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发文标题: 北京市市场监督管理局等六部门关于进一步推进企业注销便利化优化营商环境的意见
发文文号: 京市监发[2019]5号
发文部门: 北京市市场监督管理局 北京海关 北京市人力资源和社会保障局 北京市商务局 北京市住房公积金管理中心 国家税务总局北京市税务局
发文时间: 2019-1-31
实施时间: 2019-1-31
法规类型: 登记注册管理
所属行业: 所有行业
所属区域: 北京
阅读人次: 695
评论人次: 0
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  北京市市场监督管理局   国家税务总局北京市税务局
  北京市人力资源和社会保障局  北京市商务局
  北京住房公积金管理中心   北京海关

  Opinns of Six Departments Including theAdministratn for Industry and merce on
  Further ImprovingCancellatn Facilitatn and Optimizing the Business Environment
  Jing Shi Jian Fa [2019] No. 5

  The People’s ernments of all districts and all related departments,
  To further deepen the mercial system reform, ntinually optimize the business environment of our city, improve the enterprise exit efficiency and provide more nvenient services for the enterprise to exit from the market, we have, pursuant to the requirements stipulated in the Notice of the State Administratn for Market Regulatn on nducting a Pilot Program of Further Improving the Reform of Simplified Deregistratn of Enterprises (Guo Shi Jian Zhu [2018] No.237) and the Notice on Promoting the nvenience of Enterprise Deregistratn (Guo Shi Jian Zhu [2019] No.30) by five authorities including the State Administratn for Market Regulatn, proposed the opinns as follows.
  I. Further Improve the Pilot Program for the Reform of Simplified Deregistratn of
  1. Expanding the applicability of simplified deregistratn. The simplified deregistratn procres apply to a limited liability pany, unlisted limited pany by share, enterprise owned by the whole people, sole proprietorship enterprise, partnership enterprise, or farmers' professnal operative as well as the branches of the above enterprise which has not menced operatn since receiving business licenses, or has no liabilities or no outstanding liabilities before its applicatn for deregistratn.
  2. Shortening the time of announcement for simplified deregistratn announcement. In the event that an enterprise turns to the simplified deregistratn procres, it may use the free announcement in the natnal enterprise credit system, which duratn is shortened from 45 days (calendar days) to 20 days (calendar days).
  3. Establishing the fault tolerance system and smoothing the channel for simplified deregistratn. Where an enterprise applies for simplified deregistratn, but it is found upon examinatn by the registratn authority that “the enterprise has been included in the list of in the list of enterprises with abnormal business operatns,” “its equities (investment interests) are frozen or pledged or its movable property is mortgaged,” “the enterprise is being investigated or taking administrative arbitrariness and judicial assistance, or being given administrative punishments”, “a non-legal person branch of the enterprise has not been deregistered” or the enterprise falls under any other circumstance where simplified deregistratn procres are not applicable, the enterprise shall be allowed to reapply for simplified deregistratn under the procres after the said abnormal business status ends. Where the text or form of a letter of mitment filled out by an enterprise is non-standard, the registratn authority shall not aept the enterprise's applicatn for simplified deregistratn until supplements and rrectns have been made.
  II. Optimize general deregistratn procres
  4. Optimizing rerdatn procres of liquidatn groups The procres that the enterprise shall clear the rerdatn procres of liquidatn to the pany registratn authority shall be cancelled and are changed to those that enterprises may voluntarily issue announcements on the informatn about the liquidatn groups in the natnal enterprise credit informatn publicatn system free of charge.
  5. Optimizing announcement method. The procres that the enterprise shall issue announcements in newspapers are adjusted to those that the enterprise is allowed to issue announcements free of charge in the natnal enterprise credit informatn publicatn system, thus rcing enterprises’ affairs handling sts.
  6. Streamlining applicatn instrument materials Where an enterprise publicizes the informatn about the liquidatn groups and issues announcements in the natnal enterprise credit informatn publicatn system, it is no longer required to submit materials including the Rerdatn Notificatn of the liquidatn groups or the sample announcement, instead, it only has to submit such materials as deregistratn applicatn, resolutn or decisn made acrding to laws and liquidatn report.
  7. Optimizing tax-related inspectns and examinatns. For taxpayers whose are in the state of “Cancllatn” through online check with the tax authority and are nfirmed of closing all tax clearance formalities are not required to submit the tax clearance certificate to the registratn authority.
  III. nduct categorized handling of tax deregistratn and improve the speed of tax clearance
  8. Optimizing tax-related deregistratn services. For eligible enterprises, the relevant provisns on optimizing tax deregistratn stipulated in the Notice of the State Taxatn Administratn on Further Optimizing Tax De-registratn Procres for Enterprises (Shui Zong Fa [2018] No. 149) will be strictly implemented by providing the tax clearance certificate exemptn service. For eligible enterprises, we will, through the implementatn of the tax clearance certificate exemptn service, optimize the tax deregistratn service, simplify the materials and flows for tax deregistratn handling and implement the “bo” service mode of “one-window aeptance, internal circulatn, pletn of handling tax-related matters within a specified time limit, and window delivery”. We will strengthen the movers of “first asking responsibility system” and “one-off notificatn” to raise the actual feelings of the taxpayers and speed up the tax deregistratn progress.
  IV. Optimize social security registratn and deregistratn to rce enterprises’ affairs handling sts.
  9. Relevant departments optimize deregistratn formalities. The human resources and social security department shall, based on the enterprise deregistratn informatn shared by the market regulatn department, make pre-examinatn in advance and proactively inform the enterprises to settle the social security fees, overdue fees and penalties payable. Optimizing handling process. Enterprises that have cleared all fees before the enterprise deregistratn are no longer required to go to the social security registratn authority to handle the social security deregistratn after they have closed deregistratn. While handling deregistratn involving foreign-invested enterprises or export&import enterprises, the departments of merce and customs shall further improve efficiency, optimize process and streamline materials to provide more nvenient services for the enterprises. The housing provident fund management center shall, based on the enterprise deregistratn informatn shared by the market regulatn department, check the housing provident fund deposit and proactively inform the enterprise to settle the payment of the outstanding housing provident funds.
  V. Solve Knotty Problems to Smooth Exit Channel
  10. Solving the problem of failure to form resolutns due to refusal to operate or missing of shareholders of limited liability panies. First, if the valid resolutn may be formed in acrdance with the provisns in the pany Law and the agreements in the Articles of Associatn, the pany, after informing all shareholders in writing or newspaper announcement to hold the Shareholders’ Meeting, forming the resolutn in the voting proportn stipulated in laws and the Articles of Associatn and closing liquidatn, may apply for deregistratn to the registratn authority with the resolutn and the liquidatn report. Send, if no effective resolutn can be formed, the shareholders of the pany are enuraged to file an mandatory liquidatn applicatn to the people’s urt and apply for deregistratn to the registratn authority with the holding of the urt to close mandatory liquidatn.
  11. Solving the problem of loss of business license If the business license is lost when the applicatn for deregistratn is made, the enterprise may no longer apply for the replacement of the business license. The enterprise, after issuing the statement of business license invalidity free of charge in the natnal enterprise credit informatn disclosure system or publishing the announcement of business license loss in newspaper, mat direct handle deregistratn with relevant materials and the applicatn materials for deregistratn.
  12. Solving the problem that the legal representative is unable to propose the applicatn. The enterprise whose legal representative is unable to propose the deregistratn on behalf of the pany may integrate such two links as legal representative change and deregistratn into one and then make the applicatn to the registratn authority. In case of a pany, the head of the liquidatn group set up by the shareholders acrding to law may sign the deregistratn documents; in case of non-rporate enterprise legal person, the investors may appoint a new legal representative acrding to laws to sign the deregistratn documents.
  VI. Strengthen interdepartmental informatn sharing and business llaboratn
  13. Strengthening llaboratn and sharing of informatn, archives and document. The departments of tax, human resources and social security, merce and housing provident fund may inquire and retrieve necessary digital and video archives online through the “remote inquiry service platform for enterprise registratn informatn and materials” of the market regulatn department.
  14. Gradually implementing the “whole-process electronic” deregistratn model. The electronic video files facilitating applicant’s online submissn of applicatn and of the paper applicatn materials and the electronic data and electronic video files created in the registratn process are the enterprise’s electronic registratn materials and have the same legal effect as the paper materials. The applicant does not have to submit the paper materials on of the registratn department. If the deregistratn is handled in the whole-process electronic channel, the enterprise is not required to return the original paper business license.
  15. Establishing integrated deregistratn service platform. Base on the nstructn scheme of the current E-window platform, the “enterprise deregistratn informatn service platform” will be established to gradually internnect the business flows for handling enterprise deregistratn of all relevant department, realize services for enterprise deregistratn through “one work and provide the applicant with electronic ernment services with clear and transparent handling processes, municated and shared enterprise informatn and whole-process progress traceability.
  VII. Strengthen credit management and improve the system of joint disciplinary actns
  16. Strengthening credit regulatn. Enterprises that are deregistered by submitting fake materials or ncealing important facts by other fraudulent means will be included in the list of serusly illegal and dishonest enterprises acrding to the law, and announced in the natnal enterprise credit informatn disclosure system.
  17. Intensifying dishonesty punishment. For which tax deregistratn is handled by making mitments of fault tolerance, taxpayers shall supply relevant materials and handle relevant taxatn affairs within the pledged time limit. In case of enterprises’ failure to fulfill the mitment, the tax departments shall include theirs legal representatives and persons in charge of finance in the Class D management of tax-paying credit.
  18. Smoothing remedy channels. In case of debt evasn or infringement upon others lawful rights through malicus use of the simplified enterprise deregistratn procres, the relevant stakeholders are supported to claim their legitimate rights and interests against the investors through civil litigatn. If the investors vlate the provisns of laws and regulatns and nstitute a crime, they shall be investigated for criminal liability acrding to law.
  VIII. Effectively strengthen work executn.
  19. Strengthening responsibilities. The Municipal Administratn for Market Regulatn leads the advancement of the enterprise deregistratn facilitatn, is responsible for optimizing the enterprise deregistratn handling process service platform and work with other relevant departments to strengthen the overall ordinatn of the work in this regard. The tax departments are responsible for improving enterprises' experience of tax payment, the human resources and social security departments are responsible for improving the process for enterprises’ payment of social security fees and the housing provident fund management centers are responsible for improving the process for enterprises’ settling housing provident funds. All district people’s ernments shall effectively ratnalize the working mechanism, specify tasks and measures and ordinate the advancement to ensure the true implementatn of the policy.
  20. Wide publicity. All departments shall intensify the publicity of the deregistratn policy, in particular enriching methods and channels of publicity so that enterprises and masses may understand, operate and fully leverage the policy measures. Law and regulatn publicity to enterprises shall be strengthen so that they are fully aware of the legal obligatns and liabilities during deregistratn.
  21. Strengthening training. All departments shall strengthen business training of the staff at both the municipal and district levels to ensure they prehensively understand the reform policy and measures, master the work process and handling requirements and properly provide nsultatn, disclosure and registratn services. The “first asking responsibility system” and “one-off notificatn” shall be fully implemented to substantially resolve varus actual difficulties enuntered by enterprises.
  22. nstant advancement. The optimizatn of enterprise deregistratn will be regarded as long-term reform task to be properly and fully implemented. We shall uphold the problem-oriented philosophy, listen to varus opinns and suggestns from relevant enterprises and masses, solve prominent problems, integrate and reserve more reform policies and measures, stabilize social expectatns and ensure sustained release of reform dividend.
  Municipal Administratn for Market RegulatnMunicipal Tax Service, State Taxatn Administratn
  Municipal Human Resources and Social Security Bureau
  Municipal missn of merce
  Municipal Housing Provident
  Beijing Customs District
  January 31, 2019

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