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发文标题: 国家税务总局关于印发《征收个人所得税若干问题的规定》的通知[附英文]
发文部门: 国家税务总局
发文时间: 1994-3-31
实施时间: 1994-3-31
法规类型: 个人所得税
所属行业: 所有行业
所属区域: 中国
阅读人次: 4414
评论人次: 1
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  (State Administration of Taxation: 31 March 1994 Coded Guo Shui Fa[1994] No. 089)
  Whole Doc.To the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions andmunicipalities, to the tax bureausofvariouscitieswithindependentplanningandtovarioussub-bureausoftheOffshoreOilTaxAdministration:
  The Regulations on Some IssuesConcerningtheLevyofIndividualIncome Tax we have formulated is hereby printed and issued to you,pleaseconscientiously put it into practice. These Regulations go into effectonJanuary 1, 1994.REGULATIONS ON SOME ISSUES CONCERNING THE LEVY OF INDIVIDUAL INCOME TAX
  In order to better implement the Individual IncomeTaxLawofthePeople's Republic of China(hereinafterreferredtoasTaxLaw)andRegulationsforItsImplementation(hereinafterreferredtoasRegulations),conscientiouslydoagoodjobofthecollectionandmanagement of individual income tax, in the spirit of the stipulationsofthe Tax Law and Regulations, some specific questions are herebyclarifiedas follows:
  I. The question concerning how to understand "habitual residence"
  Article 2 of the Regulations stipulatesthatindividualswhohaveresidences within the territory of China refer tothoseindividualswholivehabituallywithintheterritoryofChinabecausetheyhavehouseholds, families and relations of economic interests, the term"habitual residence" is a standard of a legal significance whichisusedto determine whether the tax payer is a residentornon-resident,notrefer to the actual residence or the apartment in a particular period. Forexample, those individuals who live outsideChinaduetostudy,work,visiting relatives or tour, after the end of these activities, the reasonsfor them to live outside China no longer exist and thereforemustreturnto live within China, thenChinaisthecountryofthetaxpayer'shabitual residence.II. The question concerning the levy of tax on the income from wagesandsalaries
  Item 1 in Clause 1 of Article 8 of the Regulations clearly stipulatesthe concrete contents of the income gained from wages and salaries and thetax- levying scope, tax shall be levied strictly inaccordancewiththestipulations. As to the question regarding whethersomespecificincomeitems such assubsidiesandallowancesshouldbeincludedintothetax-levying scope related to income gained from wagesandsalaries,thematter shallbehandledandimplementedinlightofthefollowingconditions:
  (1) Article13oftheRegulationsstipulatesthatthespecialgovernmentallowancesissuedinaccordancewiththeStateCouncilstipulations and the subsidies and allowances on whichindividualincometax are exempt according to State Council stipulation shall be exempt fromindividual income tax. Tax shall be levied on various other subsidiesandallowances which shall be included intotheitemsofwageandsalaryincomes.
  (2) The following subsidies and allowances essentially notbelongingto wage and salary or not belonging to income gained from the taxpayer'sown wage and salary are exempt from tax:
  1. One-child subsidies;
  2. The balance of subsidies and allowances not included in thetotalamount of basic wage for implementing the public functionarywagesystemand non-staple food subsidies for family members;
  3. Nursery subsidies;
  4. Travel expense allowances and subsidies for missing the meal.III. Question concerning the levy of tax on the wageandsalaryincomeearnedbyChinesepersonnelworkingwithenterprisewithforeigninvestment, foreign enterprises and foreign organizations in China
  (1) For those wage and salaryincomegainedbyChinesepersonnelworking with enterprise with foreign investment, foreignenterprisesandforeign organizations in China which are paid respectively bythehiringunit and dispatching unit, the paying unit shall withholdtheindividualincome tax in accordance with the stipulations of Article 8 of the TaxLaw. According to the stipulations of Item 1 of Clause 1 of Article6ofthe Tax Law, the balance after deducting the prescribed expensefromthewhole monthly wage and salary incomes shall be taken as the taxable amountof income. To facilitate the collection and management of tax, with regardto the wages and salaries paid respectively by thehiringunitandthedispatching unit, the method of deducting expenses fromthepayer,thatis, when wages and salaries are paid only by the hiring unit, expenses arededucted in accordance with the stipulation of the Tax Law andindividualincome tax is calculated and withheld; expenses are no longer bedeductedfrom the wages and salaries paid by the dispatching unit, the fullamountof payment is used to directlydeterminetheapplicabletaxrateandcalculate and withhold individual income tax.
  The above-mentioned tax payershallbringwithhimtheoriginaldetailed wage and salary lists (documents)providedbythetwopayingunits andtheoriginaltaxpaymentcertificateandselectthetaxauthorities as the fixed place where he shall declare his monthly wage andsalary income and make the final settlement of individualincometaxonhis wage and salary incomes, any overpaymentrefundedoranydeficientpayment supplemented. The concrete time limitfordeclarationshallbedetermined by the tax bureaus of various provinces, autonomous regions andmunicipalities.
  (2) Full amount of tax shall be levied on the wage and salary incomesissued to Chinese personnel by enterprise with foreign investment, foreignenterprises and foreign establishments in China. Butforthosewhocanprovide effective contracts or related certificates which canprovetheyhave turned over part of their wage and salary income to the dispatching(recommending) units in accordance with relevant stipulations,individualincome tax can be calculated and levied onthebalanceafterdeductingthat part they have actually turned over to the higher authorities.IV. The question concerning the levy of tax on incomefromcontributionfees
  (1) The same works (written works, calligraphy and paintings,photosas well as other works) published by an individual each time in theformsof books, newspapers and magazines, whether the contribution fees are paidin advance or in several sums by the publisher,orfurthercontributionfees are paid after more copies of the work are printed, individual incometax shall be calculated and levied lump sum on the combined incomegainedfrom contribution fees. In terms of income gained fromcontributionfeesfor the same workspublishedorrepublishedintwoormoreplaces,individual income tax may be calculated andleviedonseparateincomesgained from different places or from republication.
  (2) Foranindividual'ssameworkpublishedininstalmentsinnewspapers or magazines, all incomes gained fromcontributionfeespaidfor the works published in instalments shallbecombinedinlumpsum,individualincometaxonwhichshallbecalculatedandleviedinaccordance with the stipulations of the Tax Law. Theincomegainedfromcontribution fees paid for the book published after the work ispublishedin instalments, or income gained from contribution fees paid for thebookfirst published and then published in installments shallberegardedascontribution fees paid for the second edition on whichindividualincometax shall be calculated and levied oneachtimecontributionfeesarepaid.
  (3) After the death of the author, if the contribution fees paidforthe posthumous works,individualincometaxshallbeleviedonthecontribution fees.V.Thequestionconcerningtaxleviedonincomegainedfromtheauctioning of manuscripts
  For the income gained by the author whoopenlysellstheoriginalcopies or replicas ofhisownwrittenworks(atcompetitiveprice),individual income tax shall be levied on the income gained from royalties.VI. The question concerning tax levied on income from theleaseofhisproperty
  (1) The tax and the key construction funds for the state's energy andcommunications,thestatebudgetaryregulatoryfundsandadditionaleducation fees paid by the tax payer in the course of leasing property maybe deducted from the income gained from the lease of hispropertyifheholds the certificate showing that hehaspaidtax(andtherequiredfunds).
  (2) When calculating and levying tax on the incomegainedfromthelease of the property of the tax payer, apart from the prescribed expensesand related tax and fees that can be deductedaccordingtolaw,itispermissible to deduct the actual bettermentfeespaidforthatleasedproperty bythetaxpayerwhocanprovideseffectiveandaccuratecertificates proving that the expenses are borne byhim.Thebettermentfees allowed to bedeductedislimitedto800yuaneachtime,thebetterment fees which cannot be fully deducted at one time are allowedtobe deducted the next time until they are completely deducted.
  (3) A tax payer whose income from the lease of property isconfirmedshall have the property right certificate as the basis, when such propertyright certificate is lacking, the tax payer shallbedeterminedbythecompetent tax authorities in light of the actual conditions.
  (4) When the owner of the property right dies, during the period whenthe procedures for inheritance to the property rights have not as yet beenperformed, if there is income gained from the lease of that property,theindividual who receives the rent shall be the tax payer.VII. The question concerning how to determine the original valueofthecreditor property transferred.
  For the transfer of creditor's rights, the weighted average method isadopted todeterminetheoriginalvalueofpropertyandreasonableexpenses which shall be deducted. This means,thetotalofthebuyingprice paid by the tax payer for the purchase of the kind of bonds andthetax paid in the purchasing course divided by the total oftheamountofthat kind of bonds purchased by the tax payer and multiplied by the amountof that kind of bonds sold by the tax payer and plus the tax paidinthecourse of selling that kind of bonds. This is indicated bythefollowingformula:
  The total of
  the buying
  price paid
  by the tax
  payer when
  The buyingpurchasing that
  price andkind of bonds
  expensesand the tax paidThe tax
  allowed toin the courseThe amountpaid in
  be deductedof purchaseof that kindthe course
  for the=-----------------xof bonds sold+of buying
  certain kindThe total amountat one timethat kind
  of bondsof that kind ofof bonds
  sold atbonds purchased
  one timeby the tax payerVIII. The question concerning tax levied on the director fees
  For the income derived from the director fees gained by an individualfor assuming the post as a director isessentiallyincomebelongingtolabor service remuneration, individual income tax is levied inaccordancewith the item of income from labor service remuneration.IX. The question concerningtaxleviedontheincomegainedbyanindividual from different items of labor service remunerations
  The "same item" mentioned in Item 1, Clause 1 of Article21oftheRegulations refers to a certain singleitemamongthelistedconcretelabor service items related to income from labor service remuneration, foran individual who concurrently has incomefromdifferentlaborserviceremunerations, expenses should besubtractedseparatelyandindividualincome tax shall be calculated and paid.X. The question concerning how to determine the place for tax paymentbya foreign tax payer who works in several places in China
  (1) Foreign personnel whotemporarilycometoChinatoworkatseveral places or provide labor services shall take the date prescribed bythe Tax Law for declaration of tax payment as the standard and declares topay tax at a certain place where the date for declaration of taxpayment.But he is allowed to file an application, After the application is grantedapproval, he may declare tax payment at a fixed place.
  (2) For foreign tax payers to whom wages and salaries areissuedbyforeign enterprises or working bodies in China, the foreign enterprises orworkingbodiesinChinashalldeclaretaxpaymentwithlocaltaxauthorities for all these foreign tax payers.XI. The question concerning tax levied on bonuses issued
  When a shareholding enterprise distributes dividends and bonuses, thedue dividends and bonuses (i. e., issuing bonuses) are paid in the form ofshares to individual share-holders, the face value of the shares issued asbonuses shall be taken as the amount of income, and individual incometaxshall be calculatedandleviedinlightoftheitemsofinterest,dividends and bonuses.XII. The question concerning calculation of thepayabletaxamountbyusing the method of rapid calculation of deducted amount
  In order tosimplifythecalculationofthepayableamountofindividual income tax, the payable tax amount canbecalculatedbythemethod of rapid calculation of the deducted amount related totheincomefrom wages and salaries, the incomefromproductionandmanagementofindividualindustrialandcommercialunits,theincomeearnedbyenterprises or institutions from contracting and leasing business to whichthe progressive rates levied on income in excess of specificamountsareapplicable, as well as income from labor service remuneration to which therate of addition collection is applicable. The formula for calculating thepayable tax amount is given as follows:
  Payabletaxamount=taxableincomeamountxapplicabletaxrates-rapid calculation of deducted amount
  The rapid calculation of deducted amount for calculating payabletaxamount for the taxable income to which the progressive rates are levied onincome in excess of specific amounts, for details see attached Tables 1, 2and 3.XIII. The question concerning tax levied on bonusesforseveralmonthsearned lump sum by the tax payer oronadditionalyear-endsalaryandlabor dividends
  With regard to the bonuses belonging to several months oradditionalyear-end salary and labor dividends gained lumpsumbythetaxpayer,generally individual income tax is calculatedandleviedonthewholebonuses or additional year-end salary and labordividendstogetherwiththe wage and salary of the current month. But when the applicable tax rateis raised after calculation of the combined amount, individual incometaxmay be calculated and levied at the applicable tax rate byusingmonthlybonuses or additional year-end salaryandlabordividendstoaddthecurrent month wage and salary and subtractthebalanceofthecurrentmonth expenses deducted according to standard, the balance is regardedasthe base number to determine the applicable taxrate,thenthecurrentmonth wage and salary is used toaddthewholebonusesoradditionalyear-end salary and labor dividends and to subtractthebalanceofthecurrent month expenses deducted according tostandard.Ifthereisnoamount of taxableincomecalculatedaccordingtotheabove-mentionedmethod. tax is exempt.XIV. The question concerning the method for calculating andlevyingtaxborne by a unit or individual who is the tax payer
  For theindividualincometaxpaymentbornebyaunitoranindividual who is the tax payer, the income not containing taxgainedbythe tax payer shall be converted into a taxableincomeamountonwhichindividual income tax shall becalculatedandlevied.Thecalculationformula is given as follows:
  (1) Payable income amount =
  (the income amount not containing tax -
  expense deducting standard -
  rapid calculation deducted amount) -
  (1 - tax rate)
  (2) Taxable amount =
  taxable income amount x applicable tax rate -
  the rapid calculation deducted amount
  The tax rate in formula (1) refers to the tax rate correspondingtothe grade difference not containing tax (for detail see attached taxrateTables 1, 2, and 3) on the income not containingtax;thetaxrateinformula (2) refers to the tax rate corresponding to thegradedifferencecontaining tax on the amount of taxable income.XV. The Question concerning howtohandletaxreimbursementandtaxrepayment for the income earned in foreign currency by the tax payer
  (1) When the income is earned in foreign currency bythetaxpayerand after tax is paid with Renminbi converted from the foreign currency inaccordance with the listed price published by the People's Bank ofChina,if tax reimbursement is needed to be made for the extra taxpayment,fortaxable income gainedbeforeDecember31,1993,thetaxpaymentinRenminbi which should be refunded can be converted intoforeigncurrencyin accordance with the listed foreign exchange price(buyingprice,thesame below), at the time when tax is paid,thentheamountofforeigncurrency is converted into Renminbi in accordance with the listedforeignexchange price on the day the tax reimbursement certificate isissuedtoreturn the tax in Renminbi; for the taxable income gained after January 1,1994, the extra tax payment in Renminbi shall be refunded directly.
  (2) For the tax payer who earned incomeinforeignexchange,whenthere is the need to repay tax for theunderpaidtax,besidesafinalsettlement should be made in accordance with the stipulations oftheTaxLaw, it is necessary to convert theforeigncurrencyintoRenminbiinaccordance with the listed foreign exchange price on the last dayoftheprevious month when the tax repayment certificate is issued, calculate thetaxable income amount and repay tax.XVI. The question concerning how to calculate and levy taxonthewageand salary income gained respectively from inside and outside China.
  For a tax payer who has wage and salary income gainedsimultaneouslyfrom inside and outside China, it is necessarytofollowtheprinciplestipulated in Article 5 of the Regulations tojudgewhethertheincomegained from inside and outside China is income derived fromonecountry.When the tax payer can provide effective certificate proving that he holdsa post or is hired simultaneously inside and outsideChinaaswellthewage and salary standard, his income can be determined asincomederivedfrom both inside and outsideChina,theexpensesshallbesubtractedseparately inaccordancewiththestipulationsoftheTaxLawandRegulations and tax payment should be calculated; for thosewhofailtoprovide the above-mentioned certificate, the income shall beregardedasincome earned from one country, if the unit where he holds apostorishired is outside China, the income shall be regarded as income earned fromoutside China.XVII. The question concerning howtocalculateandlevytaxifthecontracting or leasing period is less than one year
  For a tax payer who engages in the contracting and leasingbusiness,theincomegainedfromthecontractingandleasingbusinessonatax-paying year basis shall be used to calculate tax payment,withinonetax-paying year, if the contracting or leasing operation is lessthan12months, the number ofmonthsfortheactualcontractingandleasingoperation is taken as a tax-paying yeartocalculatetaxpayment.Thecalculation formula is as follows:
  The taxable income amount=theincomeamountfromthatyear'scontracting and leasing operation - (800 x the number of months ofactualcontracting and leasing operation in that year)
  Taxable amount = taxable income amount x applicable taxrate-rapidcalculation deducted amountXVIII. The question concerning interest, dividend and bonus
  withholding agent The levying method of source withholding is
  instituted for interest, dividend and bonus incomes, thewithholdingagent should be the unit which directly pay interest, dividendandbonusto the tax payer.XIX. The question concerningthedifferencebetweenwageandsalaryincome and income from labor service remuneration
  Wage and salary income belongs tonon-independentindividuallaborservice activity, thatistheremunerationgainedfromthepostanindividual holds in or is hiredbyagovernmentoffice,organization,school, army unit, enterprise, institution as well as other organizations;incomefromlaborserviceistheremunerationgainedfromvariousmechanical arts an individual is independently engaged in and from variouslabor services he provides. The differences between the twoliein:theformer has the relationship between the hirer and thehired,thelatterdoes not have such relationship.XX. IfpreviousregulationsconflictwiththeseRegulations,theseRegulations shall be acted upon.
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