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 22)unless his firm name or, as the case may be, the firm in which he is a partner is registered under this Ordinance.
  (4) The Council may reject an application under subsection (1) or (2) if the firm name proposed to be registered-
  (a) is the same as a firm name already registered;
  (b) so nearly resembles a firm name already registered as to be likely to cause confusion; or
  (c) is, in the opinion of the Council, misleading, offensive or otherwise contrary to the public interest.(5) A firm of certified public accountants (practising) shall not be qualified to be registered under subsection (2) unless all partners of the firm are certified public accountants and at least such proportion as the Council may from time to time prescribe of its partners is or are certified public accountant (practising) or certified public accountants (practising). (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 22)
  (6) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that a person other than the holder of a current practising certificate shall not be entitled to sign an audit report on behalf of a firm of certified public accountants (practising). (Added 23 of 2004 s. 22)
  (Replaced 96 of 1994 s. 12)
  Cap 50 s 28B Application for registration of a firm
  Application for registration of a firm of certified public accountants (practising) under this Ordinance shall be made to the Council in such form as the Council may specify and there shall be lodged with the application such registration fee as may be fixed by the Council.
  (Added 22 of 1977 s. 7. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 23)
  Cap 50 s 28C Provisions of sections 22, 23, 26, 27, 28, 39 and 41 to apply to firms and firm names
  The provisions of sections 22, 23, 26, 27(1)(a)(iii) and (iv), (2), (3), (4), (5) and (6), 28, 39 and 41 (1)(a) and (b)(i) shall apply mutatis mutandis in relation to the registration of a firm and a firm name as they apply in relation to the registration of a certified public accountant.
  (Added 22 of 1977 s. 7. Amended 96 of 1994 s. 13; 85 of 1995 s. 7; 23 of 2004 ss. 24 & 54)
  Cap 50 s 28D Qualification for registration of company as corporate practice
  (1) Subject to subsection (11)(b), a company limited by shares and formed and registered under the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32), and only such a company, shall be qualified for registration as a corporate practice and where such a company is so registered it shall be qualified to remain registered as a corporate practice if and only for so long as the requirements specified in subsection (2) are complied with in relation to it.
  (2) (a) The requirements referred to in subsection (1) are that the company concerned is and continues to be a qualified company and that the requirements of paragraph (b) or, where appropriate, paragraph (c) are complied with in relation to it.
  (b) Where a qualified company has for the time being 3 or more members-
  (i) each of its members shall be both a director of the company and a certified public accountant and at least such proportion as the Council may from time to time prescribe of its members shall be a certified public accountant (practising) or certified public accountants (practising), and only persons who are members of the company may be a director of the company; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 25)
  (ii) the requirements referred to in subparagraph (i) shall be complied with as regards the company at all times;
  (iii) the company shall at all times be covered by professional indemnity insurance provided by an approved insurer on terms which are either specified in rules under section 51 or, if not so specified, have been approved of by the Council and that the scope of the indemnity which the insurance affords is, as regards any amount payable thereunder and in every other respect, at least as extensive as rules under section 51 require in that regard; and
  (iv) the company's memorandum and articles of association shall comply with the requirements of rules (if any) made under section 51.(c) Where a qualified company has for the time being only 2 members-
  (i) 1 such member shall be a certified public accountant (practising) and the other such member shall be either- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 25)
  (A) a certified public accountant (practising); or (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 25)
  (B) a person in relation to whom a permission under subsection (5) is for the time being in force,
  and only persons who are members of the company may be a director of the company; and(ii) the company shall comply at all times with both the requirements of subparagraph (i) as regards members and the requirements described in paragraph (b)(iii) and (iv).(3) Subject to subsection (4), an application for registration under section 28E shall be allowed if, and only if, the Council is satisfied that-
  (a) the applicant is a qualified company;
  (b) if the application were allowed, the applicant would thenceforth be covered by insurance described in subsection (2)(b)(iii); and
  (c) (i) in case the applicant is a company described in subsection (2)(b)-
  (A) the requirements of the company's articles of association include requirements which are appropriate having regard to the requirements of subparagraph (i) of that subsection; and
  (B) the requirements of subparagraph (iv) of that subsection are complied with as regards it; and
  (ii) in case the applicant is a company described in subsection (2)(c)-
  (A) the requirements of the company's articles of association include requirements which are appropriate having regard to the requirements of subparagraph (i) of that subsection; and
  (B) the requirements described in subsection (2)(b)(iv) are complied with as regards it.(4) An application for registration under section 28E shall be made to the Council and shall be in such form as the Council may specify and there shall be lodged with the application such registration fee as may be fixed by the Council.
  (5) (a) Subject to paragraph (c), on an application's being made in that behalf by a qualified company described in subsection (2)(c) the Council may, if it thinks fit, grant as regards that company a permission for the purposes of this section and such a permission shall operate to permit, notwithstanding anything contained in the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32), an individual person who is not a certified public accountant (practising) and who is specified in the application to be a member and director of that company. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 25)
  (b) A permission for the purposes of this section may be withdrawn by the Council at any time.
  (c) A permission for the purposes of this section shall be granted if, and only if, the Council is satisfied that-
  (i) in respect of the shareholding of the applicant company, a legally enforceable arrangement exists whereby-
  (A) a person who is a certified public accountant (practising) is to hold the entire issued share capital of that company except 1 issued share; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 25)
  (B) the person holding for the time being the remaining share holds it in trust for the holder referred to in sub-subparagraph (A);
  (C) in case the person referred to in sub-subparagraph (B) resigns, dies, or due to mental or physical incapacity becomes unable to act as a director of the applicant company, or in case a permission for the purposes of this section and relating to him is withdrawn, his share will devolve to another person; and(ii) the person specified in the application is a fit and proper person to whom to give a permission for the purposes of this section; and
  (iii) in respect of the management of the applicant company, its memorandum and articles of association contain provisions to the effect that-
  (A) the holder referred to in subparagraph (i)(A) is to be the managing director having the day to day management of the company;
  (B) such holder is to have a second or casting vote at meetings of the applicant company's board; and
  (C) a person referred to in subparagraph (i)(B) is to cease to hold office as a director on his share's devolving to another person as described in subparagraph (i)(C).(6) (a) Where-
  (i) a share devolves to a person other than the holder of a practising certificate pursuant to an arrangement referred to in subsection (5)(c)(i);
  (ii) a corporate practice at any time ceases to comply with any of the requirements described in subsection (2) and applying to it,
  the corporate practice concerned shall, within the period of 14 days beginning on such devolution or cesser, notify the Council in writing of such devolution or cesser.
  (b) (i) A notice given pursuant to this subsection because of the devolution of a share may contain an application to the Council for a permission for the purposes of this section regarding a person named in the notice, and the Council may allow or refuse the application.
  (ii) Where an application referred to in subparagraph (i) is refused, the Council may when refusing the application require the applicant to bring a further such application within a period specified in the refusal.(c) Where notice of a cesser described in paragraph (a)(ii) is received by the Council, it may, for the purpose of requiring the relevant corporate practice to comply with any or all of the requirements referred to in that paragraph, attach one or more specified conditions to the practice's registration under section 28E and direct the Registrar to record the conditions in Part II of the register in such manner as he considers appropriate.(7) In case a condition is attached pursuant to this section, the corporate practice concerned shall comply with it, and if the condition requires compliance within a specified period it shall be so complied with.
  (8) Where-
  (a) there is a failure to comply with a requirement of subsection (2)(b)(ii), (iii) or (iv) or subsection (2)(c)(ii);
  (b) there is a failure to comply with a notification requirement of subsection (6)(a) or section 28H(1) or (2);
  (c) a condition attached under subsection (6)(c) or (9)(c) is not complied with; or
  (d) a requirement imposed under subsection (6)(b)(ii) is not complied with,the Council may, if it thinks fit, give the Registrar a direction under this subsection.
  (9) (a) A direction under subsection (8) shall, as shall be thereby specified, require the Registrar-
  (i) to remove, either permanently or for a period specified in the direction, the name of the corporate practice concerned and any other relevant particulars from the register forthwith; or
  (ii) to give forthwith to such practice a notice described in paragraph (b).
  (b) A notice referred to in paragraph (a) shall be in writing and be signed by the Registrar and shall state that a direction under subsection (8) has been given by the Council as regards the corporate practice to which the notice is addressed and that such practice may, within the period of 21 days beginning on the date of the notice, make representations to the Council as to why the Registrar should not comply with the direction (which representations are hereby authorized to be made).
  (c) (i) Where representations are made pursuant to paragraph (b), the Registrar shall refer the relevant matter to the Council together with such observations (if any) as he considers appropriate and the Council, having considered such observations (if any) and representations, may either-
  (A) if it considers it appropriate, attach specified conditions to the relevant corporate practice's registration under section 28E and direct the Registrar to record the conditions in Part II of the register in such manner as he considers appropriate; or
  (B) direct the Registrar to remove the name of such practice and any other relevant particulars from the register forthwith.
  (ii) Where such representations are not made within the period specified in paragraph (b), the Registrar shall remove the name of the corporate practice concerned and any other relevant particulars from the register.(d) Where pursuant to a direction under this section the name of a corporate practice is removed from Part II of the register-
  (i) the Registrar shall as soon as is reasonably practicable give the practice written notice of the removal; and
  (ii) the practice may, within the period of 21 days beginning on the date of the notice, or such longer period as the Court of Appeal may allow, appeal to that court against the removal.(e) In determining an appeal under this subsection the Court of Appeal may-
  (i) order the Registrar to restore to Part II of the register the name of the corporate practice concerned together with such other particulars as were removed by him pursuant to the relevant direction under this section;
  (ii) grant such other remedy or relief, or make such other order, if any, as the court considers appropriate; or
  (iii) confirm such direction.(10) (a) Subject to paragraph (b), where the name of a corporate practice is removed from the register pursuant to a direction under this section (including a direction confirmed on appeal), the Council shall cause notice of the removal to be published in the Gazette.
  (b) A notice referred to in paragraph (a) shall not be published in the Gazette unless-
  (i) in case there is an appeal as regards the relevant removal, the appeal has been withdrawn or the relevant direction under this section was confirmed on appeal; or
  (ii) in any other case, the time for taking such an appeal has expired.(11) (a) For the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that nothing in this section shall be construed as repealing by implication or otherwise affecting any provision of Part IVA of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32) in its application to a director of a corporate practice.
  (b) It is hereby declared that-
  (i) a company of which a corporation is either a member or a director is not qualified for being registered under this section;
  (ii) a corporation is not qualified for being either a member or a director of a corporate practice; and
  (iii) a person other than the holder of a current practising certificate shall not be entitled to sign an audit report on behalf of a corporate practice.issued share capital of that company except 1 issued share; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 25)(12) In this section-
  "approved insurer" (认可保险人) means an insurer who is approved by the Council as regards the provision by him of professional indemnity insurance to any company registered under section 28E;
  "qualified company" (合资格公司) means a company described in subsection (1).
  (Added 85 of 1995 s. 8)
  Cap 50 s 28E Registration of corporate practices
  (1) Where an application under section 28D(3) is allowed, the Registrar shall enter in Part II of the register the following particulars of the company to which the application related-
  (a) its name;
  (b) its registered office for the purposes of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32); and
  (c) such other particulars (if any) as are for the time being specified for the purposes of this section by the Council.(2) A corporate practice shall for the purposes of section 27(2), (3), (4), (5) and (6) be deemed to be a certified public accountant. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (Added 85 of 1995 s. 8)
  Cap 50 s 28F Certificate of registration of corporate practice
  When a company is registered in the register, the Registrar shall issue to the corporate practice concerned a certificate of such registration in such form as the Council shall determine.
  (Added 85 of 1995 s. 8)
  Cap 50 s 28G Provisions of sections to apply to a company
  (1) The provisions of sections 26, 28, 28A(4), 33B, 35, 35B, 36(1A), 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41(1) shall apply mutatis mutandis in relation to a corporate practice as they apply in relation to a certified public accountant. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 26)
  (2) Subsection (1) shall not be construed as limiting or otherwise affecting in any manner any liability incurred by a certified public accountant in the course of practising accountancy.
  (Added 85 of 1995 s. 8. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 28H Articles of association of corporate practices
  (1) Where it is proposed to alter or add to the articles of association of a corporate practice ("the amendment"), it shall send to the Registrar written notice of the proposal and such notice shall be so sent not later than the day on which notice is given to its members of the meeting of the practice at which the amendment is to be considered.
  (2) Where a corporate practice alters or adds to its articles of association, the practice shall before the expiration of the period of 21 days beginning on the day on which the relevant special resolution is passed, notify the Registrar in writing of the alteration or addition.
  (Added 85 of 1995 s. 8)
  Cap 50 s 29 Requirements to practise as certified public accountant (practising)
  (1) No person, other than a corporate practice, shall practise as a certified public accountant (practising) unless he is registered as a certified public accountant and holds a practising certificate. (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 9; 23 of 2004 ss. 27 & 54)
  (2) Unless he is either the holder of a practising certificate or a corporate practice, a person shall not hold any appointment or render any services, whether unpaid or otherwise- (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 9)
  (a) as an auditor of a company within the meaning of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32); or
  (b) as an auditor of accounts for the purpose of any other Ordinance.(3) Nothing in this Ordinance shall prevent-
  (a) a person from
  (i) practising publicly and describing himself as an accountant, secretary, book-keeper, tax-agent, tax-consultant or cost- consultant; or
  (ii) describing himself by any other designation, initials or characters not conveying the impression that he is entitled to practise as a certified public accountant (practising); or (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 27)
  (iii) acting as an auditor of a registered trade union with the approval of the Registrar of Trade Unions; or(b) a member of a club, institution or association, which is not carried on with a view to profit, from acting as auditor of the club, institution or association; or
  (c) the Council, upon application, from exempting any person from the provisions of subsection (2)(b).
  Cap 50 s 29A Requirements for issue of a practising certificate
  (1) Subject to subsections (1A), (1B) and (2), a practising certificate shall not be issued to a certified public accountant unless the Council is satisfied that he- (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 14; 23 of 2004 ss. 28 & 54)
  (a) has, after becoming a member of an accountancy body with which there is in force an agreement of mutual or reciprocal recognition between the accountancy body and the Institute, or after becoming a member of an accountancy body accepted by the Council under section 24(1A), or after registration as a certified public accountant, had not less than a total of 30 months full time approved accounting experience in the office of- (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 14; 23 of 2004 ss. 28 & 54)
  (i) a certified public accountant holding a practising certificate issued under this Ordinance; or (Replaced 96 of 1994 s. 14. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (ii) a person practising public accountancy under the jurisdiction of an accountancy body with which there is in force an agreement of mutual or reciprocal recognition between the accountancy body and the Institute, or an accountancy body accepted by the Council under section 24(1A); or (Replaced 96 of 1994 s. 14. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 28)
  (iii) (Repealed 96 of 1994 s. 14)(b) has had a period of not less than 4 years full time approved accounting experience in an office or offices referred to in subparagraph (i) or (ii) of paragraph (a) or any combination thereof of which at least 1 year shall have been acquired after he has become a member of an accountancy body with which there is in force an agreement of mutual or reciprocal recognition between the accountancy body and the Institute, or an accountancy body accepted by the Council under section 24(1A) or after his registration as a certified public accountant. (Replaced 96 of 1994 s. 14. Amended 23 of 2004 ss. 28 & 54)(1A) For the purpose of subsection (1) the Council may require the whole or any part of the 30 months of full time accounting experience under subsection (1)(a) or the 4 years of full time accounting experience under subsection (1)(b) to have been acquired within such period preceding the application for a practising certificate as may from time to time be specified by the Council. (Added 96 of 1994 s. 14)
  (1B) A practising certificate shall not be issued to an applicant if there is in force against him an order of the Disciplinary Committee under section 35(1)(db) to that effect. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 28)
  (2) A practising certificate shall not be issued to an applicant unless he satisfies the Council that he-
  (a) is ordinarily resident in Hong Kong; and
  (b) possesses such local experience and knowledge of local law and practice as the Council may consider necessary.(3) For the purposes of subsection (2)(b) the Council may require an applicant to sit such examinations as it may prescribe which shall include an examination in local law and taxation, and may require an applicant to have had not less than 1 year full time approved accounting experience in Hong Kong.
  (4) If the Council considers that an applicant has acquired substantial experience in accountancy, either in Hong Kong or elsewhere over a considerable period of time the Council may dispense with the requirements of subsection (2).
  (5) For the purposes of this section-
  (a) "approved accounting experience" (认可会计经验) means such professional accountancy experience as the Council may approve from time to time as sufficient practical experience; and
  (b) a person shall be treated as ordinarily resident if he has been present in Hong Kong for not less than 180 days in the preceding 12 months.
  (Added 22 of 1977 s. 8. Amended 14 of 1985 s. 7)
  Cap 50 s 29B (Repealed 96 of 1994 s. 15)
  Cap 50 s 30 Practising certificates
  (1) A certified public accountant may apply to the Registrar in the month of November in any year, for a practising certificate, in the form specified by the Council. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (2) If the Council is satisfied that the applicant has complied with the requirements for the time being of section 29A and intends to practise as a certified public accountant (practising), the Registrar shall, on payment of the fee fixed by the Council, issue to the certified public accountant a practising certificate in the form specified by the Council for the period of one calendar year from 1 January next following the date of the application. (Amended 22 of 1977 s. 9; 96 of 1994 s. 16; 23 of 2004 ss. 29 & 54)
  (3) The Council may permit the application for a practising certificate to be made under subsection (1) at any time and upon such application the Registrar may issue to the applicant a practising certificate for any period not exceeding one calendar year and ending on 31 December in any year.
  (4) Notwithstanding subsections (1) and (2), a person registered as a public accountant immediately before the relevant day is exempted from complying with the requirements of section 29A(1) and (2). (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 29)
  (5) If the Council refuses an application under subsection (1), the Registrar shall forthwith inform the applicant by notice in writing, served either personally or by post, of the decision of the Council and of the reasons for refusing to issue the practising certificate. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 29)
  (6) If a certified public accountant fails to commence practice within 6 months from the date of issue of the practising certificate the Council may cancel the practising certificate. (Added 22 of 1977 s. 9. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (7) A practising certificate shall not be issued to, and the Council may cancel the practising certificate of, a certified public accountant who is or has become bankrupt or has entered into a voluntary arrangement with his creditors within the meaning of the Bankruptcy Ordinance (Cap 6). (Added 23 of 2004 s. 29)
  (8) Notwithstanding subsections (2) and (4), the Council may-
  (a) refuse to issue a practising certificate if the applicant has failed to satisfy the Council that he has complied with the Institute's requirements for continuing professional development; or
  (b) issue a practising certificate to an applicant subject to the condition that he shall comply with the Institute's requirements for continuing professional development within a specified period. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 29)(9) Where the Council is of the opinion that a certified public accountant has failed to comply with any condition imposed under subsection (8) it may, after affording the certified public accountant the opportunity to make representations, suspend or cancel the practising certificate of the certified public accountant with or without refunding the fee paid for the certificate. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 29)
  Cap 50 s 31 Registered office
  (1) Every certified public accountant (practising) shall have a registered office in Hong Kong to which all communications and notices may be addressed. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 30)
  (2) The address of the registered office shall be given in the application for a practising certificate.
  (3) Any change in such address shall be notified to the Registrar within 14 days thereof and shall be entered in the register by the Registrar.
  (4) Any certified public accountant (practising) who practises in contravention of this section shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction to a fine of $5000. (Amended 22 of 1977 s.10; 23 of 2004 s. 30)
  (5) (a) The references in this section to a certified public accountant (practising) shall each be construed as including a reference to- (Amended 23 of 2004 ss. 30 & 54)
  (i) a certified public accountant (practising) who practises under a firm name;
  (ii) a firm of certified public accountants (practising); and
  (iii) a corporate practice. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 30)
  (b) In the application of subsection (1) to a corporate practice-
  (i) that subsection shall be construed as if the reference therein to a registered office were a reference to the registered office of the practice for the purposes of the Companies Ordinance (Cap 32); and
  (ii) that subsection's requirements shall be regarded as being complied with by the practice for so long as it has an office for the purposes of that Ordinance. (Added 85 of 1995 s. 10)(c) In the application of subsection (2) to a certified public accountant (practising) who practises under a firm name, a firm of certified public accountants (practising) and a corporate practice, that subsection shall be construed as if the reference therein to a practising certificate were a reference to registration of the firm name, the firm and the corporate practice respectively. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 30)
  Cap 50 s 32 Publication of list of certified public accountants holding practising certificates and list of firm names and evidence of same
  Publication of list of certified public accountants holding practising certificates and list of firm names and evidence of same
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 31)
  (1) As soon as practicable after 1 January in every year, the Registrar shall cause to be published in the Gazette-
  (a) a list of certified public accountants holding practising certificates for the period specified in such list and the addresses of their registered offices; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (b) a list of firm names registered under the Ordinance and the addresses of their registered offices; and (Replaced 22 of 1977 s. 11. Amended 96 of 1994 s. 17)
  (c) a list of the corporate practices for the time being, and the addresses of their registered offices referred to in section 28E(1)(b). (Added 85 of 1995 s. 11)(2) As soon as practicable after 1 July in every year, the Registrar shall cause to be published in the Gazette a list of amendments to the lists referred to in subsection (1). (Amended 22 of 1977 s. 11)
  (3) (a) The list of certified public accountants published under subsection (1)(a), and any amendments thereto under subsection (2), shall be evidence that any person whose name appears therein is a certified public accountant holding a practising certificate for the period specified therein. (Amended 22 of 1977 s. 11; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (b) The list of corporate practices published under subsection (1)(c), and any amendments thereto under subsection (2), shall be evidence that any such practice whose name appears therein was registered in the register and remained so registered during any period specified in such list as regards that practice. (Added 85 of 1995 s. 11)(4) A certificate purporting to be signed by the Registrar that the name of a person or firm has or has not been entered in or has been removed from the register, or that a person registered holds or does not hold a practising certificate or that a corporate practice has or has not been entered in or has been removed from the register, shall be evidence of the facts stated therein.
  (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 11)
  Cap 50 s 32A Establishment and appointment of members of Practice Review Committee
  (1) There shall be a body to be known as the Practice Review Committee.
  (2) Subject to subsections (3) and (4), the Council shall from time to time appoint from among certified public accountants the members of the Practice Review Committee and designate one of the members to be its chairman. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (3) (a) The Practice Review Committee shall consist of such number of members, being not less than 5, as the Council shall fix and of whom not more than 2 may also be members of the Council.
  (b) Of the members of the Practice Review Committee not less than 2/3rds shall each hold a practising certificate.(4) A person shall not be a member of the Practice Review Committee and the Disciplinary Committee at the same time.
  (5) The term of office of a member of the Practice Review Committee shall be specified by the Council in the instrument under which he is appointed.
  (6) Section 50(a) of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) shall not apply as regards the Practice Review Committee.
  (7) The quorum for any meeting of the Practice Review Committee shall be not less than half of the members of the Practice Review Committee for the time being.
  (8) The Practice Review Committee may appoint sub-committees of its members and may delegate to any such sub-committee, with or without restrictions, any of its functions or powers except the powers conferred on it by section 32D(5).
  (9) A delegation under subsection (8) shall not preclude the exercise or performance by the Practice Review Committee of any power or function to which the delegation relates.
  (10) Subject to this Part and any directions issued by the Council under section 32B, the Practice Review Committee or any sub-committee thereof may regulate its own procedure and business.
  (Part IVA added 14 of 1992 s. 4)
  Cap 50 s 32B Council's powers under this Part
  (1) The Council may-
  (a) specify the particular professional standards in relation to which practice reviews are to be carried out;
  (b) issue directions to the Practice Review Committee requiring an examination or a review, to determine whether professional standards specified under paragraph (a) are being, or when so specified, have been observed, maintained or applied, to be carried out as regards-
  (i) every practice unit; or
  (ii) such practice units as specified by it;(c) issue directions to the Practice Review Committee relating to the exercise of any power conferred under section 32D(1), (2), (3) or (5); and
  (d) without affecting the generality of section 18(1)(b), appoint or engage any certified public accountant- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (i) holding such qualifications; and
  (ii) on such terms and conditions,
  as it may determine, for the purpose of carrying out practice reviews.(2) The remuneration or other payments payable to a reviewer and any reasonable expenses incurred by him in relation to the conduct of a practice review shall be paid from the funds of the Institute. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (3) The Council shall furnish a reviewer with a copy of his appointment.
  (Part IVA added 14 of 1992 s. 4)
  Cap 50 s 32C Conduct of practice reviews
  (1) Where the Council issues a direction under section 32B(1)(b), the Practice Review Committee shall by notice in writing inform the Registrar of the issue and contents of such direction.
  (2) Upon receipt of a notice under subsection (1), the Registrar shall-
  (a) determine the order in which the practice units to which the direction referred to in the notice relates, are to be reviewed or examined; and
  (b) for the purpose of and to the extent necessary for giving effect to that direction assign a reviewer or reviewers to carry out a practice review as regards each such practice unit.(3) A reviewer who carries out a practice review pursuant to this section shall make a report to the Practice Review Committee at the conclusion of the practice review and at any other stage thereof as may be required by the Practice Review Committee.
  (4) A reviewer shall, before making a report required by subsection (3), send a dated draft of the proposed report to the practice unit concerned and to each individual (if any) who is named in the report by post or recorded delivery addressed to the registered office or registered address of the practice unit or the individual, as the case may be. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 32)
  (5) Where-
  (a) a corporate practice, a firm, a certified public accountant practising on his own account or any other individual is sent a draft of a proposed report pursuant to the requirements of subsection (4), such practice, firm, accountant or other individual may, within the period of 21 days beginning on the day after the draft report is so sent, make submissions or representations in writing to the reviewer concerned as regards the proposed report; and (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 12; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (b) any submissions or representations are made under paragraph (a), they shall be considered by the reviewer concerned.(6) A reviewer shall attach to a report referred to in subsection (3) submissions or representations (if any) made under subsection (5) as regards the report in its draft form.
  (7) Where a reviewer makes a report under subsection (3) he shall send to the practice unit or the individual concerned a copy of such report by post or recorded delivery addressed to the registered office or registered address of the practice unit or the individual, as the case may be. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 32)
  (8) A reviewer shall comply with any instructions given under section 32D(1)(b).
  (Part IVA added 14 of 1992 s. 4)
  Cap 50 s 32D Powers of the Practice Review Committee
  (1) The Practice Review Committee may subject to any directions issued under section 32B(1)-
  (a) determine the practice and procedure to be observed in relation to practice reviews;
  (b) issue instructions to any reviewer on any matter relating to practice reviews or a particular practice review;
  (c) do or perform any other thing or act as may be incidental to or which it considers necessary or expedient for the performance of its functions or exercise of its powers under this Ordinance.(2) After receipt of a report under section 32C(3), the Practice Review Committee, having had regard to the report and submissions or representations (if any) attached to it, if thought fit, may make recommendations to the practice unit concerned regarding the application by it of professional standards.
  (3) The Practice Review Committee, having had regard to a report issued by a reviewer and submissions or representations (if any) attached to it, may-
  (a) issue an instruction to a reviewer to carry out, within such period as may be specified in the instruction (which period shall not commence earlier than 6 months after the date on which the instruction is issued), a further practice review as regards the practice unit to which the report relates; and
  (b) specify in the instruction, the matters as regards which the review is to be carried out.(4) Nothing in section 32B(1) or 32C(2) shall be construed as preventing the Practice Review Committee from issuing an instruction under subsection (3) and for the avoidance of doubt it is hereby declared that the powers conferred by subsection (1) shall operate as regards any practice review carried out pursuant to such instruction.
  (5) Where after the conclusion of a practice review the Practice Review Committee is, having had regard to any report issued by a reviewer and submissions or representations (if any) attached to it, of the opinion that-
  (a) in case the review related to a firm, any one or more or all of the partners in the firm;
  (b) in case the review related to a certified public accountant practising on his own account, that accountant; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (c) in case the review related to a corporate practice, 1 or more or all of the directors of the practice, (Added 85 of 1995 s. 13)may have failed to observe, maintain or apply, as the case may be, professional standards, then subject to subsection (7) the Practice Review Committee may make a complaint regarding any such director, such partner or other certified public accountant concerned or, in case there is more than one such person concerned, a separate complaint in respect of each of them, to the Registrar. (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 13; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (6) A complaint under subsection (5) shall, for the purposes of Part V, be deemed to have been made under section 34(1).
  (7) Where-
  (a) a complaint is made under subsection (5); and
  (b) immediately prior to the commencement of the relevant practice review-
  (i) the director, partner or other certified public accountant to whom the complaint relates had not previously been a director of any corporate practice or a partner in any firm at any time when a practice review was carried out as regards that practice or that firm; and (Replaced 85 of 1995 s. 13. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (ii) a practice review had not previously been carried out as regards his practising on his own account,the Council shall not refer the complaint to the Disciplinary Panels under section 34(1) unless it decides by a majority of 3/4ths of its members for the time being that, were the grounds of complaint or any such ground or any matter or matters complained of established, the relevant act or omission by such director, such partner or other certified public accountant would have amounted to serious professional misconduct. (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 18; 85 of 1995 s. 13; 23 of 2004 ss. 33 & 54)
  (Part IVA added 14 of 1992 s. 4)
  Cap 50 s 32E Powers of reviewers
  (1) The following provisions shall apply as regards any practice review-
  (a) Any person, to whom this paragraph applies, and who is reasonably believed by a reviewer to have in his possession or under his control any record or other document which contains or is likely to contain information relevant to the practice review shall, subject to subsection (3)-
  (i) produce to the reviewer or afford him access to, any record or document specified by the reviewer or any record or other document which is of a class or description so specified and which is in his possession or under his control being in either case a record or other document which the reviewer reasonably believes is or may be relevant to the practice review, within such time and at such place as the reviewer may reasonably require;
  (ii) if so required by the reviewer, give to him such explanation or further particulars in respect of anything produced in compliance with a requirement under subparagraph (i) as the reviewer shall specify;
  (iii) give to the reviewer all assistance in connection with the practice review which he is reasonably able to give.(b) Where any information or matter relevant to a practice review is recorded otherwise than in a legible form, any power to require the production of any record or other document conferred under paragraph (a), shall include the power to require the production of a reproduction of any such information or matter or of the relevant part of it in a legible form.
  (c) A reviewer may inspect, examine or make copies of or take any abstract of or extract from a record or document which may be required to be produced under paragraph (a) or (b).
  (d) Where-
  (i) a copy of any record or document is supplied by or on behalf of the practice unit for the purposes of this section; or
  (ii) a copy thereof is made in the exercise of any power conferred under this section and a photocopying machine or other facility of the practice unit is used to make such copy,
  the Institute shall reimburse the reasonable photocopying or other expenses incurred in making such copy. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)(e) A reviewer exercising a power under this section shall, if so requested by a person affected by such exercise, produce for inspection by such person a copy of the appointment furnished to him under section 32B(3).(2) Subsection (1)(a) applies to any certified public accountant of the practice unit to which the particular practice review relates or to any person employed by or whose services are engaged by such unit. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (3) Nothing in this section shall be taken to compel the production by a person of a record or document containing a privileged communication by or to a legal practitioner in that capacity.
  (Part IVA added 14 of 1992 s. 4)
  Cap 50 s 32F Referral of disputes
  (1) Subject to subsection (4), where a dispute arises in relation to whether or how a power or powers of a reviewer under section 32E may be exercised in a particular case, either the practice unit or the reviewer concerned, or both, may refer the dispute to the Practice Review Committee.
  (2) Where a dispute is referred under subsection (1), after considering any submissions or representations (which shall be in writing) made by the relevant practice unit or the relevant reviewer, the Practice Review Committee-
  (a) shall determine the dispute and communicate such determination to each of the parties to the dispute; and
  (b) may issue directions relating to the matter in dispute to such practice unit or the reviewer concerned and require such unit or reviewer to comply with them.(3) Where a practice unit or a reviewer is required to comply with a direction under subsection (2)(b) and fails to comply with the requirement, the Practice Review Committee may make a complaint to the Registrar regarding any corporate practice or any certified public accountant concerned, and in case such a complaint is made it shall, for the purposes of Part V, be deemed to have been made under section 34(1). (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 14; 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (4) Nothing in this Part shall be construed as enabling the Practice Review Committee or a reviewer finally to determine whether or not the provisions of section 32E(3) apply in relation to any record or document.
  (Part IVA added 14 of 1992 s. 4)
  Cap 50 s 32G Immunity
  (1) A person who complies with a requirement made under section 32E shall not incur any liability to any person by reason only of that compliance.
  (2) No liability shall be incurred by any person in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by him in good faith in the performance or exercise or purported performance or exercise of any function or power under this Part.
  (Part IVA added 14 of 1992 s. 4)
  Cap 50 s 32H Secrecy
  (1) Subject to subsection (2), and except in the performance, or assisting in the performance, of a function under this Part, the Registrar, any reviewer, member of the Practice Review Committee or the Council or a person holding any other position who assists the Registrar, reviewer or a member of the Practice Review Committee or the Council in the performance of a function under this Part-
  (a) shall at all times after his appointment as the Registrar, a reviewer, or a member of the Practice Review Committee or the Council or to such other position, as the case may be, or during or after the performance of or assisting in the performance of such function, preserve and aid in preserving secrecy with regard to any matter coming to his knowledge in the performance or in assisting in the performance of any such function;
  (b) shall not at any time communicate any such matter to any other person; and
  (c) shall not at any such time suffer or permit any other person to have any access to any record, document or other thing which is in his possession or under his control by virtue of his being or having been so appointed or his having performed or having assisted any other person in the performance of such a function.(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply in relation to any disclosure made in relation to or for the purpose of any disciplinary proceedings under Part V or criminal proceedings.
  (3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine of $100000 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
  (Part IVA added 14 of 1992 s. 4)
  Cap 50 s 32I Change in composition of practice unit
  (1) In this section, a reference to a change in composition of a practice unit means-
  (a) in relation to a firm of certified public accountants (practising), a change in the persons who comprise the partners of the firm, if at least one of the partners of the firm before the change is a partner of the firm after the change;
  (b) in relation to a corporate practice, a change in the persons who comprise the directors of the corporate practice;
  (c) in relation to a certified public accountant (practising) practising on his own account, the admission by him of any partner to his practice; and
  (d) in relation to any practice unit, a change in the name of the practice unit, whether or not following or in consequence of an event described in paragraph (a), (b) or (c).(2) Where a change in composition of a practice unit occurs, a reference in this Part to a practice unit shall include the practice unit after the change in composition.
  (3) The powers under this Part shall be exercisable as regards a practice unit notwithstanding a change in composition of the practice unit.
  (4) No change in composition of a practice unit shall affect-
  (a) any right, obligation or liability acquired or incurred by or accrued to a practice unit under this Part before the change; or
  (b) any practice review or further practice reviews of a practice unit, and any practice review or further practice reviews may be carried out and continued as regards the practice unit notwithstanding a change or further changes in composition of the practice unit.(5) This section applies to changes in composition of practice units whenever occurring and practice reviews whenever conducted.
  (Added 23 of 2004 s. 34)
  Cap 50 s 33 Disciplinary Panels
  (1) There shall be 2 Disciplinary Panels-
  (a) Disciplinary Panel A shall consist of not less than 18 lay persons appointed by the Chief Executive of whom one shall be appointed by the Chief Executive to be the Disciplinary Committee Convenor and another to be his alternate;
  (b) Disciplinary Panel B shall consist of not less than 12 certified public accountants appointed by the Council of whom not less than 6 shall be holders of practising certificates. (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 35)(1A) The Disciplinary Committee Convenor shall not be appointed for a term exceeding 1 year but shall be eligible for reappointment for a further term or terms of not exceeding 1 year each. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 35)
  (1B) The alternate of the Disciplinary Committee Convenor shall act in place of the Disciplinary Committee Convenor if the Disciplinary Committee Convenor is precluded by illness, absence from Hong Kong or any other cause from performing his functions as such. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 35)
  (2) A person who is a member of the Council or is for the time being appointed under section 42B shall be disqualified for membership of any of the Disciplinary Panels and, accordingly, if a member of any of the Disciplinary Panels either becomes a member of the Council or is so appointed his membership of any of the Disciplinary Panels shall thereupon cease.
  (3) (a) Where pursuant to section 34 a complaint is referred to the Disciplinary Panels, the Council shall constitute a Disciplinary Committee to deal with the complaint by directing the Disciplinary Committee Convenor to appoint the chairman and other members of the Disciplinary Committee, and the Disciplinary Committee Convenor shall act in accordance with such direction.
  (b) Subject to section 33B(4), a Disciplinary Committee constituted pursuant to paragraph (a) shall consist of the following 5 members- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 35)
  (i) a person appointed by the Disciplinary Committee Convenor from Disciplinary Panel A who shall be the chairman of the Disciplinary Committee;
  (ii) 2 persons appointed by the Disciplinary Committee Convenor from Disciplinary Panel A; and
  (iii) 2 persons appointed by the Disciplinary Committee Convenor from Disciplinary Panel B of whom one shall be the holder of a practising certificate.(c) The Disciplinary Committee Convenor shall not be appointed as a member of a Disciplinary Committee. (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 35)
  (Replaced 96 of 1994 s. 19. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 35)
  Cap 50 s 33A (Repealed 85 of 1995 s. 15)
  (Repealed 85 of 1995 s. 15)
  Cap 50 s 33B Dealing with complaints
  (1) Subject to subsection (2), the quorum for a Disciplinary Committee shall be 4.
  (2) If immediately before commencing to deal with a complaint, or if at any stage in the course of dealing with a complaint (being a stage at which the certified public accountant against whom the complaint has been made is entitled to be present or represented) one of the members of the Disciplinary Committee is absent, such certified public accountant or his representative may object to the complaint's being dealt with in the absence of such member, and in case an objection is made pursuant to this subsection and is not withdrawn the Disciplinary Committee concerned shall neither commence to deal nor, where appropriate, further deal with the relevant complaint until either the objection is withdrawn or the member whose absence occasioned the objection is present. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (3) Where-
  (a) (i) a Disciplinary Committee, having given the certified public accountant concerned or his representative an opportunity of being heard in the proceedings, is unable to decide whether an order under section 35, or what kind of such order, should be made; and (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (ii) the committee's inability so to decide is because one of its members is absent or is otherwise unable to participate in the committee's deliberations regarding the decision; or(b) the Council is of opinion that because an objection made under subsection (2) which has not been withdrawn or because of the death, illness or other incapacity or the absence from Hong Kong of the person who is the chairman of a Disciplinary Committee, it is impracticable for the committee to continue to deal with the complaint with which it is concerned the Council shall by resolution dissolve the committee.(4) (a) Where a Disciplinary Committee is dissolved pursuant to subsection (3), the following shall apply-
  (i) subject to paragraph (b), the Council shall at the same time constitute another Disciplinary Committee to deal with the complaint with which the dissolved committee was concerned; and
  (ii) in dealing with the complaint, the Disciplinary Committee constituted pursuant to the requirement of subparagraph (i) shall deal with it afresh and, accordingly, it shall not have any regard to the proceedings of the committee which before its dissolution under subsection (3) was concerned with the complaint.
  (b) Where a Disciplinary Committee is dissolved under subsection (3), a person who was a member of the dissolved committee and who participated in any way in its proceedings shall not be eligible for membership of the Disciplinary Committee constituted pursuant to the requirements of paragraph (a)(i).
  (Added 96 of 1994 s. 21)
  Cap 50 s 34 Disciplinary provisions
  (1) A complaint that-
  (a) a certified public accountant- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (i) has been convicted of any offence under Part V (Perjury) of the Crimes Ordinance (Cap 200);
  (ii) has been convicted in Hong Kong or elsewhere of any offence involving dishonesty;
  (iii) whether as a certified public accountant or not- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (A) falsified or caused to be falsified any document;
  (B) made any statement which is material and which he knows to be false or does not believe to be true, in respect of any document;(iv) has been negligent in the conduct of his profession;
  (v) without reasonable excuse, failed or neglected to comply with any direction issued under section 32F(2) and with which he was required by the Practice Review Committee to comply;
  (vi) failed or neglected to observe, maintain or otherwise apply a professional standard;
  (vii) without reasonable excuse, failed or neglected to comply with any requirement made under section 42D in relation to him by an Investigation Committee;
  (viii) has been guilty of professional misconduct;
  (ix) refused or neglected to comply with the provisions of any bylaw or rule made or any direction lawfully given by the Council;
  (x) was guilty of dishonourable conduct;
  (xi) while a director of a corporate practice, rendered any service as, or purporting to be, a director of a company whose name did not appear in Part II of the register at the time when the service was rendered; or
  (xii) being such a director, practised accountancy as such a director at a time when the corporate practice was covered by professional indemnity insurance either not at all or not to the extent required by this Ordinance;(b) a corporate practice-
  (i) or any of its directors-
  (A) falsified or caused to be falsified any document;
  (B) made any statement which is material and which any of its directors knows to be false or does not believe to be true, in respect of any document;(ii) failed to comply with a requirement referred to in section 28D(6)(a) or (7) or ceased or failed to comply with any requirement of section 28D(2)(b) or (c) applying to it;
  (iii) rendered any service under a company name other than the name which then appeared in relation to the practice in the register;
  (iv) being such a practice, practised accountancy without being covered by professional indemnity insurance at all or to the extent required by this Ordinance; or
  (v) did or omitted to do something which, were the practice an individual certified public accountant, would reasonably be regarded as being dishonourable conduct by an individual,shall be made to the Registrar who shall submit the complaint to the Council which may, in its discretion but subject to section 32D(7), refer the complaint to the Disciplinary Panels. (Amended 14 of 1992 s. 6)
  (1AAA) If the Council decides not to refer the complaint to the Disciplinary Panels, the complainant who is aggrieved by the Council's decision may request the Council to refer the complaint to the Disciplinary Panels, whereupon the Council shall, unless it is of the opinion that no prima facie case has been shown for the complaint, or that the complaint is frivolous or vexatious, refer the complaint to the Disciplinary Panels. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 36)
  (1AA) The provisions of subparagraphs (iv) to (ix) of paragraph (a) of subsection (1) shall apply mutatis mutandis in relation to a corporate practice and accordingly, in addition to those specified in subsection (1)(b), a complaint under subsection (1) may be made against such a practice on any 1 or more of the grounds specified in those subparagraphs as so applied. (Added 85 of 1995 s. 16)
  (1A) Where the Registrar has reason to believe that subsection (1)(a) or (b), or subsection (1)(a) as applied by subsection (1AA), applies to a certified public accountant or a corporate practice, he shall submit the facts to the Council which may, in its discretion, refer the complaint to the Disciplinary Panels. (Added 22 of 1977 s. 12. Amended 14 of 1985 s. 10)
  (2) For the purposes of subsection (1)(a)(x) and (b)(v), "dishonourable conduct" (不名誉的行为) means an act or omission of a certified public accountant, whether or not in the course of carrying out professional work or as a certified public accountant, which would reasonably be regarded as bringing or likely to bring discredit upon the certified public accountant himself, the Institute or the accountancy profession.
  (3) A person who was a member of the Practice Review Committee at any time when a complaint was made by it under section 32D(5) shall not take part as a member of a Disciplinary Committee in any proceedings relating to such complaint. (Added 14 of 1992 s. 6)
  (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 22; 85 of 1995 s. 16; 23 of 2004 ss. 36 & 54)
  Cap 50 s 35 Disciplinary powers of Disciplinary Committee
  (1) If a Disciplinary Committee is satisfied that a complaint referred to it under section 34 is proved, the Disciplinary Committee may, in its discretion make any one or more of the following orders-
  (a) an order that the name of the certified public accountant be removed from the register, either permanently or for such period as it may think fit; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (b) an order that the certified public accountant be reprimanded; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (c) an order that the certified public accountant pay a penalty not exceeding $500000 to the Institute; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (d) an order that the certified public accountant pay the costs and expenses of and incidental to an investigation against him under Part VA; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (da) an order that the practising certificate issued to the certified public accountant be cancelled; (Added 23 of 2004 s. 37)
  (db) an order that a practising certificate shall not be issued to the certified public accountant either permanently or for such period as the Disciplinary Committee may think fit, (Added 23 of 2004 s. 37)
  (e) (Repealed 23 of 2004 s. 37)and the Disciplinary Committee may in any case- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 37)
  (i) provide for an order to take effect on such date as the Disciplinary Committee thinks fit;
  (ii) provide for an order to take effect only upon the happening or non-happening of such event within such period as may be specified by the Disciplinary Committee;
  (iii) make such order as the Disciplinary Committee thinks fit with regard to the payment of costs and expenses of and incidental to the proceedings, whether of the Institute (including the costs and expenses of the Disciplinary Committee) or of any complainant or of the certified public accountant, and any costs and expenses or penalty ordered to be paid may be recovered as a civil debt. (Replaced 96 of 1994 s. 23. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 37)(1A) Where any rules made under section 51 provide for a re-hearing by a Disciplinary Committee of a complaint referred to it under section 34, any order or decision made under subsection (1) shall, if a Disciplinary Committee re-hears the complaint, cease to have effect and subsection (1) shall apply to such re-hearing as if it were the original hearing. (Added 14 of 1985 s. 11. Amended 85 of 1995 s. 17)
  (2) Nothing in this section shall be deemed to require a Disciplinary Committee to inquire into the question whether a professional accountant was properly convicted but the Committee may consider the record of a case in which such conviction was recorded and such other evidence as may show the nature and gravity of the offence.
  (3) A Disciplinary Committee shall cause a copy of any order made under subsection (1)(a), or of any such order as varied on appeal by the Court of Appeal, as the case may be, to be published in the Gazette together with a summary of the nature of the complaint to which the order relates:
  Provided that no order shall be so published before the expiry of 30 days after the date of service of the order on the professional accountant under section 38(1) or, in the case of an appeal under section 41, before the decision of the Court of Appeal on such appeal.
  (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 23)
  Cap 50 s 35A Payment of fees to members of Disciplinary Committee
  The Institute may pay fees at such rates as the Council may from time to time fix and such expenses as the Council may deem fit to any members of a Disciplinary Committee for the performance by them of their duties or for any work done by them, and such fees and expenses shall for the purpose of section 35(1) form part of the costs and expenses of the Institute of and incidental to the disciplinary proceedings.
  (Added 23 of 2004 s. 38)
  Cap 50 s 35B Consent order
  (1) Where a complaint that section 34(1)(a)(vi), (viii), (ix) or (x) applies to a certified public accountant is referred to the Disciplinary Committee and the Disciplinary Committee, without hearing either the complainant or the certified public accountant, is of the view that the complaint is of such a nature that if the complaint is proved, the appropriate order or orders to be made should fall within one or more of the following orders under section 35-
  (a) an order that the certified public accountant be reprimanded;
  (b) an order that the certified public accountant pay a penalty not exceeding $50000 to the Institute;
  (c) an order that the certified public accountant pay the costs and expenses of and incidental to the proceedings, whether of the Institute (including the costs and expenses of the Disciplinary Committee) or of the complainant,the Disciplinary Committee may give notice to the complainant and the certified public accountant.
  (2) A notice given by the Disciplinary Committee under subsection (1) shall state-
  (a) the order or orders, being order or orders no more than those referred to in subsection (1), which the Disciplinary Committee proposes to make if the certified public accountant admits to the complaint; and
  (b) the time (being not earlier than 14 days from the date when the notice was given, or such further time as the Disciplinary Committee may allow) within which each of the complainant and the certified public accountant is required to inform the Disciplinary Committee as to whether he will consent to the proposed order or orders.(3) If the complainant and the certified public accountant consent to the proposed order or orders, the Disciplinary Committee shall make an order or orders in terms of the proposed order or orders and such order and orders shall be deemed to be an order or orders made under section 35, save that sections 38(2) and 41(1)(b)(iii) shall not apply to such order or orders.
  (4) If the complainant or the certified public accountant informs the Disciplinary Committee that he does not consent to the proposed order or orders, or if the Disciplinary Committee considers that the consent of either the complainant or the certified public accountant is not forthcoming notwithstanding the notice under subsection (2)(b), the Disciplinary Committee shall inform the Council and the following shall apply-
  (a) the Disciplinary Committee shall be dissolved;
  (b) the Council shall constitute a new Disciplinary Committee to deal with the complaint with which the dissolved committee was concerned by directing the Disciplinary Committee Convenor to appoint the chairman and other members of the new Disciplinary Committee;
  (c) a person who was a member of the dissolved committee shall not be eligible for membership of the new Disciplinary Committee; and
  (d) the new Disciplinary Committee shall deal with the complaint afresh without regard to this section and, accordingly, it shall not have any regard to any proceedings of the dissolved committee, including the proposed order or orders of the dissolved committee or any failure or refusal of the complainant or the certified public accountant to consent to the proposed order or orders.
  (Added 23 of 2004 s. 38)
  Cap 50 s 36 Powers of Disciplinary Committee with regard to obtaining evidence and the conduct of proceedings
  (1) For the purposes of proceedings under section 35 a Disciplinary Committee shall have the following powers-
  (a) to take evidence on oath;
  (b) to summon any person to attend the proceedings to give evidence or produce any document or other thing in his possession and to examine him as a witness;
  (c) (Repealed 23 of 2004 s. 39)
  (d) to award to a witness such expenses as, in the opinion of a Disciplinary Committee, he has incurred by reason of his attendance.(1A) Every hearing of the Disciplinary Committee shall be held in public unless the Disciplinary Committee-
  (a) on its own motion; or
  (b) on the application of-
  (i) the complainant; or
  (ii) the certified public accountant against whom the complaint is made,determines that in the interests of justice a hearing or any part thereof shall not be held in public in which case it may hold the hearing or the part thereof (as the case may be) in private. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 39)
  (2) A summons to a witness shall be in the prescribed form and shall be signed by the chairman of a Disciplinary Committee.
  (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 24)
  Cap 50 s 37 Conduct of proceedings and legal representation
  (1) At the hearing of a complaint-
  (a) the complainant, or his solicitor or counsel, or, with the approval of the Disciplinary Committee, some other person appointed by the complainant to represent him; or (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 40)
  (b) the Registrar or his solicitor or counsel or some other person appointed by the Registrar to represent him; or
  (c) a member of an Investigation Committee appointed under section 42C, or the solicitor or counsel of such member, or some other person appointed by the Investigation Committee to represent it, (Replaced 96 of 1994 s. 25. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 40)shall present the case against the accountant whose conduct is the subject of proceedings under section 35.
  (2) A certified public accountant whose conduct is the subject of such proceedings shall be entitled to be represented by counsel or a solicitor, or, with the approval of the Disciplinary Committee, by some other person appointed by the certified public accountant to represent him throughout the proceedings. (Amended 23 of 2004 ss. 40 & 54)
  (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 25)
  Cap 50 s 38 Provisions relating to orders of the Disciplinary Committee
  (1) The Registrar shall cause a copy of any order made under section 35(1) to be served forthwith upon the professional accountant concerned, either personally or by post addressed to his registered address. (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 26)
  (2) The Registrar shall not remove the name of a certified public accountant from the register by virtue of an order made under subsection (1)(a) of section 35, record a reprimand or penalty or an order to pay costs and expenses or an order in respect of practising certificate in the register by virtue of an order made under subsection (1)(b), (c), (d), (da) or (db) of that section or enforce payment of a penalty or costs or expenses under subsection (1)(c) or (d) of that section before the expiry of 30 days after the date of service of the order on the accountant or in the case of an appeal under section 41 before the decision of the Court of Appeal on such appeal. (Replaced 96 of 1994 s. 26. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 41)
  Cap 50 s 39 Restoration of name of certified public accountant to register
  Restoration of name of certified public accountant to register
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (1) A person whose name has been removed from the register under the provisions of this Ordinance may apply to the Council for the restoration of his name to the register.
  (2) The Council may, after making such inquiry as it may consider necessary, reject an application under subsection (1) or allow it, subject to such conditions if any as it may think fit to impose.
  (3) The Council shall, if it allows an application under subsection (1), order the Registrar to restore the name of the applicant to the register and thereupon the Registrar shall restore the name accordingly.
  Cap 50 s 40 Restriction on removal of name of certified public accountant from register
  Restriction on removal of name of certified public accountant from register
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  The name of a certified public accountant shall not be removed from the register by reason of any conviction involving dishonesty if prior to the date of his registration the Council was aware of the conviction.
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 41 Appeals
  (1) An appeal shall lie to the Court of Appeal by-
  (a) any person whose application for registration has been rejected by an order under section 26(1);
  (b) a certified public accountant- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (i) whose name the Council has ordered under section 27(1)(a)(iii) or (iv) to be removed from the register; (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 18)
  (ii) whose application under section 30 for a practising certificate is refused; or
  (iii) who is aggrieved by an order made in respect of him under section 35(1); (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 27; 85 of 1995 s. 18; 23 of 2004 s. 42)(c) a corporate practice-
  (i) whose name the Council has ordered under section 27(1)(b) to be removed from the register;
  (ii) in respect of which an order is made under section 35(1)(a) or (b), (Added 85 of 1995 s. 18)and the Court of Appeal may confirm, vary or reverse the order or decision appealed against.
  (2) The decision of the Court of Appeal upon such appeal shall be final.
  (3) In any such appeal the Court of Appeal may exercise such powers as are vested in it by the High Court Ordinance (Cap 4) and the practice and procedure shall be in accordance with rules of court made under that Ordinance: (Amended 25 of 1998 s. 2; 23 of 2004 s. 42)
  Provided that the Court of Appeal shall not hear any such appeal unless notice of the appeal has been given by the appellant within 30 days after service upon him of-
  (a) a copy of an order under section 26(1);
  (b) a copy of an order under section 27(1)(a)(iii) or (iv); (Amended 14 of 1985 s. 12; 85 of 1995 s. 18)
  (bb) a copy of an order under section 27(1)(b); (Added 85 of 1995 s. 18)
  (c) a copy of a decision under section 30; or
  (d) a copy of an order under section 35 (1). (Amended 96 of 1994 s. 27; 23 of 2004 s. 42)
  Cap 50 s 41A Application of disciplinary provisions to firms
  Sections 33B, 34(1) (other than subparagraphs (i), (ii), (iii), (xi) and (xii) of paragraph (a)), 34(1A) except in so far as it relates to those subparagraphs, 34(1)(b)(iii), 35, 35B, 36(1A), 37, 38, 39, 40 and 41 shall apply mutatis mutandis to a firm of certified public accountants (practising) as they apply to a certified public accountant or, as the case may be, to a corporate practice and so that in any proceedings against a firm of certified public accountants (practising) it shall be sufficient to prove that the act or omission complained of was the act or omission of any of the partners of the firm.
  (Added 96 of 1994 s. 28. Amended 85 of 1995 s. 19; 23 of 2004 ss. 43 & 54)
  Cap 50 s 41B Immunity
  (1) The chairman or a member of the Disciplinary Committee performing any function under or pursuant to this Part shall have the same privileges and immunities a judge of the Court of First Instance has in relation to civil proceedings in that court.
  (2) A party to any hearing or any witness, counsel, solicitor or person representing a party appearing before a hearing shall have the same privileges or immunities such a party, witness, counsel, solicitor or person representing a party respectively would have had in relation to civil proceedings in the Court of First Instance.
  (Added 23 of 2004 s. 44)
  Cap 50 s 42 Offences and penalties
  (1) Subject to this section, any person who-
  (a) being summoned to attend as a witness or to produce a document or other thing under section 36(1)(b), refuses or fails to do so or to answer any question put to him by the Disciplinary Committee; (Amended 14 of 1985 s.13)
  (b) fraudulently procures himself or any other person to be registered by means of any misleading, false or fraudulent representation or statement, either oral or in writing;
  (c) makes or causes to be made any falsification in the register or in any matter relating to the register;
  (d) personates or represents himself as being the person referred to in any certificate or document presented to the Council or the Disciplinary Committee;
  (e) falsely pretends to be qualified to practise as a certified public accountant (practising); (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 49)
  (f) falsely takes or uses any name, initials, title, addition or description implying that he is qualified to be registered as a certified public accountant or to practise as a certified public accountant (practising); (Amended 23 of 2004 ss. 49 & 54)
  (g) not being a certified public accountant, either directly or indirectly, practises as a certified public accountant (practising); (Amended 23 of 2004 ss. 49 & 54)
  (h) not being a certified public accountant-
  (i) knowingly permits the use of or uses in connection with his business, trade, calling or profession the description "professional accountant", "certified public accountant" or "certified accountant", or the characters "专业会计师", "会计师" or "注册会计师", or any written words, initials or abbreviations of words intended to cause, or which may reasonably cause, any person to believe that the person using the same is a certified public accountant; or
  (ii) uses after or in conjunction with his name the initials "CPA"; (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 49)(ha) being a company which is not a corporate practice-
  (i) provides, offers to provide or holds itself out as providing any professional service which only a person who is a certified public accountant (practising) may lawfully provide; or (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 49)
  (ii) advertises or represents itself as qualified to practise as a certified public accountant (practising) or permits itself to be so advertised or represented; or (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 49)
  (iii) uses in conjunction with its name the description "certified public accountant (practising)" or "public accountant" or uses after or otherwise in conjunction with its name the initials "CPA (practising)" or "PA" or the characters "执业会计师", "注册核数师", "核数师" or "审计师", or permits the use of or uses such description, initials or characters in connection with its business; (Added 85 of 1995 s. 20. Amended 80 of 1997 s. 108; 23 of 2004 s. 49)(i) not being a certified public accountant holding a practising certificate or not being a practice unit the firm name of which is registered under section 28A- (Amended 23 of 2004 ss. 49 & 54)
  (i) advertises, publishes or represents himself as qualified to practise as a certified public accountant (practising) or knowingly permits himself to be so advertised, published or represented; or (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 49)
  (ii) takes or uses in conjunction with his name, or any name which he may have assumed or by which he may describe himself, the description "certified public accountant (practising)" or "public accountant" or uses after or in conjunction with his name the initials "CPA (practising)" or "PA" or the characters "执业会计师", "注册核数师", "核数师" or "审计师", or knowingly permits the use of or uses such description, initials or characters in connection with his business, trade, calling or profession; (Amended 14 of 1985 s. 13; 85 of 1995 s. 20, 80 of 1997 s. 108; 23 of 2004 s. 49)(j) being a corporate practice, fails to comply with any condition attached to the practice's registration by virtue of section 28D(6)(c) or (9)(c)(i); (Added 85 of 1995 s. 20)
  (ia) being a certified public accountant who does not hold a practising certificate, carries on a business, trade or profession in a name or style-
  (i) otherwise than his own name without any addition as registered under section 22(2); and
  (ii) which includes the description "certified public accountant", the initials "CPA" or the characters "会计师"; (Added 23 of 2004 s. 49)(k) signs a client's audit report which he is not qualified to sign at the time of signing or signs in the manner described in section 28D(11)(b)(iii); (Added 85 of 1995 s. 20)
  (l) being a certified public accountant (practising), a firm of certified public accountants (practising) or a corporate practice, fails to notify the Registrar of a change of location of its registered office as required by section 31(3), (Added 85 of 1995 s. 20. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 49)shall be guilty of an offence and shall be liable on conviction as follows-
  (i) in the case of an individual, to a fine of $20000 and to imprisonment for 12 months, except where the offence is a failure described in paragraph (l) in which case he shall be liable to a fine of $5000; and
  (ii) in the case of a firm of certified public accountants (practising) or in the case of a company (including a corporate practice) registered or formerly or never registered in the register, to a fine of $20000 except where the offence is a failure described in paragraph (l) in which case it shall be liable to a fine of $5000. (Amended 22 of 1977 s. 13; 85 of 1995 s. 20; 23 of 2004 s. 49)(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply in relation to the use by any member of any body or institute of accountants outside Hong Kong, not being a certified public accountant, of any description or initials which he is entitled to use under the constitution of that body or institute if by such use he does not represent that he is a certified public accountant or is entitled to practise as a certified public accountant (practising). (Amended 23 of 1998 s. 2; 23 of 2004 ss. 49 & 54)
  (3) No person shall be required to answer any question or produce any document or other thing which, in the opinion of the Disciplinary Committee, may tend to incriminate him; and a witness shall, in respect of any evidence given by him before the Disciplinary Committee, be entitled to the same privileges to which he would be entitled if he were giving evidence before a court.
  (4) (a) Where an offence under this section or section 31(4) has been committed by a corporate practice or other company and it is proved that the act or omission comprising the offence was that of a director or other officer concerned in the management of the practice or other company, the director or other officer shall be guilty of the like offence.
  (b) In proceedings for an offence described in paragraph (a) it shall be a defence to satisfy the court that as regards a relevant act or omission the defendant acted in a manner which, having regard to the particular circumstances, was not unreasonable. (Added 85 of 1995 s. 20)(5) A person to whom a permission for the purposes of section 28D relates shall not be guilty of an offence under subsection (l)(h) or (i) by reason only of holding himself out as being a director of a corporate practice. (Added 85 of 1995 s. 20)
  Cap 50 s 42A Interpretation
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  In this Part, unless the context otherwise requires-
  "chairman" (主席) means the chairman of an Investigation Committee.
  (Part VA added 96 of 1994 s. 29)
  Cap 50 s 42B Investigation Panels
  (1) There shall be 2 Investigation Panels-
  (a) Investigation Panel A shall consist of not less than 18 lay persons appointed by the Chief Executive of whom one shall be appointed by the Chief Executive to be the Investigation Committee Convenor and another to be his alternate;
  (b) Investigation Panel B shall consist of not less than 12 certified public accountants appointed by the Council of whom not less than 6 shall be holders of practising certificates. (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 45)(1A) The Investigation Committee Convenor shall not be appointed for a term exceeding 1 year but shall be eligible for reappointment for a further term or terms of not exceeding 1 year each. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 45)
  (1B) The alternate of the Investigation Committee Convenor shall act in place of the Investigation Committee Convenor if the Investigation Committee Convenor is precluded by illness, absence from Hong Kong or any other cause from performing his functions as such. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 45)
  (2) A person who is a member of the Council or is for the time being appointed under section 33 shall be disqualified for membership of any of the Investigation Panels and, accordingly, if a member of any of the Investigation Panels either becomes a member of the Council or is so appointed his membership of any of the Investigation Panels shall thereupon cease. (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 45)
  (Part VA added 96 of 1994 s. 29)
  Cap 50 s 42C Appointment of Investigation Committee
  (1) Where pursuant to a direction under subsection (2) an Investigation Committee informs the Council that in its opinion there is a prima facie case against the certified public accountant, the firm of certified public accountants (practising) or corporate practice, the Council may in its discretion refer the matter to the Disciplinary Panels and constitute a Disciplinary Committee pursuant to section 33(3) and the Disciplinary Committee concerned shall deal with it as if it were a complaint referred to the Disciplinary Panels under section 34(1) and for that purpose the matter shall be deemed to be a complaint made to the Registrar by the Investigation Committee.
  (2) (a) Where the Council reasonably suspects or believes that-
  (i) a certified public accountant has acted in a manner described in section 34(1)(a)(iii), (xi) or (xii); (Amended 80 of 1997 s. 102)
  (ii) subparagraph (iv), (v), (vi), (vii), (viii), (ix) or (x) of section 34(1)(a) applies to a certified public accountant or a firm of certified public accountants (practising), (Amended 80 of 1997 s. 102)
  (iii) section 34(1)(a) or (b), as applied by section 34(1AA), applies to a corporate practice, (Added 23 of 2004 s. 46)
  the Council may, in its discretion, constitute an Investigation Committee and direct the Committee, having considered the matter, to inform the Council as to whether in its opinion, were a complaint made against him or it, the certified public accountant or firm or corporate practice concerned would have a case to answer.
  (b) The following provisions shall apply as regards an Investigation Committee-
  (i) the Council shall direct the Investigation Committee Convenor to appoint the chairman and other members of the Investigation Committee and the Investigation Committee Convenor shall act in accordance with the direction; (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 46)
  (ii) the Investigation Committee shall consist of the following 5 members-
  (A) a person appointed by the Investigation Committee Convenor from Investigation Panel A who shall be the chairman of the Investigation Committee;
  (B) 2 persons appointed by the Investigation Committee Convenor from Investigation Panel A; and
  (C) 2 persons appointed by the Investigation Committee Convenor from Investigation Panel B of whom one shall be the holder of a practising certificate; (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 46)(iii) the Investigation Committee Convenor shall not be appointed as a member of an Investigation Committee. (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 46)
  (Part VA added 96 of 1994 s. 29. Amended 23 of 2004 ss. 46 & 54)
  Cap 50 s 42D Powers of Investigation Committee as regards its proceedings
  (1) The following provisions shall apply as regards the proceedings of an Investigation Committee-
  (a) any person to whom this paragraph applies, and whom the relevant Investigation Committee reasonably believes to have in his possession or under his control any record or other document which appears to that Committee as containing or being likely to contain information relevant to the proceedings of the Committee, shall subject to subsection (5)-
  (i) produce to the Committee or afford to the Committee access to, any record or other document specified by the Committee which is of a class or description so specified and which is in his possession or under his control being in either case a record or other document which is or appears to the Committee to be relevant to the proceedings, within such time and at such place as the Committee may reasonably require;
  (ii) if so required by the Committee, give to it or him such explanation or further particulars in respect of anything produced or to which access is given in compliance a requirement under subparagraph (i) as the Committee shall specify;
  (iii) give to the Committee all assistance in connection with its proceedings which he is reasonably able to give;(b) where any information or matter relevant to the proceedings of an Investigation Committee is recorded otherwise than in legible form, any power to require the production of any record or other document conferred under paragraph (a), shall include the power to require the production of a reproduction of any such information or matter or of the relevant part of it in legible form;
  (c) an Investigation Committee may inspect, examine or make copies of or take any abstract of or extract from a record or document which may be required to be produced under paragraph (a) or (b);
  (d) where-
  (i) a copy of any record or document is supplied by any person for the purposes of this section;
  (ii) a copy of any record or document is made in the exercise of any power conferred under this section and a photocopying machine or other facility of a person is used to make such copy,
  the Institute shall reimburse the person concerned the reasonable photocopying or other expenses incurred in making such copy; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)(e) a person exercising any power under this section by virtue of a delegation under section 42E shall, if so required by a person affected by such exercise, produce for inspection by such person the relevant instrument referred to in section 42E or a copy thereof.(2) Subsection (1)(a) applies-
  (a) to the certified public accountant, firm of certified public accountants (practising) or corporate practice to whom the Investigation Committee's proceedings relate and-
  (i) where the proceedings relate to a certified public accountant, also to that accountant's employer and former employer (if any) and to any employee or former employee of such accountant; and
  (ii) where the proceedings relate to a firm of certified public accountants (practising) or corporate practice, also to any employee or former employee of such firm or corporate practice; and(b) to any certified public accountant, firm of certified public accountants (practising) or corporate practice other than those specified in paragraph (a), and any employee or former employee of such accountant, firm or corporate practice who is a certified public accountant or a student registered with the Institute. (Replaced 23 of 2004 s. 47)(3) A person who complies with a requirement of an Investigation Committee which is made by virtue of subsection (1) shall not incur any liability to any other person by reason only of the compliance.
  (4) A person is not excused from complying with a requirement of an Investigation Committee under subsection (1) on the ground that to do so might tend to incriminate him but, where that person claims, before he answers a question put to him under subsection (1)(a)(ii), that the answer might tend to incriminate him, neither the question nor the answer is admissible in evidence against him in criminal proceedings.
  (5) Nothing in this section shall be taken to compel the production by a person of a record or document containing a privileged communication by or to a legal practitioner in that capacity.
  (Part VA added 96 of 1994 s. 29)
  Cap 50 s 42E Delegation of powers of Investigation Committee
  (1) An Investigation Committee may, by instrument in writing signed by its chairman, delegate to any person holding such qualifications as the Council may from time to time prescribe all or any of the powers conferred on it by section 42D.
  (2) A refusal by a person to comply with any requirement made under section 42D by a person to whom the relevant power is delegated under subsection (1) shall be treated as a refusal to comply with a requirement made under that section by the Investigation Committee.
  (Part VA added 96 of 1994 s. 29)
  Cap 50 s 42F Payment of fees to members of Investigation Committee
  The Institute may pay fees at such rates as the Council may form time to time fix and such expenses as the Council may deem fit to members of an Investigation Committee, and to persons to whom the powers of the Investigation Committee have been delegated under section 42E, for the performance by them of their duties or for any work done by them, and such fees and expenses shall for the purposes of section 35(1) form part of the expenses of and incidental to an investigation under this Part.
  (Part VA added 96 of 1994 s. 29. Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 42G Secrecy
  (1) Subject to subsection (2), and except in the performance, or assisting in the performance, of a function under this Part, the Registrar, any member of the Investigation Committee or the Council, any person to whom any of the powers of the Investigation Committee is delegated under section 42E(1) or any person holding any other position who assists any of such persons in the performance of a function under this Part-
  (a) shall at all times after his appointment as the Registrar, a member of the Investigation Committee or the Council, a person to whom any of the powers of the Investigation Committee is delegated under section 42E(1) or to such other position, as the case may be, or during or after the performance of or assisting in the performance of such function, preserve and aid in preserving secrecy with regard to any matter coming to his knowledge in the performance or in assisting in the performance of any such function;
  (b) shall not at any time communicate any such matter to any other person; and
  (c) shall not at any such time suffer or permit any other person to have any access to any record, document or other thing which is in his possession or under his control by virtue of his being or having been so appointed or his having performed or having assisted any other person in the performance of such a function.(2) Subsection (1) shall not apply in relation to any disclosure made in relation to or for the purpose of any disciplinary proceedings under Part V or criminal proceedings.
  (3) Any person who contravenes subsection (1) commits an offence and is liable on conviction to a fine at level 6 and to imprisonment for 6 months.
  (Part VA added 96 of 1994 s. 29)
  Cap 50 s 42H Immunity
  No liability shall be incurred by any person in respect of anything done or omitted to be done by him in good faith in the performance or exercise or purported performance or exercise of any function or power under this Part.
  (Added 23 of 2004 s. 48)
  Cap 50 s 43 (Repealed 23 of 2004 s. 50)
  (Repealed 23 of 2004 s. 50)
  Cap 50 s 44 Ordinance not to apply to public officers in connexion with their duties
  This Ordinance shall not apply to the Director of Audit or to any other public officer in connexion with his duties as such.
  Cap 50 s 45 Fees and expenses
  Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance, no person shall be entitled to recover any fees, remuneration or expenses for or in respect of any appointment held or services rendered by him as a certified public accountant (practising) unless he is a certified public accountant holding a practising certificate or a corporate practice.
  (Amended 85 of 1995 s. 22; 23 of 2004 ss. 51 & 54)
  Cap 50 s 46 Fees payable to Registrar of Companies
  Adaptation amendments retroactively made - see 31 of 1999 s. 3
  There shall be paid to the Registrar of Companies for the registration of any document required by this Ordinance to be registered or to be delivered, sent or forwarded to the Registrar of Companies such fees as the Chief Executive may prescribe by notice in the Gazette.
  (Amended 8 of 1993 s. 4; 31 of 1999 s. 3)
  Cap 50 s 47 (Repealed 96 of 1994 s. 30)
  Cap 50 s 48 Omission to give notice of meetings
  The omission to give notice of any meeting of the Council or any general meeting of the Institute, or the failure by a member of the Council or a certified public accountant to receive such a notice shall not invalidate the proceedings at the meeting or any resolution passed thereat.
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 49 Resignation from the Institute
  Resignation from the Institute
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (1) A certified public accountant may, by notice in writing under his hand, tender to the Council his resignation from the Institute.
  (2) The resignation shall take effect upon the deletion from the register, with the approval of the Council, of the certified public accountant's name.
  (3) The Council may refuse to accept the resignation of a certified public accountant if- (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (a) it has reason to believe that such accountant has been guilty of conduct, or that circumstances exist, which could justify the removal of his name from the register under section 35(1)(a);
  (b) it is aware that a complaint concerning such accountant has been preferred and is before the Council or the Disciplinary Committee; or
  (c) the certified public accountant is indebted to the Institute.
  (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  Cap 50 s 50 Application of a corporate practice for removal from the register
  (1) A corporate practice may apply in writing to the Council to be removed from the register.
  (2) The provisions of section 49(2) and (3) shall apply mutatis mutandis to an application under this section.
  (Added 85 of 1995 s. 23)
  Cap 50 s 51 Power of Council to make rules
  (1) The Council may make rules-
  (a) specifying provisions to be included in the memorandum or articles of association of companies applying for registration under section 28E or registered in the register;
  (b) specifying all or any of the terms on which insurance policies to which this section applies are to be provided including terms as to run-offs;
  (c) specifying the following amounts in Hong Kong dollars, namely, the minimum cover as regards any particular claim by way of professional indemnity on foot of insurance policies to which this section applies and the minimum aggregate cover provided as regards a specified period by way of such indemnity;
  (d) specifying 1 or more formulae or a scheme by the use of or by reference to which an amount, being such minimum cover or minimum aggregate cover, is to be calculated or otherwise ascertained;
  (e) enabling professional indemnity insurance to be effected by means of a policy covering all or any 1 or more of the following-
  (i) every certified public accountant for the time being; (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 54)
  (ii) every firm for the time being of certified public accountants (practising); (Amended 23 of 2004 s. 52)
  (iii) (Repealed 23 of 2004 s. 52)
  (v) all such accountants, firms or practices as are of a class or description specified in the rules;(f) regulating the conduct of inquiries by the Disciplinary Committee and for other matters relating to such inquiries including re-hearings in specified circumstances; and
  (g) providing for matters incidental or supplementary to any matter mentioned in the foregoing paragraphs.(2) Rules under this section may also relate to all companies described in subsection (1)(a) or all insurance policies to which this section applies or to such companies or policies as are of a class or description specified in the rules.
  (3) This section applies to insurance policies of professional indemnity insurance which are, or are proposed to be, effected, whether wholly or partly, for the purposes of section 28D.
  (4) For the avoidance of doubt, it is hereby declared that section 34 of the Interpretation and General Clauses Ordinance (Cap 1) does not apply to rules made under this section. (Added 23 of 2004 s. 52)
  (Added 85 of 1995 s. 23)
  Cap 50 s 52 Council may delegate
  (1) The Council may delegate to any person or to a committee of the Council any of the powers or duties granted to or imposed on the Council under this Ordinance, other than the power to make rules under section 51.
  (2) Where the Council makes a delegation under subsection (1) it may at the same time authorize the person or committee to whom the delegation is made to sub-delegate the power delegated and such authorization may contain restrictions or conditions as regards the exercise of the power to sub-delegate under the authorization.
  (Added 23 of 2004 s. 53)
  Cap 50 s 53 Immunity for the members of the Council, etc.
  No personal liability shall be incurred by any of the members of the Council, the Registrar or any officer or employee of the Institute or any person to whom any powers or duties of the Council is delegated in respect of any act done or any omission made by him in good faith in the performance or exercise or purported performance or exercise of any function or power under this Ordinance.
  (Added 23 of 2004 s. 53)
  Cap 50 SCHEDULE (Repealed 96 of 1994 s. 31)

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