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发文标题: 江苏省国家税务局2016-2018年度国际税收遵从管理规划
发文文号: 苏国税发[2016]125号
发文部门: 江苏省国家税务局
发文时间: 2016-8-9
法规类型: 征收管理
所属行业: 所有行业
所属区域: 江苏
阅读人次: 3201
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  经济全球化使各国经济税收利益的联系更加紧密,跨境交易监管在各国税收管理中日益受到重视。为此,提醒跨国纳税人,特别是“走出去”企业,在全球价值链布局中树立国际税收遵从意识:(1)“走出去”企业在居民国对全球所得负有纳税义务,应充分认识母公司在中国的法律责任和遵从风险,不应仅通过法律形式人为将母公司职能调整到缺乏经济实质的境外子公司,规避境内纳税义务;(2)从商务与税务相结合的角度,统筹本国与东道国投资和税收法律法规,在资本输出、经营、回收阶段,考虑不同投资形式的税收成本,充分做好投资规划; (3)“走出去”企业跨境关联交易应遵循独立交易原则,母公司向境外输出专有技术、商标等无形资产使用权,应合理收取无形资产使用费,确定使用的关联交易定价要符合母国和投资国的税法规定,规避反避税调查风险;(4)母公司将无形资产所有权全部或部分转移到境外的,应遵循国际惯例和通行做法,对无形资产价值进行评估,根据评估作价依法进行税务处理;(5)遇到双重征税、境外涉税争端或不公正税收待遇,可以运用税收协定启动相互磋商程序,维护自身权益。
  pliance Plan on Internatnal Tax Administratn
  Jiangsu Provincial Office, SAT
  At present, internatnal tax reform has entered post-BEPS perd. The great changes on the rules of internatnal taxatn and the increasing demand on tax transparency bring tremendous challenges to business operatn as well as tax administratn. Jiangsu provincial office of SAT (hereinafter referred to as “Jiangsu Office”) initiates operative mpliance between taxpayers and tax authorities, and puts forward the goal of building a demonstratn pilot of transparent internatnal taxatn to realize a modern and internatnalized tax administratn. To meet the new changes of internatnal tax rules and the demands of SAT, as well as proposing the standpoints and research results of tax authority, Jiangsu Office formulates the 2016-2018 pliance Plan on Internatnal Tax Administratn for your reference.
  1.     Cross-border tax risk ntrol should be brought into rporate ernance and internal ntrol
  BEPS reports indicate that enterprises should bring tax management and tax mpliance into rporate ernance and risk management. Years of surveys made by internatnal authoritative institutns shows that cross-border transactns, especially related transactns, are the primary tax risk multinatnal rporatns nfronted. Thanks to G20 tax reform, tax evasn and avoidance of MNCs have drawn more and more attentn of society. We think that to rce cross-border tax risks not only ncerned with operating risks and sts, but also ncerned with the social morality and image of enterprises, and we suggest:
  (1)Bring the ntrol of cross-border tax risk into rporate ernance and internal ntrol. Board of directors should map up risk management strategy and make an overall departmental arrangement for risk preventn;
  (2)Important issues such as intra-group related transactn pricing,cross border restructuring and offshore structure designs should be discussed and decided by board of directors;
  (3)Entrusted Intermediary institutns may provide professnal services, but the legal responsibilities and nsequences of tax-related behavrs should undoubtedly be undertaken by the enterprise itself.
  2.     Fully nsider the ntributn of China's advantageous factors to the profits of Group
  BEPS actn plan clearly points out that special regnal advantage is one of mparable factors, MNCs should fully nsidered the ntributn of special regnal factors when allocate global profits. Therefore, we remind MNCs to pay more attentn to China's special factors as follows:
  (1) Perfect public infrastructure. China is an investment-driven enomy. For decades, Chinese ernment has made a great input on infrastructure and public service facilities. The nvenience of infrastructure in china's east astal regns uld be on par with that in developed untries. Tax essentially is an expense for the use of infrastructure and public service, perfect public goods is helpful for business operatn and profit-making. MNCs should lay attentn and nsideratn on this factor in global profit allocatn;
  (2) Large Chinese market. China has a huge populatn and a fast growing middle class that form a great market capacity and huge nsumer groups. This factor is unique in the world and inimitable by other small and medium-sized developing untries. Those MNCs which oupy major market shares in China should fully nsider and quantify the ntributn of this factor;
  (3) High value-added labor service. China has a large growing number of technicians of high value-added labor service in R&D and software design, many Chinese subsidiaries of MNCs have undertaken R&D activities for the Group but paid mparatively low salaries to those Chinese technicians. MNCs should nsider the st saving of this factor. Tax authorities will fully nsider the ntributns of China's advantageous factors to the profit of Group in Transfer Pricing investigatn, APA and bilateral negotiatn. Jiangsu Office will ncern with the following phenomenon:
  (1) Sales, assets and high value-added labor services of Chinese subsidiaries acunt a high proportn in the Group but profit and tax acunt a low proportn in the Group;
  (2) The Group makes a high sales and profit from Chinese market but leaves a low proportn of profit and tax to Chinese subsidiaries.
  3.     The functns performed and the risk assumed should be aligned with the profit allocated
  BEPS report emphasizes that tax should be aligned with enomic actns and value creatn. In additn, enomic substance should rrespond to the legal form. Therefore, the functns performed and risks assumed reflect directly the enomic actns and value creatn of a mpany. Perspective from Jiangsu Province, over several decades, these are following questns which are ncerned with functn orientatn existing in the subsidiaries of MNEs in China. First is arbitrary.  It is not nsistent to the arm's length principle that Legal form over enomic substance. Send is untruthfulness. Despite the significance of the Chinese market in group value creatn ntinue to improve and local R&D and marketing functns ntinue to increase, lack of regnitn in these issues is mmon among most MNEs. Therefore, it is also a prominent issue that the head office lays a one-sided emphasis on   R&D, marketing and legal form, ignores the enomic substance and value creatn of the Chinese subsidiaries. Third is hysteresis. Many groups are not sensitive to the changes in internatnal tax rules and China's internatnal tax legislatn, thus they normally lack in-depth research in this field. Furthermore, the functn positning of some subsidiaries is unchanged for years, which is totally lagged behind. It may result in tax risks. For these reasons, we remmend MNE group that:
  (1) It is necessary to take a hard look at the functns performed and risks assumed by member mpanies in the business activities in China and positn aurately to match the substance;
  (2)Examine subsidiaries in China dynamically for the changes of business activities. With the Group's development or restructuring, subsidiaries may have changed functns or risk-bearing, for example, increased R&D or marketing. Therefore, it is inappropriate to keep the old positning as pure ntract manufacturer and share a low st-plus returns. The groups should adjust their positning and allocatn of profits of Chinese subsidiaries to the actual situatn;
  (3)Appropriate mpensatn should be nsidered when adjusting functns or risks. For example, the subsidiary in China undertakes a lot of the early R & D or marketing activities. However, the group transfers these functns to other affiliates at the threshold of the subsequent return. Thus, the functn adjustment shall be reviewed by arm's length principle and proper mpensatn should be paid for the early functns performed by the subsidiaries.
  4. Localized and entrusted R&D of intangibles should obtain reasonable returns
  Intangible Assets Transfer Pricing Report published by BEPS identifies development, improvement, preservatn, protectn and utilizatn as the five sectors of intangible value creatn. The excess profit brought from intangibles should be shared acrding to its ntributn to value creatn. In practice, such activities as localized transformatn, upgrading and expanding or entrusted R&D carried out by Chinese subsidiaries on the basis of the group original technology shall nstitute intangible value creatn. As a result, we remind transnatnal taxpayers:
  (1) Although the localized or entrusted R&D are guided directly by the head office, it still has such features as decisn making, risk-assuming, use of assets, significant staff input, and play a unique role in value creatn. Head office should obtain proper profit for its functn of Decisn, but the ntributn of localized or entrusted R&D to intangibles cannot be ignored. Furthermore, excess profits cannot be artificially allocated to a mpany purely by legal form, especially to those located in tax havens;
  (2)Entrusted R&D is not mmon intra-group service and cannot be remunerated with a low st-plus rate. Full mpensatn should be obtained nsidering such factors as employment of technicians, utilizatn of R & D results and st saving;
  (3)Enterprise which only has the legal ownership of intangibles or only provide funds rather than bearing risks or performing rresponding functns can just obtained appropriate mpensatn acrding to the arm's-length principle but not excessive returns.
  5. Emphasis on the substance of business restructuring
  Transnatnal taxpayers restructure frequently across the world, many restructuring activities involve adjustment of business functns and assets allocatn of the Chinese members. Acrding to the China's Enterprise Inme Tax Law, business restructuring should be based on reasonable business purpose and enomic substance. Otherwise tax authorities will re-determine the nature and make some tax adjustment. To this end, reminds transnatnal taxpayers:
  (1)Restructuring should be based on reasonable business purpose rather than solely or primarily obtain tax benefit through artificially setting intermediate structure or increasing trading links, etc;
  (2)Business restructuring should be evidenced by internal decisn-making procres and relevant documents including the decisn of board, internal memorandum, assessment reports, ntracts, supplementary agreements, vouchers of receipt and payment, rerds of mmunicatn, etc;
  (3) Business restructuring must have substantive transfer of functns, risks, or assets. The actual implementatn of the ntract should be nsistent to the form. In additn, the profit attributable to the parties shall be aligned to the assets and functns of the new nfiguratn.
  6. Applicatn of the appropriate transfer pricing method based on value ntributn
  BEPS report indicates that transfer pricing result should be nsistent with value creatn. It emphasizes the determinatn of pricing should be aligned with the arm's length principle based on the effective analysis of functns and risks in the transactns among associated enterprises. In practice, with globalizatn and development of MNEs, the level of rporate ncentratn is very high in some industries. Due to lack of mparable informatn, it is hard to use traditnal transfer pricing methods. Therefore, BEPS Actn Plans suggest use diversified methods based on arm's length principle. Acrding to experiences in transfer pricing investigatn, APA practices and nsensus with some MNEs, we remmended that MNEs to adjust mindset and try a new transfer pricing methods based on the analysis of global value chain, which can be divided into three steps specifically:
  (1)llect sufficient informatn including the Group's master file, untry-by-untry report, mmercial databases, internal financial data, etc. The subsidiaries should strengthen intra-group mmunicatn and to promote full understanding of the substance of relevant informatn;
  (2)Analyze the operatn and profit of the group value chain, make clear the functns and relevant undertakers on the value chain, and identify the re elements in value creatn, such as intangibles, fixed assets, personnel and market;
  (3)Allocate the total profit on the value chain to different functn bearers acrding to a set re indicators (such as assets, sales, expenses, sts, etc.) to ensure that the allocatn match the functns performed and the risks assumed by these parties on the value chain. Analysis should be based on the arm's length principle and mutual understanding should be reached through full mmunicatn between taxpayers and tax authority to avoid simply applying the formula allocatn method to allocate profits.
  7. Avoid aggressive tax planning
  G20 tax reform reach the nsensus that tax should be based on enomic substance and double non-taxatn should be averted. Member untries should review and revise their internal tax laws to s up loopholes. Therefore, we suggest that multinatnal taxpayers should avoid aggressive tax planning principally purposed on tax avoidance as follows:
  (1)Set up a shell mpany in a low tax area, which only meet the legal form rather than oupying substantial enomic activity, and attribute equity, debt, intangibles to this mpany. The mpany enjoys preference of tax treaty, and at the same time enjoys tax exemptn of the low tax untry;
  (2)Set up a multi-layer overseas shareholding structure, and transformed a mpany to a foreign mpany in legal form, but  substantially actual management anizatn still keep in China, so as to avoid Chinese tax jurisdictn;
  (3) Rce artificially the amount of taxable items through splitting ntracts, signing tripartite ntract, ncealing or rcing non-resident services, evading identificatn of permanent establishment, deliberately adjusting or nfusing charged items in a general ntract ntaining equipment import, technical service, and technology utilizatn. Tax authorities will make tax adjustment in acrdance with the principle of substance over form to prevent tax base erosn and profit shift.
  8. Avoid the mismatches with high tax risk
  From the perspective of the tax authorities, we inform multinatnals that tax authorities are especially paying attentn to the possible mismatches existing in the following situatns:
  (1)Mismatch between the profit trend of the group and its members in China. The group as a whole makes profit while Chinese members make very few profits or even are in red;
  (2)Mismatch between the group's social image and its tax ntributn. The group enjoys great popularity both at home and abroad, while Chinese members have paid little tax at where they are located;
  (3)Mismatch between valuatn and profit allocatn. The Chinese members are major manufacturing bases of the group and even have R&D functn, and Chinese market acunts for the key market of the group. Yet, Chinese members have been attributed with a very small share of the group's profit;
  (4)Mismatch between the status of hi-tech enterprise and its tax performance. The enterprise are paying great amount of royalty to foreign untry and making few profit while enjoying preferential treatment as hi-tech enterprise;
  (5)Mismatch between the expansn of business scale and the inefficiency of business performance. Chinese members are running with stable or even expanding business scale, but the long-term small profit or loss ntinues;
  (6)Mismatch between the input and the output. Chinese members have paid royalty and other group expenses for years, but the applicatn of intangibles and the service bought at high price failed to result in good business performance. To the ntrary, many Chinese members maintained their long-term small profit or loss.
  9. Improve the quality of transfer pricing documentatn
  Acrding to Transfer Pricing Documentatn and untry?by?untry Reporting, the Final Report of BEPS Actn 13, taxpayers are required to prepare master files, local files and untry-by-untry report, which require multinatnals to disclose more informatn. In practice, there are prominent problems such as informatn from taxpayers' transfer pricing documentatn being not in nformity with that from their tax returns, functn-defining being not in nformity with the actual situatn, mparable chosen with strong subjectivity, lack of ratnality when adjusting special factors, preparatn of documentatn in fixed form, which rced significance of transfer pricing documentatn. Some taxpayers even make low-level errors such as the innsistency of the figures of cross-border related transactns from acunting book, tax returns and transfer pricing documentatn. The management, business and financial personnel of many enterprises are short of basic understanding about arm's length principle, mparable identificatn and pricing rules. Many enterprises do not have the decisn-making power on market and pricing and have to follow the decisns of headquarters. When preparing the transfer pricing documentatn, they can hardly mmunicate well with the headquarters, which leads to ntradictns and nflicts between the documentatn and master files prepared by the headquarters. Hence, the multinatnal taxpayers are expected to pay great attentn to the quality of transfer pricing documentatn:
  (1)Pay close attentn to the upming new rules on transfer pricing documentatn, prepared varus informatn as required authentically, mpletely and aurately; prepare the local file, master file and untry-by-untry report in a systematic way to avoid mistakes and omissns, ntradictns and deficiency;
  (2)The quality of transfer pricing documentatn is critical for risk rating. Tax authorities will review the transfer pricing documentatn, raise the risk level of the taxpayers with poor quality of documentatn and give prrity in transfer pricing investigatn;
  (3)Tax intermediaries are supposed to put into play their professnal skills, help enterprises to improve the quality of their documentatn. As to those intermediaries and their employees engaging in the preparatn of documents but with poor quality, the tax authorities will make them known within certain extent;
  (4)As required by principle of tax transparency, gist of BEPS Reports and tax laws of China, the headquarters of multinatnals are expected to pay more attentn on risk ntrol of cross-border related transactns, to improve the quality of documentatn, and to help Chinese members to disclose actual situatn about its global structure and pricing principles and other informatn to avoid ntradictns and nflicts between the global files, untry-by-untry report and the transfer pricing documentatn.
  10. Pay attentn to the mpliance of legal obligatn on reporting and filing
  Administratn and taxatn acrding to law not only require tax authorities to regulate law enforcement by the list of duties, but also raise higher requirement on taxpayers' self reporting. Taxpayers are responsible for the legal mpliance of reporting and filing. As a result, from the perspective of internatnal taxatn, the multinatnal taxpayers are expected to:
  (1)Perform reporting and filing obligatns in time, including reporting of related transactns and non-resident tax withholding,  and putting on rerd of non-resident ntracts, outbound payment, treaty treatment, special tax treatment, indirect transfer of property and outbound investment, which shall all be finished within time limits;
  (2)Reported and filed informatn and data shall reflect authentically and mpletely the operatn. Tax authorities will review these informatn and data through internal and external cross-match to find out mistakes and missing;
  (3)The mpliance with reporting and filing requirements will influence risk rating of enterprises. Risk management of tax authorities was triggered by analysis and cross-match of the reported and filed informatn. Risk treatment will be initiated to those with major mistakes and improper applicatn of policy.
  11. Fully understand the impact of The Multilateral nventn on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, CRS and FATCA
  With the suessive implementatn of The Multilateral nventn on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, CRS and FATCA, the internatnal operatn in tax administratn will be expanded to automatic batch informatn exchange of financial acunts, which will greatly squeeze the space of cross-border tax evasn and avoidance caused by informatn opacity. Multinatnal enterprises' informatn such as (individual and entity) acunt holder's name, address, acunt balance and inme including dividend, interest and capital inme will be disclosed to tax authorities. Therefore, multinatnal taxpayers are expected to:
  (1) fully understand the details of The Multilateral nventn on Mutual Administrative Assistance in Tax Matters, CRS and FATCA, analyze the potential impacts, and  standardize the management of financial acunts related to dividend, interest and capital inme;
  (2) study the tax laws of untries related to their cross-border operatn and standardize the distributn group profit and tax resources among untries acrding to G20's principle of nforming tax rights with enomic substance;
  (3) report or adjust potential risks of hiding inme or parking profits in offshore acunts as required by domestic tax regulatns. Tax authorities will strengthen administratn on cross-border tax evasn and avoidance through internatnal operatn and ordinatn of rporate inme tax and individual inme tax.
  12. Be aware of the internatnal tax mpliance in the ntext of global value chain
  Enomic globalizatn has made untries ntact more closely in enomic and tax interests. In this light, supervisn and administratn on cross-border transactns has drawn more attentn in tax administratn all over the world. Therefore, multinatnal taxpayers, going-abroad enterprises in particular, are expected to be aware of the internatnal tax mpliance in the ntext of global value chain.
  (1) Enterprises with outbound investment are obliged to pay tax in resident untry for global inme, shall fully understand the parent mpany's legal responsibilities and mpliance risks, and shall not artificially move parent mpany's functn to foreign subsidiaries without enomic substance by arrangements in legal form to avoid domestic tax obligatn;
  (2)Enterprises with outbound investment shall, from the perspective of nnecting business with taxatn, make a sufficient plan by taking into nsideratn laws and regulatns ncerning investment and taxatn in both home untry and host untry and tax st of different forms of investment in different phases of outbound investment;
  (3) Enterprises with outbound investment shall follow arm's length principle in related transactns. When transferring abroad right of using intangibles such as know-how and trademark, the parent mpany is supposed to charge reasonably for that. The pricing for related transactns shall be in nformity with tax laws of both home untry and host untry to avoid the risk of anti-avoidance investigatn;
  (4) When parent mpany transfers part or whole ownership of intangibles abroad, the intangibles should be assessed and the home untry shall be remunerated in taxatn acrding to internatnal practices;
  (5)When enterprises with outbound investment enunter double taxatn, tax disputes or unfair tax treatment in foreign untries, they can initiate MAP of tax treaty to safeguard rights and interests.
  13. Strengthen mmunicatn between taxpayers and tax authorities to improve transparency
  G20 tax reform advocates better transparency to solve tax issues caused by informatn asymmetry. Good mmunicatn between taxpayers and tax authorities and informatn transparency reflects taxpayer's voluntary mpliance and is the re of operative mpliance. To this end, multinatnal taxpayers are expected to:
  (1) mmunicate actively with tax authorities. In case of group plan or global arrangement, Chinese member is expected to invite headquarter to mmunicate with tax authority, so as to help tax authority reach rrect judgment and adopt reasonable tax treatment;
  (2) mmunicate or provide documents to tax authority. To those who refuse to mmunicate or provide documents, tax authority will llect and review informatn through tax informatn exchange or other channels, and take necessary measures such as administrative punishment and approved llectn based on actual situatn;
  (3) pay special attentn that if taxpayer refuse to provide evidence which is obliged to provide by law in the process of tax examinatn, the urt in China will not aept the evidence if provided later in litigatn procre.
  14. Pay attentn to Jiangsu's administrative measures ncerning cross-border tax resources.
  Since 2016 internatnal tax reform entered into post-BEPS era when the fruits of reform will be transformed and put into practice. The reform of deepening administrative system of state and local taxatn in China is to be implemented. Jiangsu provincial Office of SAT will further change ideas and methods, update technology, facilitate innovatn to improve the supervisn and ntrol over multinatnal taxpayers:
  (1) Carry out analysis based on big data. Integrate informatn of tax returns, business database and third party resources, use data warehouse technology to screen risks, supervise the profit fluctuatn of multinatnal mpanies. Determine risk rating by evaluating enterprise's internal ntrol, sense of mmunicatn, transparency, quality of documentatn, etc and carry out classified risk response;
  (2) Focusing on functn performed, orientatn of value chain, match of enomic substance and tax ntributn, strengthen anti-avoidance investigatn on such avoidance behavrs as transfer pricing, thin capitalizatn, CFC, profit shifting by using intangibles and financial instruments;
  (3)Establish high-level mmunicatn channels. Jiangsu Office will enhance direct mmunicatn with head office of MNEs to nvey viewpoints and treatments ncerning cross-border tax cases, involve head office to participate in informatn disclosure and dialogue with tax authority so as to solve problems of informatn asymmetry, time-nsuming of decisn-making process and poor quality of risk response;
  (4) Actively put the fruits of internatnal tax reform into practice. Pay much attentn to hot issues such as profit ntributn of China's advantageous factors, profit returns of localizatn of intangible, applying the method of value ntributn allocatn, abuse of treaty, artificially avoiding the status of permanent establishment, respond to taxpayers' ncerns and enrich China's viewpoints to safeguard natnal tax interests.

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